Sentences with phrase «most fad»

Results showed that while the group did not differ greatly in family functioning from a normative group, a significant proportion showed unhealthy functioning across most FAD subscales.
In fact, most fad diets are promoted by celebrities so Lord Byron's meals consisted of starches like bread or potatoes soaked with vinegar along with water or tea.
I tried many diets including the mayo clinic (FAD) diet, most fad diets like this try to avoid starch all together but the pyramid is the most health way to loose weight.
Like most fads, the term «health food» or «superfood» has somewhat gotten out of hand.
Like most fads, however, nothing could be further from the truth.
I've tried every fad out to lose weight and like most fads, I last a week or so before I'm tucking in to a bag of Honey Soy chips.

Not exact matches

These are just some of the latest, highest - priced fitness fads, yet the workouts seeing the most growth are actually some of the oldest around.
Cryotherapy and electric stimulation are some of the latest, fitness fads, yet traditional workouts are seeing the most growth.»
In a world dominated by celebrity fad diets that range from the absurd, like Reese Witherspoon's alleged «baby - food diet,» to the absurdly unaffordable, such as Gwyneth Paltrow's $ 200 «moon dust» - infused breakfast smoothie, calories can seem like the most scientific option for improving your health.
One of today's most insidious fads is that people should focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses.
In the course of hiring close to 10,000 people in my companies over the years, I've unfortunately seen the ineffectiveness of most of the fads, theories and scoring systems that promised to revolutionize the hiring process.
I remember a colleague who was considered the most tech - savvy among us predicting that the Internet would be remembered as a fad on which nobody was ever able to find useful information.
The co-founders not only have to outpace their new competition, they have to upend the most stubborn tradition of all: the curse of the low - cal - food fad.
Some call them online confessionals, others believe they're merely a millennial fad, and most just see them as vehicles for inappropriate commentary.
At the same time, Tide's consumer perception is acting like most brands undergoing a major crises: after falling for nearly three months and hitting bottom on February 20th, perception climbed back up until it hit a ceiling on March 30th, still remaining well short of where it was before the fad took off.
In recent years, the two most notable fads have been frozen yogurt shops and juice bars.
Yes, it was just a matter of time before two of the most popular fads on the Internet - cats and cryptocurrencies - would end up combining in some way.
Its not that I don't get sucked into fads every now and then (I rocked a yellow LIVESTRONG bracelet throughout most of 2003 - 2004)...
As the financial world began to take notice, most financial analysts agreed that Bitcoin was «silly internet money» and was just a fad that would fizzle out.
The radical secularization that has transformed Christianity's heartland into the most religiously arid half - continent on the planet has at least as much to do with the craven surrender of ministers of the gospel to theological and political fads, and their consequent loss of faith, as it does with the impact of urbanization, mass education, and the industrial revolution on Europeans» understanding of themselves.
Folk, hippie rock, punk rock — these really were considered movements by many of their participants, whereas 70s disco was considered by most to simply be a fad.
Though Barth grieved in his later life that most theologians rejected his approach to theology in favor of current cultural and hermeneutical fads, he looked for Word - oriented allies wherever he could find them, and for the most part he did not persist in claiming that liberalism was the fatal problem in modern theology.
Most such fads are shabby stuff, but Rowling's commercial success is honestly earned.
It's strange that two of our most influential states, Texass and Californicator «lead» the nation in cults... the latest fad being the «prosperity ministries» that encourage people to worship materialism.
The pagan temptation,» as the philosopher Thomas Molnar described it, is hardly new — the Church has been fighting paganism since the time of Christ — but what is new is its aggressive resurgence, its seduction of so many Christians, and the warnings Pope Francis has issued against it.The Pope's scorching words against paganism have not been well - received by many, but Francis has gone right on assailing it, particularly in areas that pagans care about most: the environment and sex.Francis has been a bold and eloquent defender of the environment, and understands that protecting the environment is not a recent fad, but a long - standing Catholic principle, highlighted by many of Francis's predecessors.
We must not adopt this sub-cultural fad in our congregations, whether it be «our version» of Jesus, or being under the lead of some prominent person (most often the pastor).
And when we emerged from that fad, most of us scratched our heads and said to ourselves, «What were we thinking?»
Luckily» there is a plethora of initiatives battling this issue right here in our country Out of all the fads that come and go with the food industry ¨ waste reduction is by far one of the most beneficial ones.
One of the most dangerous fads to hit the media is the «low fat» «fat free» way of life.
by Nancy Gerlach, R.D., Food Editor Emeritus Recipes: Mongolian Asian Noodle SaladCuban Beans and RiceGreen Chile Artichoke Hearts and PastaThree - Chile Tamale PieDal Curry Vegetarianism was once thought to be a fad by most people, but no more.
But most people soon find out that some of these techniques are simply fads — and many of them don't work at all.
When I would hear someone call it a «new fad» I couldn't help but cringe, most of the basic ideas of attachment parenting have been around longer than we have.
Or are they just the most recent fad made up in order to part you from your money?
Many resort to the most current fad technique in «positive discipline» and then wonder what they're doing wrong when their children don't cooperate.
Even blood donation has become a Paleo fad among the most dogmatic of 21st - century cavemen, based on the notion that our ancestors were often wounded, making blood loss a way of life.
The hot, most fundable research areas come and go over time, as with many fads.
You've said the low - carb diet is the «most absurd fad ever.»
The Information Age has given us access to a magnitude of information and trends, which can make it confusing to work out if a diet fad or health trend is viable and, most importantly, if it's suitable for
Although this exercise is one of the greatest fads, it might be one of the most riskiest exercises for your spine and overall form.
When I began to realize I had gained weight, I did what most people do... started researching the fastest and least expensive cleanse or fad diet out there that had guaranteed results.
And most importantly, are wet and dry oils meaningful distinctions that prove to be more than just a passing fad?
In a world run rampant with fad diets, quick fixes and bogus claims, the most basic formula for weight loss has become lost in all the noise.
It's no wonder most people are confused by carbs — there is a ton of conflicting information out there, with various opinions, fad diets, and theories piled on top of it all.
It's no wonder most people are confused by carbs - there is a ton of conflicting information out there, with various opinions, fad diets, and theories piled on top of it all.
Fad diets aside, what may matter most is how refined the carbohydrates are.
Most of us take a few wrong turns on the way and end up regaining every pound we've lost and adding a few more after another round of bad fad diets.
And unlike most things that sound too good to be true, this actually isn't, because we're not talking about the latest fitness fad, but a method of training that has been proven over decades to be far more effective than normal steady - state cardio (where you maintain the same pace for an extended period of time).
Not surprising, thus, that most people who drink «fat burning smoothies» sourced from the latest fad diet book only end up actually losing weight in their wallets.
Do they know what they're talking about, or are they just jumping on the bandwagon after some article caught their attention (which is how most fitness fads spread)?
Indeed, most popular fad diets that have come and gone over the years have enthusiastically promised that you don't have to count calories, that you don't have to eat less, or maybe that you -LSB-...]
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