Sentences with phrase «move in that direction until»

When you do shove a block it will keep moving in that direction until it either hits the side of the screen or smashes into another giant ice cube.
In laboratory Pix can't stop once moved in a direction until he hits a wall.
Move in that direction until you see a small green house in the corner of the zone.

Not exact matches

Therefore, the best plan of action is to sit on the sidelines primarily in cash until the market shows us the direction of its next move.
This lack of direction has caused the number of low - risk trade setups to dwindle, which is why I said in my most recent blog post that SOH mode (sitting on hands) is the best plan of action until the stock market eventually makes a clear move in one direction or the other.
Continuing to move backward in time, the mass of earth disappears into a gaseous cloud and merges with other vaporized bodies and so on until billions of years back we come, presumably, to the vast, compacted, superheated «atom» which, to reverse directions again, explodes to send the evolving, expanding galaxies on their way.
Whatever else might be said, I honestly don't believe we'll even begin to move in the right direction until we resolve that loving one another (and everyone else) is a higher priority than proving, protecting and enforcing the rightness of our doctrines...
People with pleasant personalities are moving in the right direction but until they start sharing with others in a way that meets real tangable needs, all the niceties seem a bit hollow.
The Roman Catholic church seemed to be moving in this direction, until Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical Humanae Vitae in 1968, in which he went against the advice of the majority of those on the commission which he had set up to examine the issue.
This really did not get under way until during and after the Second World War, but even in the late «30's there was a move in that direction.
«However, until new management is in place and there is greater certainty over the company's strategic direction and financial price, we move to a hold and a $ 1.38 price target.»
I personally think the loudest protest we fans can unite to make against the lack of winning is to stop all financial support for the club, stop buying tickets and shirts etc until we are moving in the right direction.
Arsenal will not progress until a forward thinking board, owner and managers are in place, clearly this club is just a money making venture for the greedy Stan who cares only for his pocket, wenger sadly is his puppet and gazidis is the silent partner, turmoil and lack of profit in business is a sure thing to sell and move on, this is needed so we / us supporters have a voice and direction in our club, the previous board are to blame for selling to Kroenke & co we are now reaping the benefits of ill thought, blinded, pathetic former directors who were only interested in profits not the club, we are a laughing stock, i will be happy if we finish mid table with this lot... when you are on the bottom there is only one way to go..
Rest is recommended until the athlete is able to move the spine in all directions without pain.
Volunteers could move around until they stumbled on a hidden supply of food or water, at which point they had to decide if and when to move on, to continue the search (and in which direction), and so forth.
Until recently, however, this inclination to move in the direction of the nearest pole was not really understood.
Some players appear to break in the direction of the ball's flight from the very moment it's hit, while only a few seem to wait until almost the last possible second before they begin to move.
Keeping your arm flat on the wall, move your body closer to the wall, turn your body away from the direction of your arm, as shown in the picture, until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles.
Until policymakers pay attention to what states are accomplishing or not accomplishing for students, there is no reason to expect states to move in the same direction.
While this disappoints me I understand it is human nature and expect to see lots more of this behavior until we as a species understand that FDR's second and third bill of human rights should have been adopted full force and move in that direction.
Looking Down, by Steve Jenkins, moves in the opposite direction, beginning in outer space and zooming closer and closer until readers peer through a magnifying glass.
If a market is trending and moving in one direction for a sustained period, the probability is obviously that it will continue in that direction until it has clearly ended.
For now, credit risks are likely to be of concern to investors until the economy gains a better footing, and these risks can move stocks and bonds in different directions.
However, the limited time frame until an option expires means the underlying stock must move enough in the right direction within the time frame for an options trade to be profitable.
This 800 point range will eventually break one way or another for good and we will trade in the direction, but until then we must expect very choppy range bound trading with many little scalp trade setups and failed moves.
In this New Jersey law, persons are prohibited from tethering dogs from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m. outside and must allow the dog to move 15 feet in any one directioIn this New Jersey law, persons are prohibited from tethering dogs from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m. outside and must allow the dog to move 15 feet in any one directioin any one direction.
But should a ghost pass through the same square as one of the team (they can't occupy the same space, instead a ghost carries on in the direction it was moving until it comes to an empty square, therefore multiple Ghostbusters can be passed through in one movement) then that Ghostbuster gets slimed, covering him in lovely sticky gunk.
I learned the most effective move was usually a spam chain of grappling towards enemies with a shoulder thrust and upon slamming into them, repeating the grapple in a new direction until everything was dead.
Blocky is an amazingly addictive puzzle game that challenges you to get your blocky friend to the exit, the catch is that he will continue to move in one direction until an object stops him.
There are many obstacles to get past and power - ups that you can use to overcome them like the rocket to give you a boost in the direction the ball is going or the control stick so you can move the ball manually until it loses momentum.
While in place, the player can input left or right on the control stick or the press the attack button to have Corrin kick in that direction, or press up or the jump button to jump (though this move can not be used again until landing).
But after moving to New York in 1998 and marrying the investor Charles de Gunzburg, a Seagram family heir, her instincts («the way I collect is totally intuitive, based mostly on what I learn and teach myself») began leading her in a more unorthodox direction, one she didn't fully grasp herself until later.
We will move it until the spring forces cancel again, i.e., to the point K * (1 - x) = K * (1 + x - 0.03) or x = 0.03 / 2 = 0.015 meters from the center in the direction of the shortened spring.
Pepper Hamilton and Reed Smith's merger discussions, though still in the early stages, were moving along in a positive direction, according to sources close to the firms, until they stopped abruptly on the afternoon of 22 April due to a complex series of factors.
If you are moving in the same direction as the bus, you must always stop — and not go forward until the bus stop signal has been withdrawn.
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