Sentences with phrase «muslim brotherhood»

Looking at board members and principal shareholders, Acemoglu and his colleagues divided the firms into four main groups: those with connections to the NDP, those with military connections, those with Muslim brotherhood connections, and those that were unconnected to the other groups.
He as the king of Gods kingdom will change things on earth he doesn't need conservatives, republicans, tea party evangelicals, Muslim brotherhood... He doesn't need party's to make changes... He himself will to changes!
@GOPer My hope, though I will never see it, that all crazy religious practices such as the taliban beheading youngstesr because they chose to party, the muslim brotherhood attacking koptik christians, the vicar of christ condemning condoms and the resulting spread of aids, the right o a woman to control her own body, etc. the horror done in the name of religion still goes on.
obama struck a deal early in the fake young egyptian revolution with the muslim brotherhood and military council.
He is a muslim loving terrorist and is arming his muslim brotherhood terrorists.
All you people have no clue that the same is going to be at the DNC, except it is even worse, you will also have the muslim brotherhood to give a prayer service.
Call him what you want, but his support for the Muslim brotherhood and his hatred toward Israel are as plain as the nose on his face.
and how do these American muslims respond to the muslim brotherhood holding a rally in Cairo's al azhar mosque calling for the killing of all Jews?
«To Jerusalem we are going, martyrs in the millions» — Muslim brotherhood Egyptians in Tahir Square.
In the name of RELEGION... Oh, and another thing when are the so called GOOD MUSLIMS here in AMERICA and abroad going to stand up to the EXTREMIST / MUSLIMS???? They do not say much because they will be killed by their own MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD... I happen to know some US Muslims and they are very quiet and again there is a reason they are!
You and your muslim brotherhood have nothing to be proud of, at all.
muslims need palenstine to exist to give muslims a brotherhood to focus on a common enemy.
Today's so called Muslim Brotherhoods are but fascist bands of youth orientated Islamists seeking out socialized nationalistic power thru physically violent means as is now being played out within the Middle East nations as is now the case in Syria....

Not exact matches

We are writing now, however, in a spirit of respect and brotherhood, to urge you prayerfully to reconsider your position on the question of the television show All American Muslim on The Learning Channel (TLC)....
Very great geographical, ethnic, and cultural variations and some important religious divisions (Sunnites; Shiites and their subdivisions, the four Madhabs; traditionalism; and Sufism) separate Muslims from each other; yet, they all join in the consciousness of belonging to a great brotherhood.
The Muslims saw it as the culmination of human brotherhood, a concept symbolized magnificently in the ceremony of the annual Hajj to Mecca.
Muslims expected it when Islam embraced all peoples in a brotherhood.
Five centuries later Muslim expansion received a new impetus with the founding of Sokoto State and the subjugation of the major portion of Western Sudan with the help of the Moroccan Sufi brotherhood, the Tijani order.
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