Sentences with phrase «myth over truth»

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Reading the same old myths over and over can make you think that there could be some truth behind it, after all.
I was hoping it was a larger scene with three wise men, but it looks like she has successfully dodged any controversy over the truth and accurate depiction of the myth.
For those who value truth over myths check out zoroastrianism for the first true good vs bad combo as equals in the struggle for control over the world.
Thus what others have noted and called a great scandal of inconsistency in Bultmann's method strikes me as being singular evidence of his own remarkable sensitivity to the persisting truth of myth, as something existentiell, which somehow must stand over against the logic of demythologizing.
Until we figure out that the only real truth out there is that we are all equally human and treat each other as we would want to be treated as a fellow human being, we will continue to stupidly hate and kill over myths and stories and eventually utterly destroy ourselves over who has the better imaginary friend.
As a book of collected myths that evolved and melted together over time, the bible is somewhat interesting, but it's obviously got no magic or universal truth.
When they repeat those myths over and over again, other people internalize them, believe them, pass them along and contribute to myths passing as truths.
Then these myths are repeated over and over and over and over until they seem like «truth».
Whilst the myth may be «union power» swaying leadership elections, the truth is that MPs exert too much power over the process (why should they be more important than councillors etc).
Here's the truth about five myths that might be keeping you from switching over to a cup — and why it's time to put the misinformation to rest.
Thank you again for being the Dr. of Truth and exploding so many myths that the weight loss Doctors tremble over.
Here are 11 myths and (and the truths they're hiding) about dating over 50.
Of course, the grain of truth in this myth is the fact that any stock trend consists of a series of advances and retreats, resulting in a net increase over time.
When you've got an educational system that is weak in teaching science, myths are going to win out over truth more often than not.
With so many myths and false beliefs when it comes to the subject, not many really know the Truth about Drinking and Driving and when to hand over the keys or call a cab.
While you should always obey traffic law, if you ever find yourself getting pulled over, know these common traffic ticket myths and the truth behind them.
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