Sentences with phrase «n400 effect found»

In research we did for The Gen Z Effect we found that 50 % of Gen Z (born after 1995) expect to start their own business.
That increased reliance was «probably the most negative effect we found,» says Wydick.
The effect we found is substantial.
If the coverage rates were similar for households with and without children under 5, then the effects found in the RCT seem implausibly large.
Third, even assuming their logic and methodology are correct, the effects they find is small: they calculate that borrowers affected by enforced covenant breaches are only 2.4 % more likely to cut R&D spending and 4.9 % more likely to cut capital expenditure.
A 2012 meta - analysis concluded that people who drank moderate amounts of Kona had a lower rate of heart failure, with the best effect found for those who drank more than four cups of Kona coffee a day.
A 2012 meta - analysis concluded that people who drank moderate amounts of Kona had a lower rate of heart failure, with the biggest effect found for those who drank more than four cups a day.
The authors propose this as well as cohort effects found that children raised in an earlier time did not have the bedsharing rates later groups did and had much greater reported problems associated with bedtime resistance and sleep - onset problems.]
The changes are associated with less - organized communication between the brain's hemispheres and are comparable to the effects found in previous animal studies.
Nevertheless, because the effect found was minor and inconsistent, our study should not be regarded as final proof of this hypothesis.
But the concentrated stories of conflict and triumph, cause and effect found in mountaineering books — these stories measured over weeks and months instead of years, as they might be in the laboratory — make for accessible, easily transferable lessons.
Boffetta explains that this aspect of the study design could «be an explanation of the weak effect we found.
The researchers also surveyed the participants about their positive feelings and statistically controlled for them to make sure that any effects found were above and beyond those created by emotion.
The severity of the health effects found in these initial surveys and the risks indicated for children living in the homes is a basis for the major interest in this community from concerned Russian and international organizations.
To establish the frequency specificity of the effects found with EEG - informed fMRI for the gamma and theta bands, we explored EEG - BOLD coupling across the whole EEG spectrum in the left auditory region that was more activated in control than ASD subjects during the movie in the fMRI - only analysis.
Yes, a blended smoothie * might * cause a bigger blood sugar spike and insulin rebound, but this depends on the ingredients, and is significantly less than the same effect found with straight up juice.
Studies showing the benefits of guava leaf tea are still preliminary, and more evidence is needed to verify the beneficial effects found by the few existing studies.
However, the magnitude of the effect they found indicates that a high nutrient density diet can be very effective for some people.
Different studies that have been performed to focus on side effects found no major side effects at dosages up to 2.8 grams daily (46).
For more reading on the importance of maintaining muscle health read this article, and more about muscle soreness, and its effects find that information here.
Other times, these foods offer compounds or effects found in few other foods.
With no harmful side effects found in the past 20 years, no wonder why GW 501516 has become a legend in the world of sports and athleticism.
Our study was based on an occupational cohort but sugar intakes from sweet food / beverages were close to those reported previously in a representative cohort in the UK (approximately 40 grams), and Batty et al. showed that effects found in Whitehall II were comparable to those observed in population - representative cohorts3, 57.
The disc's default Dolby TrueHD 5.1 soundtrack is also strong, with dialogue, music and effects finding and maintaining a nice, even balance.
Ti West's low - budget space movie The Side Effect finds its star.
Along the way, you enjoy the most beautiful water effects found in a game, while at the same time learning a bit about sailing (such as sail length, sail positioning) and what it means to be a pirate.
While we can not conclusively attribute the effects found to the causal effect of domestic violence per se, we can exploit the timing of the domestic violence filings to provide suggestive evidence of whether the negative spillovers are due to domestic violence or some other factor correlated with it.
Charter schools benefit students in neighboring district schools Positive effects found on test scores, grade completion, and more, increasing with proximity
A remaining question is whether the effects we find are small or large.
While both these charter studies roughly track the effects found in the school funding study, I don't think we know enough about adult outcomes for urban charters.
This type of behavior could exaggerate the race - matching effects we find.
Despite reaching a consensus on their findings, many researchers within the NICHD group debated the implications of this work, wondering whether the effects they found were even large enough to be of concern.
Adequan is a unique medication designed to treat arthritis, a common side effect found in dogs with hip dysplasia.
Most importantly, the sunsets in San Carlos Mexico are considered to be some of the most beautiful and breathtaking visual effects found anywhere in Mexico.
The graphic effects found in the original release are present as well that include depth of field, motion blur and temporal aliasing.
The cars themselves sound fine but the environmental effects I found to be a bit muted.
The pixel art, the excellent animations and the effects found within, it's certainly a game to watch and will hopefully see a 2017 release.
Light enchanting tunes follow our protagonist around and a range of well thought out sound effects find their place in perfect harmony.
Your three dimensional works often play with the effects found in photography.
If someone has a mistake in the spreadsheet, that when corrected changes the venture NPV from positive to negative, and then when its found, they go back and make a different change (in effect find another error) that results in the NPV going back to where it was before, that concerns me a bit.
A larger percentage of the studies commissioned to find negative effects found negative effects.
So here we have a paper that empirically points to a bias among «skeptics,» and not one person has taken on the bias shown in the paper to explain the effect they found — other than to say (based on a priori assumptions) that the researchers were biased.
But what do you think about the effect they found?
Moreover, as the comparison with Manne and Richels shows, the effect found by McKibbin et al is highly fragile.
For instance, I think it's correct that the differential growth in incomes between the poorest 20 % of U.S. household and the richest 1 % has been a lot bigger over the last 20 years than the effects they find here.»
So what are possible physical hypotheses for the no significant effect finding?
As you say, the largest thermal lag effect you find in those models is no more than a doubling of the TCR (for very high TCRs that are at odds with current observations and both Lindzen's and Annan's figures).
However, few authorities have implemented it, and Birmingham City Council has in effect found itself subject to litigation that will potentially give rise to compensation payments in the # 100s of millions, but which may also amount to a test case with the resulting nationwide compensation running at a far higher multiple.
From an item I just posted on Stem's newly launched blog The Greenhouse, a javascript library is now available called impress.js that replicates many of zooming effects found in
Bevan says the direct effect finding may be particularly useful in the run - up to Brexit «as there is a distinct risk, in this twilight period of EU law primacy, that a court might feel disinclined to apply a robust EU law consistent construction to bridge one of these lacunae».
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