Sentences with phrase «motorcycle deaths increasing»

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Instituting compulsory helmet laws has consistently proven to increase the frequency of helmet use while decreasing motorcycle injuries and deaths.
Not only are the injuries associated with motorcycle accidents more extreme, but the costs for those injuries and wrongful death damages are also likely to increase.
Road accident fatality statistics show that there is a drastic increase in risk of death or serious injury resulting from motorcycle accidents.
Additionally, motorcycles can lose control more easily when confronted with poor road conditions, and if a rider is not wearing a helmet, the risk of serious injury or death increases even more.
Any hobbies that increase your chances of death, like flying planes, motorcycle racing, or scuba diving, will all increase the cost of life insurance, so don't be surprised if you pay more than your neighbor who doesn't seek out an adrenaline rush on the weekends.
The bad news is that, while overall US traffic fatalities have been decreasing over the last decade, the number of US motorcycle deaths have been increasing.
Overall, between 2011 and 2012 (the latest year for which there are figures) traffic injuries decreased but the number of pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle deaths in Shasta County increased.
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