Sentences with phrase «muslim holidays»

Stringer cited among those services the possibility of adding halal choices in public school lunchrooms and the recent addition of two Muslim holidays to the public school calendar.
Gov. Paterson: Mosque talk should take week off to honor Jewish, Muslim holidays, 9/11 anniversary [NYDN]
They are the first Muslim holidays included on the City school calendar.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the addition of two Muslim holidays, Eid al - Fitr and Eid al - Adha, to the New York City school system's calendar.
Paterson said that New Yorkers should honor this week's Jewish and Muslim holidays, as well as the anniversary of September 11, by observing a «one - week moratorium» on mosque talk.
They have partnered with the UFT to fight for humane immigration reform, good jobs for working New Yorkers, and DOE recognition of important Muslim holidays in the New York Citypublic school calendar.
On Saturday, September 17, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will host the annual Muslim School Holiday event, designed to bring fun and activities for all in celebration of the addition of Muslim holidays to the public school calendar.
Mona Davids, President of the New York City Parents Union (NYCPU) recalled that as a New York City public school student being marked absent when observing Muslim Holidays and until recently her own children have been marked absent for observing those holidays.
(New York NY) In a morning announcement, Mayor de Blasio fulfilled a campaign promise by adding two Muslim Holidays — Eid al - Adha & Eid al - Fitr — to the New York City public schools calendar.
De Blasio announced that the Muslim holidays of Eid al - Adha and al - Fitr have been added to the NYC public school schedule, calling it «a change that respects the diversity of our city.»
Lamb is often served at Easter (especially Orthodox or Greek), Passover, and Muslim holidays.
I pondered the question after reading a CNN Belief Blog post in which Imam Khalid Latif, executive director of New York University's Islamic Center, argued that public schools should close for two prominent Muslim holidays in New York City.
It should make no difference as to what New York City bureaucrats decide to do with Muslim holidays because, at the end of the day, they're not the ones in control of the matter.
Observing Muslim holidays in New York City.
If you want Muslim holidays, go live in a Muslim country and leave us the hell alone.
At a time when secularists are doing all they can to drain the last drop of Christianity out of this country, I find it insulting that these same anti-religious zealots are becoming muslim apologists and arguing for the inclusion of muslim holidays in the NYC public school calendar.
I have no problem with having muslim holidays, but if muslim holidays are recognized then hindu, greek, african, chinesse etc...
this country was built on CHRISTIAN values, the ones asking for muslim holidays let's see first any of the muslim countries give a christian holiday or in some muslim countries even allows one church to be built.
If schools close for something other than recognized Federal and State holidays then yes, they should close for Muslim holidays.
If they are going to have Muslim holidays then they should have Hindu and Buddhist holidays.
There is no way I want to observe muslim holidays in my very own country.
If you really do not care about giving 2 muslim holidays, what are you doing here and posting such long messages?
But if we do not celebrate Jewish, Catholic, Hindu, etc holidays, then Muslim holidays are no exception.
Another issue is that Khalid Latif points out that «About 12 percent of New York City students are Muslim,» and that should be a reason why New York public schools should celebrate the Muslim holidays.
Or, if we are going to continue observing holidays like Good Friday, then we should include Muslim holidays as well.
hey why only Islam / Muslim holidays?
if they would start closing schools for muslim holidays then why not jewish holidays?
Muslim holidays need to be recognized and students should be allowed to celebrate the holiday instead of going to school on those days.
Having faced many of these same issues growing up Jewish in the South, I fully support the inclusion of these Muslim holidays into the school calendar.
If muslim holidays are observed in public schools, what about Buddhists, Jewish, Hindu and others?
You stand up for Muslim holidays... are you aware that many Christians don't even get their holidays off, many hard working Americans are forced to work during their holidays... I'm all for equality, but you are preaching to cater to Muslims, in effect, giving them more rights to holidays than their Christian counterparts.
I think it is really sad that a CHRISTIAN nation, replaces almost all forms of it in the public schools, you can't have a Nativity scene anywhere in the school w / o it being «discriminating» to other people, but we can accept Muslim holidays.
This idea he's floating about celebrating Muslim holidays in schools (in New York or otherwise) is all about pushing Islam into the faces of children and attempting to indoctrinate them.
Sure I think schools should be closed for Muslim holidays, that is of course if you're in a Muslim based country.
As someone who grew up in the largest muslim city outside of the middle east (Detroit Metro) and having grown up getting muslim holidays off of school, I would argue that if some 12 + % of NYC students really are muslim — if this guy has his facts right — why not?
Muslims are certainly free to commemorate and celebrate Muslim holidays.
I agree with the author — the schools should be off for muslim holidays.
You do not have to convert to Christianity to be accepted by the American people but we, in turn, should not have to recognize Muslim holidays to be accepted by Muslims.
Why does everyone now have to take two more days off on muslim holidays?
I agree in my opinion that muslim holidays should only be for the islamic peoples who want them!
Replace these so called Holidays with Muslim Holidays and everyone will be treated fairly.
When Saudi Arabia and Pakistan close their schools for Christmas, then we'll close ours for Muslim holidays.
So, once you guys start to celebrate Christian holidays in all of your Muslim countries, that's when we'll celebrate Muslim holidays in America.
As a result they should close for Muslim holidays and Christian holidays as well.
Sorry, we will never observe Muslim holidays in our schools.
This is only about 2 muslim holidays.
No Nativity scenes at Christmas, no school prayer, taking In God We Trust out of the nation's government structures... and yet we talk Muslim holidays, placating to Muslims, and giving special priviledges to Muslims.
Fine — Let's observe Muslim holidays!
James... I am not really huge on Muslim holidays or any other holidays since they are already falling behind in education but just for records there are atleast two jewish holidays on NYC school calender, Yaum Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
With all due respect, Muslim holidays are not more important than Christian, Jewish or any other holidays.
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