Sentences with phrase «more such efforts»

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Workplace literacy and essential skills (WLES) strategies can range from as simple as a company supporting an employee's voluntary skills upgrading at a local literacy centre to more sophisticated efforts, such as a custom - made WLES program delivered in - house by staff educators.
The inaugural U.A.E. Drones for Good competition awarded more than $ 1 million in prizes in February as part of an effort to seed the Middle East's drone industry, with more than a dozen such startups launching in the emirate.
The 10 - year game involves more ambitious technology efforts, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, and new connectivity offerings, such as drone - delivered internet service.
To drive traffic to the stores we direct our efforts in guiding you to implement a variety of marketing tactics and the development of a Local Store Marketing plan which includes proven tactics such as on - site sampling, direct mail campaigns, bounce back coupons, loyalty programs and more.
Prior shareholder letters insisted the proposals were misguided or ignored the company's efforts to spell out its position that even a world intent on limiting temperature rises would still need more oil — a position shared by bodies such as the International Energy Agency, which sees oil demand rising for some years to come yet.
He announced an aggressive stock buyback a few months after opposing such a move, provided more details on the 40/20/10 plan first mentioned in June, and recentralized innovation efforts under one executive.
Successfully addressing such an issue will take much more time and effort, and will have a lower chance of getting the desired pay - off — the «thumbs up» rating in the impending follow - up email.
Such efforts have raised more than $ 5,000 so far.
But practitioners, such as the employee - owners of Reflexite, a maker of reflective material in Avon, Conn. (see «Collective Effort,» January 1992, [Article link]-RRB-, claim ESOPs do all of the above and more when employees play an active role in company decision making.
The trigger for the latest Redstone family feud, according to several sources, was a dispute over corporate governance issues — such as Shari's effort to more closely tie executive compensation to performance — at Viacom (viab) and CBS (cbs), a media empire that encompasses MTV, the CBS broadcast network, the Paramount film studio and the pay - TV channel Showtime.
Lululemon's efforts to heal its relationship with some customers will have to be more blatant, he says, or the company risks losing clientele to other brands such as Under Armour and Nike.
Though the popularity of such efforts seems to be far - reaching on the global scale, some countries were more entrepreneurial on the social side than others.
Such efforts have become more prominent under Xi as the Chinese president vows to take on a leadership role in global affairs from trade to climate change to cyberspace governance.
More recent efforts, branded as corporate social responsibility, tend to have dual objectives to create economic and social value simultaneously, such as initiatives to spark clean technology innovation.
Such measured efforts to temper these markets» exuberance should help avoid more serious market adjustments later on.
However, such efforts must also be complemented with a redoubling of Western efforts to support strong political systems and respect for rule of law in the region in order to foster more resilience among regional states to withstand Chinese influence.
Some streams take much more initial effort to start, such as saving enough to buy your first rental property.
But in the document, Hsieh said a lot more about a lot of things, and even quotes Apple's Steve Jobs about taking the long view of such an entrepreneurial effort.
Perhaps it can prevent such situations from arising by involving more and more countries in the Belt and Road Initiative in order to make concerted efforts to build a shared community and make greater contributions to global development.
As an example, First Round Capital's office is new to town as we continue to see the NYC entrepreneurial ecosystem becoming stronger and more solidified each day through the efforts of angels, super angels, venture capitalists and our events such as Entrepreneurs Roundtable, Ultra Light Start - ups and New York Entrepreneur Week (NYEW).
There will also be a parallel call for benefits, professional development, and compensation that smooths out the rough patches in this on - demand labor life, but such efforts will lag behind the exploitation of said labor because big business has more resources and big tech moves too fast for human - scale responses of accountability and responsibility.
He repeats «no collusion» again and again, despite well - reported episodes such as the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016, outreach to Russians by campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, and his own efforts to egg on more hacking of Hillary Clinton and to trumpet memos released by pro-Russia WikiLeaks.
Such efforts are very important in attracting new clients, such as those who are seeking a more diversified offering beyond the binary options secSuch efforts are very important in attracting new clients, such as those who are seeking a more diversified offering beyond the binary options secsuch as those who are seeking a more diversified offering beyond the binary options sector.
With such trade diversification efforts, Singapore deserves more attention from B.C. businesses because a) it has a well - structured, business - friendly economy, and b) there is demand in information and communications technology (ICT) and clean technology, two areas the province is forging expertise.
The unit, the chief investment office (CIO), has been the biggest buyer of European mortgage - backed bonds and other complex debt securities such as collateralized loan obligations in all markets for more than three years... The unit made a deliberate move out of safer assets such as US Treasuries in 2009 in an effort to increase returns and diversify investments.»
