Sentences with phrase «move over kale»

Not exact matches

Fresh juices (I'm a convert), Brussel sprouts and rapini are upstaging kale (baby or otherwise), cooked grain salads, Ramen (it's a second go - round), globally - inspired sandwiches (like Cuban pressed sandwiches) brunch as well as grilled cheese sandwiches, and customized food (even McDonald's is trying to be accommodating), drip coffee (move over Latte, Espresso and Café au Lait) along with fancy copper drip coffee filter holders (check out Hario Coffee or Kalita).
However my kale was so bad that we were soon scraping the grits and gravy off the greens and moving it over to cover the shrimp.
Swiss chard: Move over, kale!
Spinach, much like kale, is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin A as well as folate, magnesium, iron, calcium (move over milk), b vitamins and vitamin C.
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