Sentences with phrase «no quality studies»

The company has performed well on J.D. Power quality studies in its home country and has seen robust sales in that region, moving 500,000 units of its Trumpchi brand in 2017.
There are 12 high quality studies since 1995 (1 - 12) from Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Holland, US, UK, New Zealand and Israel, which all show planned attended homebirth to have either lower or similar rates of perinatal mortality and very significantly lower rates of maternal morbidity, such as cesareans, hemorrhage, and third and fourth degree tears compared to matched groups of low risk women who plan to deliver in hospital.
A crunchy mom provided low quality studies that stated it may shorten labor by as much as 80 minutes.
Yes, low quality studies showing as much as 80 minutes less labor or approximately 20 fewer contractions.
These are low quality studies that showed at best one hour and twenty minutes.
Commissioned Quality Study shows that Moms overwhelmingly agree the use of the LDM - 100 enhanced their birth experience.
Herbs such as fenugreek and the medications metoclopramide (Reglan) and domperidone are sometimes used to boost milk supply, but evidence that they work generally comes from poor - quality studies, according to the ABM.
Our review of reviews confirms that evidence exists from high quality studies on marketing of health - related products, such as tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, BMS, and marketing of foods to children, that marketing is effective, and conversely for most of these products, that comprehensive and evidence based regulation works to constrain it.
In fact, out of what the WHO deemed high - quality studies, breastfeeding was associated with a 12 % reduction in obesity over those who weren't breastfed.
«Only high - quality studies will be included in the final summary, regardless of where the authors were employed or who funded the study,» said Gray, a biologist in the reproductive toxicology division at the Environmental Protection Agency.
It was found that breastfeeding decreased the odds of type 2 diabetes and based on high - quality studies, decreased by 13 % the odds of overweight / obesity.
In addition, more high - quality studies are needed to clarify the biological mechanisms underlying this association between breastfeeding and lower childhood leukemia morbidity,» the study concludes.
In addition, more high - quality studies are needed to clarify the biological mechanisms underlying this association between breastfeeding and lower childhood leukemia morbidity.
Comprehensive, high - quality studies to address the links between lifestyle and fertility are few and far between.
Very few high - quality studies of the relationship between breast - feeding and pacifier use exist, says Phillipi, and those that do don't clearly establish that pacifiers negatively impact breast - feeding rates.
Furthermore, most of the best quality studies showed a significant protective effect.
State refuses to release long - awaited Peace Bridge air quality study to residents and Investigative Post.
While the media has reported on the air quality studies, the trial and community concerns, the stories of individuals and their families have, for the most part, remained in the background.
A new air quality study is underway on Buffalo's West Side near the Peace Bridge.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation is out with the results of its second air quality study for the West Side Buffalo neighborhoods around the Peace Bridge.
While the overall quality of the evidence was very low, fair - quality studies showed that opioid dose reduction was associated with improvements for outcomes such as pain, function, and quality of life.
A review of good - quality studies finds that legislation making bike helmets mandatory for kids causes significant reduction in head trauma cases.
In the end, Savaiano says, «I was surprised» at the small number of quality studies available for analysis.
«I view almost everything we do from beginning to end as a big success,» Grais says — «just the fact that we are able to carry out high - quality studies in a context where it's difficult to do that.
That pressure may lead researchers to publish many low - quality studies instead of aiming for a smaller number of well - done studies.
The data gathered for the QUALITY study (family study on the prevention of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes in kids and teens) was ideal for verifying children's dental health.
The odds were slightly lower in higher - quality studies.
Methods: The team of scientists performed 17 research flights using the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Gulfstream - 1 aircraft during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study field campaign.
Water Quality Study, Puerco River, AZ, 1985; Arizona Department of Health Service, Office of Emergency Response and Environmental Analysis, Water Assessment Section, Ambient Water Unit, April 1986.
«There have been a number of high quality studies showing an increased risk of crime after brain injury — usually about twice the risk compared to non-injured.
More high quality studies with more transparent methodology are needed to improve the consistency amongst different studies.
Dr. Paajanen and her colleagues analyzed data from 52 high - quality studies that included more than 3 million people.
Many coaches have different theories and very few quality studies have been carried out to determine the optimal warm up.
Two high - quality studies found that TENS produced no benefit; the other studies had mixed results, but they were considered to be less reliable.
It's definitely true that meta - analyses can also be used to make results appear significant from a bunch of small, low - quality studies, especially with a little statistical handwaving.
When there are quality studies that where subjects actually eat a whole food plant based diet of roughly 70 % — 80 % carbohydrates, 10 % — 15 % fat and 10 % — 15 % protein along with consumption of at least 40 grams of fiber a day (any less and it would be an indicator that the subjects were eating substantial amounts of highly refined plant foods), and those studies show that diets like Atkins or Paleo or Weston - Price result in better cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar (both fasting and post-prandial) then I will start paying attention to them.
There were some initial studies showing that fiber was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, but higher quality studies haven't found any link (33).
A new systematic review of the research finds early evidence that yoga may reduce the incidence of various forms of heart disease, but concludes that more high quality studies are needed before making definitive recommendations.
That being said, more high - quality studies are needed to establish the actual mechanism behind the change and to determine which component of the intervention is most effective.
Newer, higher quality studies that have attempted to control for these confounding diet and lifestyle factors haven't found any survival advantage in becoming vegetarian.
There is need for more quality studies, not this sub par design.
Further high - quality studies are needed to determine how effective MCTs are for weight loss and what amounts need to be taken to experience benefits.
Many studies that show adverse affects from home birth are not quality studies.
When performed properly, they allow the least amount of bias and demonstrate causation — unlike lesser - quality study approaches, such as observational studies or case - control studies.
You keep posting low quality studies which you do not understand yourself.
While this is very interesting, Richard; paradigm challenging, and makes sense — are there any recent, quality studies that show this?
There was a big meta - analysis in 2009 of five high - quality studies, and they did find a linear association between the amount of acid in the urine and the amount of calcium in the urine, but there was no association between the amount of acid in the urine and calcium levels in the body.
The other two fair - quality studies were in English.
Appreciate the hard work you've put into this, and let's hope there's some proper, high quality studies done on IF in humans in the years to come!
More high - quality studies are needed.
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