These gifts combined with a free university education to so many people for whom there were then no appropriate jobs, as well as a civil war, led to the failure of the experiment failed, but in a time when it is clear, at least to me, that global pursuit of more and more wealth is suicidal for the human race, I think it would be worthwhile to study such efforts.
Such efforts are likely to fail more often than they succeed, but even the defeats can be instructive.
If, therefore, we discuss future human structures and institutions of the Church which would make possible a more active participation of the laity in the decisions of ecclesiastical authorities, such efforts should not be discredited in advance by saying that they would remain in any case subject to the good pleasure of the hierarchy.
Deeper than pleasure, this is things and activities that require more investment and effort, but are more satisfying, such as relationships, job satisfaction or hobbies
As soon as the 2nd amendment starts becoming modified to fit the times we live in, that will be the moment our freedoms start to become watered - down, and consequently, after more and more efforts are made to further limit the meaning of the 2nd amendment, we will find ourselves with such a weak interpretation or effictive realization of the 2nd amendment that it will be too late, and we might as well arm ourselves with BB guns.
Gay «No» campaigners Keith Mills and Paddy Manning pointed out that such was perfectly possible without undermining family structures completely since extensive Civil Partnership legislation was already in place, and they did make a difference, but the softening up of the electorate by years of sob - stories would have taken far more time and effort to overcome.
More important, Nietzsche underrates the courage required to make even the effort to sustain moral commitment on such terms.
One representative of «old think,» which was expressed in a letter in the Times, tried to insist that there had been more efforts at bipartisanship in the Old Era, in measures such as No Child Left Behind and the Prescription Drug Benefit Plan.
One can understand how after such an experience, more extreme expressions, more deliberate efforts to shock, might be sought.
I'm very happy to see that through efforts such as this the world is becoming more aware of the persecution of the Baha'is in Iran, and I'm grateful to the U.S. commission for listening to the Baha'i delegation.
While research by Barna Group has found that women are more involved than men in church «extracurriculars» such as Bible studies and small groups, plenty of today's churches lack robust women's ministries — perhaps due to lack of resources, or deliberate efforts to do away with stereotypical ladies teas and craft bazaars.
In return, the evangelical community, whose focus of commitment is less scattered and whose financial contributions are more generous than members of mainline churches, 7 has faithfully supported such perceived evangelistic efforts with its time (viewing) and money.
More impressive still, they carry out their mission with no recognition or praise or banquets or fundraising efforts or conferences or special speaking engagements or book deals or radio interviews or plaques or awards or prayer newsletters or any such thing.
But then the question is, what «theological account» best supports such trust in Christ, and more generally, a complete life of service, strong family bonds, and the effort to live a moral life befitting of a son or daughter of God redeemed by Christ's atonement?
Finally, such a strengthened ecumenical effort would be much more effective and relevant in dealing with the crucial issues of the day — poverty, race, urban decay, etc..
Having developed complex computer systems for more than 30 years it always brings out the worst in me when I see such half *** ed efforts by the wunder kids who took my job and professional life.
As a NeoPagan — Polytheist, I routinely offer my thought - prayers to a pantheon of Deities... I have NO physical / other scientifically quantifiable «proof», as such, that any deity actually exists but I am left with the supposition / fact that IF a Deity / deities exist, it is more - than - conceivable that for whatever reason (s), such a deity might choose to make themselves remote from scientific / other investigative efforts!
By laying such an empirical foundation, it is hoped also that future efforts and directions in religious broadcasting may be more realistic in their goals and objectives.
Yet efforts emerging from the Christian faith were conspicuous and were partly successful in resolving those contradictions in such fashion as to bring individuals and the nascent world community more nearly to conformity to the demands of Christ.
Since this effort is not instantaneous, transmission must exhibit a finite ratio of temporal extension to spatial size, such as that exhibited by the perspectival spatial shortening and temporal slowing in special relativity, with the smallest quantum «volume» in our epoch being expressed by, h, the famous Planck Constant.20 For any moment, a perspective that prehends something with less spatiality than another, must prehend it «with more temporal duration.
Entitled «Intellectual Effort, «1 the article starts as a fairly pedestrian scrutiny of the then - current notion of the association of ideas, and more «active» methods of cognition, such as «invention.»
We can also explore stories of personal efforts to find a more expansive covenant with others, such as in biographies of alcoholics, homosexuals, divorcees or victims of abuse.
Involved in such abortive efforts, we become more frustrated.
Such an effort would reveal more of the Torah's truth, something that would be better for Jews and for the world than skilled polemics.
Efforts toward a new understanding of the life of the parish have significance for the priest as well.52 Some individualistic forms of traditional priestly piety such as the private Mass are being questioned, and simpler yet more demanding forms of prayer than the formal meditation are being urged.
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