Sentences with phrase «moving through the day»

As they move through their days they rely on productivity hacks that make them far more efficient.
This isn't my only prayer time of the day, I tend to pray as I move through my day: in the Spirit, in my songs, with my hands, with my thoughts.
I move through my day with an awareness of my companionship with the Spirit and we talk always, sometimes even with words.
Rather than allowing ourselves to respond to the devastation, we often move through our days consumed by our own lives, shutting out the rest of the world because we don't quite know how to keep the hope.
I guess in my own life Ive found prayer more like a running dialogue between God and myself as I move through a day and peoples lives.
Targets, goals and objectives whatever you call them, we are all directed by them and they are meant to give us a guideline to successfully move through our day - to - day activities with a long term goal in mind.
• Incorporate a light - hearted and playful approach that speaks directly to your kids as kids and gets their cooperation so there is more fun and joy in the house even as you move through your day to day routine.
With Mother's Day on my mind... I wish for all of us a community of people to support and nurture us, the patience and grace we need to move through our days with these precious little ones, the room to forgive ourselves when that's needed, and the eyes to see the blessings and the beauty all around us in our days as Mama.
This is not to say that I move through my days awash in confidence and mothering grace.
As you move through your days, it helps to keep in mind these four parts to the purpose and goal of discipline:
If a parent moves through the day giving the child one choice after another, this can foster an elevated sense of control.
But I still find myself so often stopping the flow of baking and working to try and remember just where it is now, that I'm storing the x, y, or z. I'm playing around with the sun as it moves through the day, figuring out just where best to let the bread rise.
And the more you practice shifting from judgment to compassion as you move through your day, the more you'll be able to shift into unconditional love when your child acts up.
In addition to being nourished physically and psychologically, babies who are held during the period of exterogestation are nourished by a whole sensory world that moving through the day with their mother provides.
Moving through the days without a clue as to whether your baby is still alive is draining.
ChildObesity180 leverages the experience and assets of senior leaders across four sectors — academia, business, government, and non-profit — to work toward a common goal: making healthy changes to the environments that children move through every day.
As you move through the day, point out things that are soft like the bunny, scratchy like Daddy's beard, shiny like the mirror.
In our psychological backpack, we all carry around beliefs that shape how we move through our days.
When you allow your inner world to guide your outer world, you're more conscious of how you are moving through each day and interacting with the world.
I think I heard this just about every day when I was in high school, acting as a typically self - absorbed teen who essentially moved through the days believing that the world orbited around none other than yours truly.
For example, «My mind and heart dissolve all fear, doubt and anxiety in me now, I am magnetic to my highest purpose and move through my day with ease and grace.»
As you move through your day, you may find anxiety, panic, or just stressful thoughts popping up out of nowhere.
If you're looking to find more alignment in your body both as you move through your day and during exercise, these principles of alignment are exactly what you need in your life right now.
He was showing me some kind of app he had on his phone where he just plugs in what he ate, it spits out an estimate of how many calories it was, makes a continuous count throughout the day, and he can tell as he moves through the day whether he's at his limit and should stop, or he can keep eating.
You can say this is water weight, but this «water weight» was not moving through days of clean eating and high intensity interval training workouts like Insanity.
The right fitting clothes will give you more confidence as you move through the day.
Moving through the day has its share of ebb and flow.
Your core is involved in every fundamental movement that you do — reaching, bending, twisting and lifting — and helps you balance and stabilize as you move through your day.
While it could get challenging to move through a day with the pain spreading along spinally, you still must dare to get down on your yoga mat and give spinally vitalizing postures a try with caution.
Your skin and hair are keeping you warm, your bum and thighs are getting you moving through your day, and your belly is providing you nourishment and strength.
It allows us to move through the day with fluidity, grace and confidence.
In this fast - paced world, it's important for us to find maintained balance through what life constantly throws at us, and as we move through our days and weeks, setting aside time that's dedicated just for you is an important component in finding that balance.
Post by Karli Erickson, Certified Yoga Instructor, Nourish Northwest In this fast - paced world, it's important for us to find maintained balance through what life constantly throws at us, and as we move through our days and weeks, setting aside time that's dedicated just for...
Moving through the day without stressing about calorie counting.
You want your basket to stay taut and supple as you move through your day.
Because I truly believe that clean eating can make a big difference on how we move through each day, and help us feel rejuvenated.
and the resounding «no» of my aching heart would answer, and I would move through the day fighting just to survive.
For the last month I've been mixing a scoop of this into my morning smoothies, which have helped me feel full and have given me the strength I need to keep moving through the day.
Then, as they moved through the day, participants had opportunities to build skills like concentration, self - awareness of unhelpful patterns of reaction, and self - compassion.
This case study provides details of how Merit Prep's students move through the day between in - person and online teaching, and how its teachers incorporated the online portions.
Researchers have found that families who share books tend to have more «extra talk» beyond the daily «business talk» that happens as families move through their day and routines together.
Having all of the options available to you allows you to choose the way to most seamlessly move through your day, accessing everything you need as you need it.
Obsessed with her, our narrator moves through her days presided over by the all - too - real ghost of the first marriage, fantasizing about how the first wife lives her life.
Canine cough is spread via aerosol (infectious particles in the air) and moves through shelters and kennels much the same as a human cold virus moves through a day care centre.
When you emerge from your meditation session, you take some of the stillness and peace with you as you move through your day.
As we moved through the day I kept seeing the image of a human with IV lines running out their arms and legs, giving their blood.
I moved through the day in a haze that felt like a bad dream crossed with a hangover.
Like in the People app, there's better use of swiping left and right to move through days (albeit unnamed).
The kate spade new york scallop touchscreen smartwatch also features customizable, animated dials that will delight her as she moves through her day.
You begin moving through your day like you are speeding down a highway, driving along as if hypnotized, going from one thing to the next.
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