Sentences with phrase «nimby issues»

He was as energetic then as he is now, throwing himself into progressive, reformist measures, quotidian NIMBY issues, and the odd animal - rights controversy.
At a recent taping of July's show, which will air four times a week on Channel 6, Buffalo Grove Village President Sid Mathias led a discussion of the pros and cons of extending Illinois Highway 53, one of the great NIMBY issues of the day.

Not exact matches

That force — NIMBY or Not In My Back Yard - ism — has taken distinct forms on different issues, but has been causing the de Blasio administration trouble and frustrating the mayor.
Because it will be built along a mostly industrial right - of - way, Cuomo doesn't foresee any significant «siting issues» of the NIMBY variety.
However, the tricky issue is finding land — a problem that all potential tiny housers face, regardless of their situation — but in the case of housing the homeless in tiny house developments, such well - meaning initiatives can meet strong opposition fueled by NIMBY - ism (not in my backyard).
If NIMBY weren't as much of an issue as it is, we could probably take advantage of distributed heat systems for much of our urban existing home stock.
The cost of creating and siting landfills will continue to increase due to more rigid environmental mandates compounded by ever more toxic man made materials and public policy issues, the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome.
A common topic when discussing environmental issues is the acronym «NIMBY,» meaning «Not in My Backyard.»
When I first began to review the data, my cynical expectation was that librarians would have an explicit NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) position on the access to justice issue.
«The Housing Summit increased the awareness of the complexity of housing issues and resulted in lessening of the NIMBY cries.»
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