Sentences with phrase «mystery man suggested»

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Because it is intractable he simply dodges the kingship of acclaim, awaiting instead the coronation that will be his in his supreme hour, a coronation which by its quality of contempt suggests, even partially reveals, the many - leveled mystery of the Son of Man.
For those of a philosophical bent, this chapter looks like a Magisterial response to Martin Heidegger's 1953 essay «The Question Concerning Technology», which suggested that the modern fixation with technology has made men think falsely that they can control the mysteries of Being.
It was actually Mystery Man who suggested that I should give this little bag a second chance.
The lonely Wiseau (Franco, as in James, in full deadpan squint) may have suffered an unrequited man - crush on the handsome Sestero, as the film suggests, but it's possible that deep down the mystery man's heart secretly belonged to Dada.
Its title would suggest an attempt at equal rendering of its titular characters, but Lola, along with any other female characters, remain wrapped (or perhaps warped) in mystery, their motivations and ideals manipulated by the desire or fear of the men in their lives.
Many people are using this as an argument to suggest that the mystery man is lying.
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