Sentences with phrase «not lactose»

It's going to be legen — wait for it — and I hope you're not lactose intolerant, because the second half of the word is — dary!
And the good news is that as an occasional treat cheese is perfect for your pooch, provided, of course, they are not lactose intolerant.
Cheese is an excellent option for dogs which are not lactose intolerant.
However, there are dogs that are not lactose intolerant.
I had a very VIOLENT reaction to Kefir I bought in a health food store... I have NO PROBLEMS with yogurt or milk so it's not a lactose problem.
I'm going with milk since I'm not lactose intolerant and I've been hearing that it tastes better, plus it has more health benefits, right?
she is allergic to milk (not lactose intolerant — she breaks out in hives, gets upper respiratory infections, and wheezes).
This means that it is not a lactose - free product which SCD and other healing diets require.
No, you're not Rich, but you're also not your lactose intolerant friend.
And it's not a lactose thing either — nope, people who are lactose - intolerant can't have whey.
If a person comes back on endoscopy stating they are NOT lactose intolerant, the biopsy showed they had highly sufficient amounts of lactase enzymes, could lactose still have a compounding factor to FODMPs because it is easily fermentable??? We were told we didn't need to remove lactose, because dd was not lactose intolerant, but this was by a GI nurse who was not trained in FODMAP's.
I'm not lactose intolerant so that wouldn't be a problem.
... I am not lactose intolerant but have a lot of sinus congestion problems and heard milk causes more mucucs, thus more congestion.
Maple Hill Creamery Plain Greek Yogurt is a brand of Greek yogurt that is not lactose free since it is not baked 24 to 30 hours.
17:53 «Yeah if your not lactose intolerant there's really no reason you shouldn't» I stopped listening once your guest said there is no other reason to avoid dairy.
I; m not lactose intolerant.
As far as I know, I am not lactose intolerant.
The subjects were not taking medications, were not lactose intolerant, did not have diarrhea, and had not taken antibiotics for 3 mo before the study period.
GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day)-- Obviously this method will only work if you're not lactose intolerant.
If you are not lactose intolerant (or gut sensitive) and you don't mind breaking the Paleo bible, then you should be OK, considering that the amounts would be so low that it probably wouldn't distress your system.
The vast majority of babies will do fine with these milk derived ingredients as it is the milk protein (casein), not the lactose or whey that was causing the problems with the milk based formula.
For those on a tight budget who are not lactose intolerant, milk is a great way to get in extra protein.
People with serious, true milk allergies are reacting to the proteins in the milk, not the lactose.
It should be noted, however, that whey is processed and causes gas in many people who are not lactose intolerant.
A reaction to milk protein is NOT lactose intolerance!
Leigh Ann Webster: If you are not lactose intolerant during your pregnancy, I always suggest making it with like with one percent milk because why not up the calcium for the day, it doesn't taste as good with water; I like to make with almond milk....
These babies are not lactose intolerant.
You can also try to alleviate some of the teething symptoms by giving the homeopathic teething tablets (either Hyland's Teething Tablet — they contain lactose — or Humphrey's # 3 formula — they contain sugar but not lactose).
After a week I got the test results and he was not lactose and we could go back breatfeeding.
Babies with cow's milk sensitivities have issues with cow's milk antibodies that come through breastmilk as a protein, not lactose.
However, goat's milk is not lactose free; it actually contains lactose and not all babies will benefit from goat milk based foods.
This is not lactose intolerance, Burnett says, but a sensitivity to milk proteins in the mother's diet.
I am not lactose intolerant.
An intolerance to dairy is in most cases an intolerance to the protein in the milk, not the lactose.
It's not the lactose, for many people it's the protein in the milk.
As mentioned, goat's milk is NOT lactose free but it does contain less lactose than cow's milk.
She has a dairy allergy (NOT lactose intolerance), so I was very happy to see this recipe.
I would love to make them for my daughter, but she's allergic to dairy (protein not lactose).
Rice Pudding is my favorite dessert of all time and now I can't have dairy — not lactose intolerant just allergic.
My son is 3 years old and has non verbal Autism, he is legally blind, and is allergic to dairy (has an epi pen not lactose intolerant).
How come very few northern Europeans are not lactose intolerant like most other people?
It isn't lactose intolerance, instead a complete dairy allergy.
Whey protein concentrate is great for those who aren't lactose intolerant or on a ketogenic diet.
That said, greek yogurt has amazing benefits and if you aren't lactose intolerant, you should be eating it daily.
Just be careful — even if you aren't lactose intolerant, you may still be allergic to the physical proteins that are found within the cow's milk.
Dairy is fine as long as you aren't lactose intolerant or don't have any food allergies.
The last is particularly startling, just being lactose intolerant, and hence very likely avoiding dairy after infancy, reduced lung cancer incidence by 45 %, breast cancer by 21 %, and ovarian cancer by 39 %, compared to siblings and parents who weren't lactose intolerant.
As long as your dog isn't lactose intolerant, you can give your dog cheese in moderate amounts.
The problem with dairy is all dogs aren't lactose intolerant, but if they are, they don't have the ability to digest dairy like humans do.

Not exact matches

The milk doesn't contain lactose, and it has 50 % more protein and calcium than regular milk, as well as 30 % less sugar.
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