Sentences with phrase «more irrigation water»

More irrigation water in the future may require agricultural expansion to help with food security whereas less water might mean the region moving out of agricultural altogether, decisions with major implications for investment in regional infrastructure.
According to the National Academy of Sciences, it results in five times more GHG emissions than pork or chicken, while requiring 28 times more land and 11 times more irrigation water.

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Finally, I'd like to talk about three more companies in the water resources sector involved in the production of irrigation systems.
While the cost of desalinated water has steadily decreased, it still is much more expensive than water from traditional irrigation sources.
How IBM Is Bringing Watson to Wine IBM helped the E. & J. Gallo Winery build an irrigation system that taps Jeopardy - winning technology to more efficiently water grapevines...
In the coffee fields of Vietnam, everyday objects that are often thrown away are getting a new lease of life, as tools to help farmers save water by scheduling irrigation more effectively.
As part of Nestlé Waters» ongoing efforts to improve the water efficiency of their operations, the company has implemented a number of conservation techniques and initiatives in their factories over the years, including reverse osmosis to better filter and reuse wastewater, advanced water mapping to more carefully manage the flow of water in and out of the plants, and xeriscaping to reduce supplemental irrigation on the grounds of each factory.
All local California locations will leverage reclaimed wood from California ports and, where possible, newly built restaurants will incorporate more sustainable landscape features such as solar panel canopies over drive - thrus and reclaimed water for irrigation.
«How can we connect the canals better to the canal towns, and what kind of programming should we have so that we attract more tourists and recreation, better quality of life, access to the waterfront, economic development... «it's about tourism, it's about recreation, it's about irrigation for our farmers, it's about water usage for some of the manufacturing and process plants that we have along the canal system,» Quiniones told WXXI News.
Rural phone companies and electric utilities, rural financial institutions, rural farm product marketing companies, companies that provide irrigation water, and lots of the companies that sell goods to farmers, for example, are all organized as cooperatives of either consumers or producers and run on a much more democratic basis than investor owned companies.
Although dryland producers — those who grow crops without irrigation — are more vulnerable in times of drought, many irrigators are gazing warily at dropping water tables.
Saving three species of endangered fish along the Oregon - California border will take more than just regulating irrigation water, according to a report released yesterday by the National Research Council (NRC).
The government also earmarked more than $ 10 billion for water improvement measures, including more efficient farm irrigation methods and new pipelines that significantly reduce losses due to leaks.
Above all else, they will have to consider whether they can any longer justify using more than two - thirds of their water for irrigation, especially when many crops are in surplus and, on many irrigation projects, around 40 per cent of the water is lost to evaporation.
The irrigation system was so leaky that many canals lost more than 50 percent of the diverted river water en route to the fields, which cut the amount flowing into the sea.
But 30 dams on the Guadalquivir, with a total capacity of more than 4 cubic kilometres of water, plus local irrigation schemes, have caused water tables in the wetland to fall by up to 50 centimetres a year.
Rainwater or reused water from bathing or kitchen activities — often called gray water — provides a method for replacing fresh water in toilet flushing and yard irrigation that could, the authors say, cut household water use by 50 percent or more.
The turnaround started in 2007, when low - flow toilets and showerheads were installed nationwide and the national water authority built innovative water treatment systems that recapture 86 percent of the water that goes down the drain and use it for irrigation — vastly more than the second - most - efficient country in the world, Spain, which recycles 19 percent.
In agriculture, it will take both better breeding — for more water efficient crops — and smarter irrigation.
The survey revealed that inland wetlands were more important to both resident and migratory birds than had been realized, and that wetland loss from damming and the diversion of river water for irrigation was at least in part responsible for the shorebird decline in Australia.
In a study entitled «It's Going to Take More Innovation than Technology to Increase Water Conservation Practices,» researchers from the University of Florida examined the perceptions of homeowners in Orange County, Florida who have automated irrigation systems and looked deeply into their water conservation knowledge and practWater Conservation Practices,» researchers from the University of Florida examined the perceptions of homeowners in Orange County, Florida who have automated irrigation systems and looked deeply into their water conservation knowledge and practwater conservation knowledge and practices.
To fulfill high production demands, water is drawn from underground reservoirs (aquifers) in the northern provinces and used for irrigation more rapidly than it is replenished.
Apparently, it's more convenient to Florida residents to save water while brushing their teeth than to cut back on lawn irrigation, according to a new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension report.
