Sentences with phrase «nih predoctoral»

As a graduate student, Ryan received a Molecular Biophysics NIH predoctoral training grant and Texas A&M Regents» Graduate Fellowship.
National Institutes of Health, «NIH predoctoral research training in the biomedical and behavioral sciences: outcomes for 1982 - 92 Ph.D. s» (Report in preparation)

Not exact matches

The work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants AI081077 and AI121841, and NIH Health CBBI Predoctoral Training Fellowship T32GM075762.
The fact that every speaker at the NIH Wednesday afternoon lecture series participates in a small luncheon with predoctoral fellows demonstrates NIH's commitment to young scientists.
These include fellowships from private sources and from a number of NIH institutions as F30 / 31 National Research Service Awards predoctoral fellowships.
They include the BEST (Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training) programs at 17 institutes across the country; encouraging the use of individual development plans (IDPs) by all NIH - supported graduate students and postdocs; and, one I am particularly pleased about, offering individual F30 and F31 predoctoral fellowships through all the NIH institutes and centers.
The Funding section includes a good breakdown of the National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) Research Support Mechanisms, classified under Predoctoral, Postdoctoral Early Career, Middle Career, and Senior categories.
Similar to NIH's Pathway to Independence Award (which bridges postdoctoral training and an independent research position), the NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award will have two phases:
Dr. Torkamani obtained his undergraduate degree in chemistry at Stanford University, where he received a Bing Foundation Chemistry Research Fellowship, and his doctorate in biomedical sciences at the University of California, San Diego under the mentorship of Dr. Nicholas Schork as an NIH Genetics Predoctoral Training awardee.
Some NIH Institutes support other predoctoral grants.
J.P.S. was a recipient of an NIH Research Training in Pharmacological Sciences predoctoral training grant and UCLA dissertation year fellowship.
She completed a predoctoral internship at New York Hospital and a postdoctoral fellowship on an NIH training grant at Weill Cornell Medical College.
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