Sentences with phrase «nasty question as»

Nasty question as usual.

Not exact matches

I'm sorry if my questions came across as nasty, flippant, or threatening.
Thus, we can say that this was a question that had fascinated him from the beginning: and that his understanding of what Zionists too called «the Jewish problem» was from the outset determined in the context of his hostility to anti-Semitism and did not arise later in the contexts of his hostility to particular plutocratic Jews (in 1911, he was reported as saying that «speaking generally, as with most other communities, «THE POOR JEWS [ARE] NICE AND THE RICH JEWS [ARE] NASTY» «-RRB-[My italics].
In fact, upon questioning what appeared to be a «miraculous» recovery from coma for a person that was actually pretty nasty, it was explained as «Satan trying to lead us astray»... because of course if we stopped believing in God because Satan «fooled» us by healing an atheist, than Satan wins.
Some of those groups and some of the people in those groups can be quite nasty to anyone they perceive as questioning them, their beliefs or their authority.
And yet, looking now beyond the Demos document, whereas someone like Dominic Grieve has demonstrated (following the 7 July bombings and subsequently) a real appreciation of the mutual alterity of all the various communities which make up Britain today, Gordon Brown maintains instead a sort of toned down version of the cricket test (drawn from Roger Scruton) whilst earlier this year Ed Balls, in probably the nastiest single smear since Smethwick in» 64, referred to Grieve on Any Questions as «a friend of terrorists» or something to that effect.
For a start you're not questioning why working class socialist labour voters went Ukip in the first place, it wasn't some guardian reading, snobbery that the working class are think, therefore are bigoted, so they must vote UKIP as they're nasty right wingers who dint like immigration, the decrease in wages among blue collar workers, due to immigration, is by the bosses seeking immigration to pay lower wages to make themselves more profits, Appeasing implies going along with something through fear of something worse, to agree with controlling immigration, because ex labour voters are going UKIP isn't appeasing it, why would us being afraid of losing is our votes to.
As I've been working hard at getting rid of my nasty addiction to sugar for the past few months now, cake is totally and completely out of the question for the time being.
And to look at putting on makeup as a choice and something fun, instead of a MUST DO to try and cover up all the nasty... With that being said, I have a few questions.
As you can see by the pictures, the Zercher squat is quite a nasty squat, and the first question most... View Article
They all seem to follow the same pattern, as well: poster decloaks with an aggrieved question about why RC is being so nasty to Carlin / Fuller / Pielke; poster receives a rebuke for regurgitating nonsense; poster replies with an even more aggrieved response saying «now you're being nasty to me», and then disappears.
Lynas seems now to be questioning rather than accepting the «consensus» and that is what a writer and journalist should be doing but it is a slippery slope as every rock you turn over can have another nasty surprise.
My question for readers is, should we, as a profession, care that life at large firms resembles that of pre-civilized man described by Hobbes: nasty, brutish and short?
So, even if I have another nasty headache tomorrow and get asked an annoying question that makes it throb, I will take a deep breath and smile and be as kind as possible.
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