Sentences with phrase «mormons baptizing»

The headline should read «Random Dominican Mormon baptizes Anne Frank».
I hereto decree that if a Mormon baptizes me after I go teets up, I'll come back as a ghost and haunt their crapper.

Not exact matches

OH and hey, if the mormons want to baptize me and my raltives after we are dead, I don't care, becasue IM ALREADY DEAD!!!
I'm not Jewish, but I still NEVER want to be baptized into the Mormon church.
It's not just Holocaust victims that the Mormons are doing this to, it's everyone that they think they can get away with; Romney had his dead father - in - law (an atheist) «baptized» as a Mormon after he died.
To Thomas Peterson A quote from your response says «The mormon's are hijacking their dead and not only baptizing them but converting them to mormonism — that's what a baptism is.»
What is more interesting to note and is never clarified in articles like this, is that this cermemony baptizes people into the Mormon Church.
This is designed to prevent any Mormon from filing papers to posthumously baptize anyone, which would change their religious affiliation, even if they are distantly related to them without anyone's consent.
Yes they have a coversion quota but can add to that by baptizing the dead so watch out your love ones are probably on the mormon roll call.
it was 1993 when they Baptized Adolf Hitler in the name of the dead... And did I mention The Mormon Wars?
Since that's the ultimate goal of every male Mormon, females can not become gods, the church has to baptize people by proxy here on earth.
Do you believe Baptism for th dead / baptism by proxy as prophesied by Joseph Smith for the purpose of allowing non-Mormons into heaven (and that it takes a «gentile» 3 years to get their named removed from the Mormon church roles after having being baptized into the LDS church) 8.
Which by the way, mormons don't claim people baptized via proxy are members of their church either, merely that they have the opportunity to become so.
CNN: After Anne Frank baptism, Mormons vow to discipline members Reacting to a report that well - known Holocaust victim Anne Frank had been baptized by proxy in a Mormon temple, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints says it is committed to disciplining members of its church who conducted such baptisms, which violate church policy.
(CNN)- Reacting to a report that well - known Holocaust victim Anne Frank had been baptized by proxy in a Mormon temple, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints says it is committed to disciplining members of its church who conducted such baptisms, which violate church policy.
This controversy surfaced after it was reported that the dead parents of Jewish Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal had been baptized in a Mormon temple.
I'm a mormon, and I can understand why many would think baptizing for the dead might seem kind of weird or unecessary - even ridiculous.
Beside I think the whole point of Mormon's baptizing dead people is that then they would have a choice to choose or deny the mormon doctrinMormon's baptizing dead people is that then they would have a choice to choose or deny the mormon doctrinmormon doctrine?????
If these people don't believe in the mormon religion then why do they care if someone proxy baptizes their dead?
You forgot to say, «being baptized into the mormon church».
Just because a Mormon says they baptized a person after they died does not make that person a Mormon.
He said Rubio was baptized as an infant in the Catholic church, but when they formally joined the Mormon church, Rubio was again baptized.
Gov Rubio's family had him baptized in the Mormon faith when he was 8?
Mormon God is a Space Alien, LOL Mormons Baptize Dead People, L&LOL Mormon Religion, Big Money, Big Bigotry.
Yes, because those jews won't go to heaven unless they're baptized in the Mormon tradition.
As a side note, his mother was baptized postumously by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Romney's Mormon Church) in 2008.
That's weirder, and more arrogant, than mormons «baptizing» people.
Side note — Romney's Church - Mormon or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints baptized Obama's dead mother shortly after he was elected.
The Mormons believe that god was once a normal man on another planet, Ann Frank was recently baptized by the mormon church.
The billboard targeting Mormonism lambasted - and, Mormons would say, distorted - specific Mormon doctrines: «God is a Space Alien, Baptizes Dead People, Big Money, Big Bigotry.»
The local Mormon just baptized my dog without my dog's consent!
Just because you are now listed by the church as a member because you were baptized posthumously into the church doesn't really mean the person is now a Mormon.
How would the mormons be acting if catholics were going to mormon cemeteries and baptizing them into the catholic religion with papal creeds?
Instructions on how to use and contribute to the database grew out of a 1995 agreement with Jewish groups that were horrified to find that people who died because of their faith were being baptized by proxy in Mormon ceremonies.
God: Well Daniel, a Mormon was baptized for you.
Mokotoff says he recently got an e-mail from someone who was concerned that a niece was marrying a Mormon, would likely convert and would then potentially baptize others in the family.
@Ron Yorgason can you explain the reasoning & logic behind the Mormon practice of Baptizing the Dead?
Even if the church orders your murder they will still baptize you so you will have a «choice» to be a mormon when you're dead.
Unethical or religious freedom??? There also seems to be another accepted practice of the Mormon Missionaries and LDS faithful members of baptizing prosepective church members into the LDS faith after only three visits of Book of Mormon and other religious lessons.
If some moron, I mean Mormon, wants to baptize me in their faith or any other, they're just wasting their time.
They have no right to baptize someone even by proxy if they weren't Mormons before their death regardless whether they were related by blood to any Mormon.
It should make no difference whether a person is related to a Mormon whether you can decide you have the right to baptize them as a Mormon when they weren't Mormon to begin with.
If the mormons were making little dolls of each Jewish person they were baptizing after death and instead of «baptizing» them they held a little ceremony where they stuff thousands of the dolls into the gas oven beneath their temple to «figuratively» commit genocide would you be okay with it?
Why do they think it's acceptable to baptize non-Mormons or anyone who is not a Mormon while they are living?
No one is baptized in the eyes of God unless a Mormon performs the baptism (or communion, etc..)
So Christ may not have been baptized Mormon, but Mormons are baptized as Christ was.
According to Mormon Teaching — these Post-Dead converted Mormons are only 2nd Class Mormons who become the SERVANTS of Pre-Dead Baptized 1st Class Mormons.
LIke the tiny mormon population (loud, but still small) of 11 million (not sure if they are counting the ones they baptize AFTER they die) we're listening to the LOUD minority.
It's not as though everyone in heaven is suddenly forced to become a Mormon, just because somebody down here on earth was baptized on their behalf.
So glad the Mormon Church apologised to Jews for Baptizing their dead.
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