Sentences with phrase «na seemed»

«Any further out, it starts to seem intangible.
The key here is to seem imperfect, approachable, and human.
And the bad news is that people often wear their expectations — if they feel that things ahead look bad, they're going to seem grumpy at the office.
Suddenly, the problem starts to seem a lot less unconscious.
Want to seem thoughtful?
Yet somehow, in the U.S., large public companies can't seem to seem to make any progress at all in getting more women onto their boards of directors.
Do not smile at people as a defense mechanism to cover up your discomfort or to seem pleasing.
Introducing your company succinctly and persuasively requires a ton of work and preparation but has to seem effortless to make the right impression.
We're all just fumbling around here (even those «experts» who try as hard as possible to seem like they have it all together).
After nearly 400 pages, as the authors catalogue all the wounded players, corrupt tutors and bribes, the individual scandals and outrages begin to seem inconsequential, like mere symptoms of a deeper sickness.
Could this be Musk just trying to seem a bit more loyal and humane than he was in real life?
It won't be too long — a couple of decades at most, before individual car ownership starts to seem anachronistic.
Things that used to seem elusive will start to present themselves as opportunities.
But when you break «innovation» down to what it really means in a corporate setting — essentially, finding new ways to make money — it can start to seem like a much better idea to have someone in charge of that process.
Ponies are hard to come by in these strange times, and you don't want to seem foolish for looking.
Given that, the gut - feel proponents start to seem like people who eschew antibiotics in favor of good old - fashioned bloodletting.
«Ambient scent may lead to an enhanced subjective experience for retail shoppers... the time consumers spend examining merchandise, waiting in lines, or waiting for help may be made to seem shorter than it actually is by introducing ambient scent into the environment,» the study read.
The Waterloo tech giant, which made its name by practically inventing the smartphone category, sells products that to some seemed antiquated compared to slicker iPhones, iPads and Android devices.
Instagram, Spotify, Square, Pinterest, and the list goes on: It's starting to seem like billion - dollar startup valuations are a dime a dozen.
Now that the idea of receiving goods via drone has settled into our collective consciousness, it's starting to seem far less like a science fiction movie.
«While that's certainly legal, and they certainly have the right to do it, to me it seemed incredibly unethical....
Through practical and creative thinking they find possibilities and answers to seeming difficult questions.
While he's keen not to seem too critical of the coach company («I think all things considered they generally do a good job»), he acknowledges that lots of people have similar stories.
Presenting an inexpensive product first and following it with an expensive one will cause the expensive item to seem even more costly as a result.»
How, in any capacity, does that address the underlying issues (and coinciding reasons) for Millennials to seem to be job hopping like crazy?
Service companies throughout history have fared just fine while owning some physical infrastructure; it's only in the past few years that that arrangement has come to seem like a weakness.
Combine that with public - sector salary disclosure laws and workers who report their earnings anonymously to online databases compiled by and Monster's Salary Wizard, and it starts to seem like the paycheque is becoming less of a secret than it once was.
But while wanting to seem strong in the wake of terrorist attacks is a natural desire for a politician, we shouldn't be so quick to follow Hillary onto the bandwagon.
'' (If) we rounded up 100 creative, career - oriented women, it is likely that perfectionism would be rampant, especially if we measure the pressure to be perfect that we have called socially prescribed perfectionism, and the need to seem perfect when presenting the self in public,» Flett told us during a summer Sunday morning e-mail chat.
No matter who his puts his lens on, expect his images to seem natural and casual — words the photographer uses to describe his own taste in clothing.
But no matter what you do, think about your rate of speech — because when you need to seem more intelligent or more convincing, how you speak really does matter.
«If you're able to find a job that to you seems better and worth a switch, on average at least that seems to lead to longer careers,» said co-author Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, a research economist at the Center for Retirement Research.
Warning bells went off in Nielson's head, but, he says, even this request was made to seem justifiable.
On Wednesday at 4:55 p.m., a supervisor sends a group email to the entire team stating,» I don't want to seem inauthentic, so I decided not to do anything for you for Thanksgiving or send a message I didn't mean.»
The 30 - minute cook time started to seem unrealistic.
That they have had to give up free snacks and drinks has continued to seem a reasonable exchange.
The company has taken steps to rehabilitate its image, but some of these efforts — such as a puppy delivery service and other stunts — have been so over-the-top as to seem laughably desperate.
What makes celebrities incredible at building their brands is their ability to seem to be everywhere.
Until now, this served Trump's interest: the less we can focus any one thing the less trouble he's likely to seem to be in.
But, with the benefit of hindsight, I think the likelihood of the court finding against the way the federal government was going about trying to create a national securities regime should have begun to seem likely very early this year, when British Columbia decided to adopt a nuanced opposition to the federal position.
Our own contributors are diverse in their political perspectives and we believe it wouldn't be democratic to seem to speak for all of them.
Until last week, Washington had learned to ignore Trump's words on so many subjects — health care, immigration, taxes, guns — that it came to seem natural to assume that just because he said he would impose tariffs, there was no reason to believe he actually would.
Surprisingly, analysts continue to hail lower - than - expected CPI inflation as giving the PBoC room and encouragement to expand credit — largely I guess because this is what analysts say when US or European CPI inflation numbers are low, and although most of us haven't thought through the differences between China and the US in the ways prices respond to monetary policy, we don't want to seem like we don't know what we are doing.
Jobs data, also released Wednesday, added to that seeming trend.
What seemed merely theoretical earlier in your working life starts to seem real.
Other websites want to seem helpful and credible as well and will share your content to do so.
If the Chinese surplus should rise against the U.S. after a decrease in the trade deficit with Mexico, the U.S. must then do the equivalent of a currency depreciation via a tariff against Chinese goods to force a rebalancing of trade which to me seems like a reasonable plan.
Once you grok the collective buying power idea, the term Groupon starts to seem almost generic.
The flexible working FinTechs I spoke to all seemed very optimistic about the technical security solutions in place at flexible workspaces, including encryption tools, screen locks, and
The flexible working FinTechs I spoke to all seemed very optimistic about the technical security solutions in place at flexible workspaces, including encryption tools, screen locks, and innovative entry systems.
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