Sentences with phrase «murder in the big house»

Murder in the Big House is a prototypical Warners B, directed by B. Reeves «Breezy» Eason, who specialized...
Warner Archive has just released three 1940s titles on DVD I'd never seen before: Murder in the Big House (1942), Danger Signal (1945), and Hotel Berlin (1945).

Not exact matches

Born on a cotton plantation in the Deep South, he watched his mother (Mariah Carey) raped and his father (David Banner) brutally murdered before he was taken inside the big house by the one of the white women (Vanessa Redgrave) and trained to be a houseboy.
Adapted for the big screen by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes and Tim Rose Price, the new cinematic version of the tale will roughly follow the book's plot, which finds a murder happening in the strange old house that is home to three generations of the same family.
See, as part of the original father - daughter deal, Nancy got to choose the house they would live in, and it happens to be the home of one of the biggest unsolved cases in Hollywood: the murder of actress Dehlia Draycott (Laura Elena Harring)..
As my colleague Laura Miller noted in her own piece about the Hachette controversy, it wasn't so long ago that the big New York publishing houses were screaming bloody murder about arm - twisting from Barnes & Noble and Borders.
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