More farming, however, usually means more environmental harm as a result of clearing land, burning fossil fuels, consuming water for irrigation and spreading fertiliMore farming, however, usually means more environmental harm as a result of clearing land, burning fossil fuels, consuming water for irrigation and spreading fertilimore environmental harm as a result of clearing land, burning fossil fuels, consuming water for irrigation and spreading fertilizer.
Although previous research has found that Floridians who use irrigation in the home landscape are more water conscious than the general population, it is possible that Californians and Texans are even more aware and concerned about water availability.
Snow on the glaciers is melting, causing more water to flow into valley, and this means more water for irrigation.
That's more water for later release across the state's thirsty desert during spring and baking summer, more water for irrigation, livestock, human consumption, and sports.
Irrigation is more than just throwing water on a field — it can be a nuanced chemical conversation between humans and plants
Bajzelj points out that higher yields will also require more mineral fertiliser use and increased water demand for irrigation.
Now Dr. Lounsbury brings her skills to Israel, which she points out is a leader in waste - water reuse, recycling approximately 86 % of its waste - water and using reclaimed waste - water for more than half of its irrigation needs.
In one sentence: Regions that depend primarily on irrigation from surface water will be more vulnerable to drought as the impacts of irrigation on water supply are most significant during times with low water flow, according to climate modeling research from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
And regions that depend primarily on surface water irrigation (rivers, lakes, reservoirs) will be more vulnerable to drought as the impacts of irrigation on water supply are most significant during times with low water flow.
These climate changes have measurable effects, like reductions in ground and surface water resources due to changing timing of precipitation and snowmelt, and measurable impacts like declining forest health and more wildfires, to altered crop seasons and greater irrigation demand.
His team found cultivars such as TAM 111 and TAM 112 can use soil water more efficiently, which is important for producers to better manage wheat under dryland and limited - irrigation conditions.
«A lot of water - saving advice focuses on the indoors, but we know more water, especially in warmer months, can be saved by maintaining irrigation -LSB-...]
Colonic - irrigation works best when combined with a juice fast because the lack of food entering the colon makes the water clean more effectively.
The remnants of large water storage ponds on the summits with irrigation ditches leading down to areas where crops were grown meant that food production was more secure.
Pearce doesn't believe we need more and bigger dams but feels that we need to manage the water cycle better, to return to the ancient ways of «harvesting the water where it falls» but also utilizing high - tech irrigation methods to provide «more crop per drop», and above all, we need to «manage the water cycle for maximum social benefit rather than narrow self - interest».
We can use the scarce resource to generate more power, or we can use it for drinking water and irrigation to support a growing population.
The second is to adopt more water - efficient irrigation technologies and shift to less water - intensive crops.
For more on efficient water use in agriculture in dry regions, click back to my post on the pioneering work on drip irrigation by Daniel Hillel and read about how solar - powered pumping systems and drip irrigation are improving incomes and lives in sub-Saharan Africa.
With water becoming an increasingly precious resource, growing techniques that limit or even eliminate irrigation become ever more valuable.
Actually, humans produce more CO2 than volcanoes simply by extracting about 760 cubic kilometers annually of CO2 - saturated fossil artesian water for irrigation.
The steps he described included raising the price of water, providing incentives for adopting more irrigation - efficient technologies, and developing the local institutions to manage this process.
Institutional shifts — specifically, moving the responsibility for managing irrigation systems from government agencies to local water users associations — can facilitate the more efficient use of water.
The Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement includes a program to rebuild fish populations, more predictable irrigation water allocations for farmers, reliable water supplies for the basin's national wildlife refuges, and assistance for counties impacted by the removal of PacifiCorp's dams.
The more obvious steps, in addition to more water - efficient irrigation practices and water - efficient crops, include adopting more water - efficient industrial processes and using both more water - efficient household appliances and those that use no water at all, such as the new odorless dry - compost toilets.
On the other hand, fracking in the United States, especially in the Marcellus Shale region, tends to occur in more densely populated areas where it can come into conflict with local water uses like drinking and irrigation.
Agricultural Impacts Crop yield may decrease if climate changes As droughts increase, the demand for irrigation water increases putting more stress on already depleted aquifers.
Water Use per Acre of Almonds: All crops require water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and Water Use per Acre of Almonds: All crops require water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and water and the total water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and water requirement varies throughout the growing season as a function of temperature and other climatic factors, the characteristics of the plants themselves, soil conditions, irrigation methods and efficiencies, and more.
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