Sentences with phrase «nimby problem»

Developers are aware the NIMBY problem, and it's particularly egregious in San Jose.
By building the affordable apartments first, the developer has neatly solved the NIMBY problem.
Developers are aware the NIMBY problem, and it's particularly egregious in San Jose.
He acknowledges the not - in - my - backyard (NIMBY) syndrome that skeptics assume will limit wind farming: «There clearly is the NIMBY problem.
Although there are NIMBY problems («not in my backyard»), the PIMBY response («put it in my backyard») is much more pervasive.

Not exact matches

Personally, I don't have a problem with Nimbys.
The real problem in the MacKay analysis is NIMBYs and Naysayers.
However, the tricky issue is finding land — a problem that all potential tiny housers face, regardless of their situation — but in the case of housing the homeless in tiny house developments, such well - meaning initiatives can meet strong opposition fueled by NIMBY - ism (not in my backyard).
Our problem is that every windmill and hydro is opposed by NIMBYs who somehow believe that turning appliances off standby and using CFLs is enough.
But if we are going to solve our housing problems and our carbon problems, we are all going to have to stop all these NIMBY fights that prevent «missing middle» housing.
One key difference with wind turbines is that free flow hydro turbines are not visible, so the «not in my backyard» (NIMBY) attitude shouldn't be a problem.
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