Sentences with phrase «most startling»

Perhaps the most startling finding was that handhelds / PDAs, promoted as a perfect productivity solution for anyone who spends time away from the office, are only carried by 10.4 percent of respondents.
Genevieve Clapp, author of Divorce & New Beginnings, said this about divorce and children: «Perhaps one of the most startling discoveries of divorce research is the devastating repercussions that prolonged parental conflict can have on children.
The most startling revelation so far came from a Twitter user, who noticed that his Facebook data file contained a record of every SMS message sent from his phone, and every call ever made, despite the fact that he doesn't use Facebook for his SMS messages or calling.
This is not the most startling example of Facebook's data collection.
One of the most startling facts about driving in the city of Hialeah is that many pedestrians are hit by drivers.
In what will likely be the most startling news event this year, Wikileaks has obtained secret military files and given them to the New York Times, The Guardian, and Der Spiegel, who agreed to coordinate the release of their news stories.
Perhaps the most startling difference in approach is the facility within the Scottish system for parties to contract a binding settlement directly with each other, without the necessity of approval by the Court.
But the most startling development is perhaps the fact that this evidence leads investigators to the unfortunate conclusion that the illegal whale meat trade is indeed still thriving.The BBC has the story:
Perhaps most startling, the memo cited a need to «recruit and train» scientists «who do not have a long history of visibility and / or participation in the climate change debate» to participate in media outreach and counter the mainstream scientific view.
ENSO, otherwise known as the El Niño Southern Oscillation, is one of the most startling examples of climate change.
What probably is most startling in the interview is Lovelock's call for a «more authoritative world» to deal with what he sees as the consequences of global warming:
Mr Jones: [«The most startling observation came when he was asked how often scientists reviewing his papers for probity before publication asked to see details of his raw data, methodology and computer codes.
The most startling observation came when he was asked how often scientists reviewing his papers for probity before publication asked to see details of his raw data, methodology and computer codes.
For Australia, the most startling claim of the Pentagon Report is that we, along with the United States, may find ourselves building «defensive fortresses» around our country to protect our resources from desperate outsiders and aggressive states created by rapid and unpredictable climate change.
«His most startling observation came when he was asked how often scientists reviewing his papers for probity before publication asked to see details of his raw data, methodology and computer codes.
On the GISTEMP anomaly graph including seasonal cycles, I find the 2015 - 2016 jump in the winter lows to be the most startling detail.
The most startling work is Klaus vom Bruch's video «On War & Peace & Art» (1995), which replays endlessly a snatch of historical film footage over a repeated sequence of unintelligible voices electronically altered to sound like something between barking and birdsong.
The Turner Prize exhibition dubbed... always, London's Tate Gallery will be packed with... Her most startling Turner Prize work is a giant mobile... frustrated that the Turner Prize attracted so much attention...
The Turner Prize exhibition dubbed... Her most startling Turner Prize work is a giant mobile... frustrated that the Turner Prize attracted so much attention... contrast, there is Gillian Wearing's 60 Minutes of Silence...
The most startling may be the stretch of spaces showing pre-Modern, non-Western art.
But the most startling display may be the one in his living room: He has mixed works from his approximately 200 - piece collection — a comically large bright pink rubber phallus by Sarah Lucas; unusual drawings by Paul Thek in yellow Plexiglas frames; a heavy, stone - patterned gray canvas by Peter Halley; an upright cannon by Valentin Carron; an array of silk screens by the reclusive Cady Noland — with a resin prototype of his first tree.
The show may not necessarily please every visitor who approaches it with a conventional idea of beauty, but each work of art, right down to what may be the most startling piece — Nancy Rubins's installation made up of about 200 mattresses ganged together, hung from the ceiling and smeared with cake — has something to say to the eye as much as to the brain.
This show is sure to position Thomas as one of the most startling, exciting recent re-discoveries.
But perhaps most startling were Fleming's paintings opposite those new geometric abstractions: broad canvases with thick, oily smears of acrylic forcefully applied to their surfaces.
Painstakingly created in the age - old way — with a drawn cartoon transferred to the wall, then painted with adhesive and covered with gold leaf — its most startling characteristic is its in - built transience.
The Zwirner show includes a wide array of subjects that recapitulate Courbet's scope: still - lifes, seascapes, landscapes, portraits, group scenes, and — most startling — a large and lovingly detailed photograph of a man's buttocks and scrotum, the gay man's version of «The Origin of the World,» Courbet's notorious and exquisitely brushed painting of a woman's groin.
Most startling was the simple circular logic of the economic model Gates had constructed.
In Thompson's most startling drawings, light and dark take on a life of their own, cutting across any trace of the grid.
Arguably, Neel's most startling portrait is the early image (1933) of Joe Gould, depicted with three penises.
Of course, he had to ask de Kooning — perhaps the most startling oil painter ever in America — what to do next.
If his budget proposal gets pushed through, it would be the most startling financial reallocation since the early 1980s during Reagan's era.
The last piece of evidence I found, Castelli's previously restricted 1973 interview, was the most startling.
On a more potentially scary note, gene - editing technologies (like CRISPR) could have the most startling effects on humanity in the near future.
The Call of Duty series has dropped many a jaw over the years — and here are five of the most startling moments in the franchise.
One of the most startling inclusions in God of War Ascension is the multiplayer mode, a series first that challenges
This is definitely one of the most startling images in the latest Death Stranding trailer.
But most startling of all was the trailer for a new entry into the Resident Evil series — Resident Evil 7 biohazard — one which could easily be mistaken for PT at a glance.
And since I mentioned the real world, I think now's a great time to bring up the most startling thing about Unity's story: the complete removal of that aspect from the game.
Other tours start early and drive a bit further, but reward with nature at its most startling - be it the surreal sights of «The Pinnacles» or «Wave Rock», or the more bucolic beauty of Margaret River, with its gorgeous surf beaches, award - winning wineries and giant hardwood forests.
For most people, the most startling and grand evidence we have today of the Maya civilization are their «pyramids».
Denied the sunrise vista at the summit, our descent featured perhaps the most startling panorama of the trek.
Most startling and gratifying to me is that the study was paid for by Elanco, the makers of Fortekor ®, the benazepril formula for dogs and cats.
But the most startling thing she said is this: «She feels that a lot of authors self censor too much.»
But the most startling thing about that was that even printed book sales were growing at Amazon.
The most startling and thought - provoking example is definitely the unexpected reduction in US urban crime that occurred towards the end of the 2
«Now, having built in all of this stuff, one of the most startling things about the iPad 2 is that it is dramatically thinner,» Jobs said.
This change happened just in the last five years or so and is the most startling change of all in my opinion.
Little Nothing unfolds across a lifetime of unimaginable, magical transformation in and out of human form, as an outcast girl becomes a hunted woman whose ultimate survival depends on the most startling transfiguration of them all.
One of the most startling findings is that for traditional publishers, 48 % of their sales are online in the form of either audiobooks or ebooks.
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