Sentences with phrase «most athletes think»

Calories matter but WAY less than most athletes think.
Most athletes think that hydrating with sodium or potassium are the only minerals we need to replace during exercise.

Not exact matches

Think of some of the most liberated souls you know about, doing old things gloriously in a new way, or doing new things that only lately seemed impossible — great musicians, artists, athletes, scientists — what is their secret?
Being an athlete is one of the most fulfilling things I do, and if you're thinking of getting started I highly recommend it!
As Donike said, and contrary to what most everyone in Caracas thought, the $ 200,000 worth of equipment used there — two mass spectrometers, four gas chromatographs and two computer printout machines, all American - made by Hewlett - Packard — was virtually identical to that used to test athletes in Helsinki and at last year's soccer World Cup in Madrid.
But I think most children would rather Pops not hop a private jet, with a dozen or so mates, fly halfway round the world, and attack and injure fellow athletes and event staff, in a wholly unjustifiable effort, using tactics more suited to misguided teens than nearing thirty years men.
«He's the best conditioned athlete — I think he's surpassed Tiger — and he seems to want it the most.
«I think one of the most unfortunate criticisms of athletes is that they're just athletes,» Roth says.
however, I think this is a rather rare occurence and most banned substances have an fairly well established reason why they are not allowed for competitive athletes.
Since college athletes don't make salaries and can't be capped (or because the NCAA's capped their earnings at Tuition Plus Some Costs), think about capping the sport's most influential budget line, as proposed in Bill Connelly's nine - part plan to improve college football as commissioner.
I thought it was a good example of how sometimes the most inspiring athletes don't get the most publicity.
«As an athletic administrator, for every one of my student athletes I'm just thinking about what's the most current, what's the best equipment, what are the advances in uniforms or softball bats, or whatever,» Craig said.
Approximately 4 out of 5 athletes did not realize that they had suffered a concussion (most likely because they thought a concussion required loss of consciousness)
I think most of it has to do with genetics and also being an athlete.
Most impact helmet sensor research has been done on college or pro athletes and I think it is the younger athletes» brains who are more fragile.
Kilroy said Ali, who was the most popular athlete in the world for years and commanded attention everywhere he went, would always be willing to do charitable acts, but said he didn't want cameras or reporters around because he didn't want anyone to think he was doing it for the publicity.
Forty percent of athletes who the researchers subjectively thought were ready to return, failed the checklist; however, when the athletes received further training in the areas they failed, most were able to pass within six weeks.
Some people think Westside makes some of the strongest athletes in the world because unlike most other training regimes, they are constantly lifting very heavy weight.
First I think it's very important to talk about goals and how different goals make a big difference to an athlete's most effective nutrition plan.
You definitely need to eat and most endurance athletes need to eat more than they think.
I have had many athletes that I have coached over the years that have came to me with that previously were «over trained» to use a term that most people think they know what it is.
If the athlete just supplemented the current kitavan diet with some form of an amino acid mixture, I think it would perhaps be the most ideal athlete diet.
To reiterate, I think most CrossFit and weightlifting athletes have a flat back in where there should be natural rounding.
I think you'll find most, if not all, serious vegan athletes supplement with protein or eat a «ton» of food.
The mental focus and clarity of thought are some of the benefits most athletes comment on when they first begin using VESPA and as they adapt more and more to «fat as fuel».
When people think about the biological processes that change with the onset of exercise - most think of an athlete's increased cardiac output and ventilation to support the increased physical demand.
Moreover, most people think that carbs are essential for survival and beneficial for athletes to perform at their peaks.
Most recently, I think I figured out another big piece of the puzzle after reading sports nutrition for endurance athletes... which was I needed more carbs then was possible for me to eat in a day... i was definitely at a significant calorie deficit and my muscles were starving for energy...
I think most endurance athletes know that fat furning is fundamental and that fat accounts for the majority of fuel during a long event, adventure or whatever.
Now think of the most fit or capable athlete you currently train.
Again, many people advocate the Olympic lifts to achieve this, but I am not convinced as most athletes butcher them even after years of coaching, and I think to coach them is an in appropriate use of training time.
I agree that poorly prepared teachers is one cause of the high dropout rate, but as with most problems, many causes exist, including an anti-intellectual culture that values over-paid athletes and celebrities w / no obvious talent (e.g. Kim Kardashian); parents who think all their male children will grow up to be Yankees so never put books in the kids» hands; pseudo education reformers who sell a narrative that a first year teacher is no different from a veteran with a grad degree and thirty years teaching experience, administrators who hire based on coaching rather than teaching, school boards that cut library programs rather than sports, etc..
While most of us spend more time thinking about reality TV stars and pro athletes, teachers are among the few people who truly affect our lives in a direct and positive way.
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