Sentences with phrase «muslim holy men»

The drive to the top of Signal Hill passes 4 of the 6 kramats (sacred tombs of Muslim holy men) that are believed to protect Cape Town.
I love the muslims and in the interest of peace would be willing to visit the muslim holy men and give them all a hand jobbie!

Not exact matches

Police said that due to fears of violent protest over the deadly Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, they would bar men under the age of 50 from Jerusalem's flashpoint Al - Aqsa mosque for what are usually packed prayers on the last Friday of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.
the christians were bad during the crusades, stirred up by Pope Urban II into going and taking land the ROMAN EMPIRE, not christianity, had lost, and these same «holy crusaders», upon taking Jerusalem, massacred men, women, children, muslims, jews, christians, everyone just because they were different.
With astonishing boldness, Francis immediately announced the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Sultan, while emphasising that his own concern was for the eternal salvation of the Muslim leader, who was apparently deeply moved by the Holy Man's courage, enthusiasm, and steadfastness.
Dear I am not working or aware of the laws of legal or sharia systems but as a Muslim know that cursing all that is considered holy can bring a whole lot of trouble for Muslim or not Muslim specially if there were many witnesses against you, said tobe not less than two men or four women.
as a muslim I deplore the use of your info and vocab, I am saddened at how you talk of your holy man.
Judges in Iran have sentenced a Christian man to have his lips burnt for eating during the Muslim holy month.
These Muslim clerics are always considered «holy men» no matter how many people they killed, tortured or punished.
It shows how Gandhi was a deeply spiritual man who saw not man and woman, Hindu and Muslim or black and white; just people who all deserved the same respect; a very unusual attitude for a «holy man»... He preached non-violence and used the media in a way never seen before to shame his oppressors through the use of passive resistance, showing that it takes a lot more courage to take a beating than give one and in doing so was all but responsible for the dissolution of the Bri...
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