Sentences with phrase «new historical research»

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A brief summary can't do justice to their analysis, which draws on rich historical research to argue that capitalism develops in stages and that we're on the cusp of a new one.
Richard Bernstein of Richard Bernstein Advisors considers twenty years of historical data for this in a new research note.
Readers might ask whether the author of 15 books including The Ascent of Money has found a new paradigm of historical inquiry or just another way of packaging research for the market.
I urge you to do some further research on your historical view of the new testament my friend.
[5] Virtually all scholars involved with historical Jesus research believe his existence can be established using docu mentary and other evidence, although most hold that much of the material about him in the New Testament should not be taken at face value
This history of the proclamation is the object of historical research in the New Testament which we seek, and which is the only legitimate object of such historical research according to the New Testament's understanding of itself.»
In view of the emphasis which has been placed upon distinguishing the new quest from the original quest, it needs to be explicitly stated that a new quest can not take place without the use of the objective philological, comparative - religious, and social - historical research indispensable for historical knowledge.
[5] Virtually all scholars involved with historical Jesus research believe his existence can be established using documentary and other evidence, although most hold that much of the material about him in the New Testament should not be taken at face value
[15] Paul L. Maier «The Date of the Nativity and Chronology of Jesus» in Chronos, kairos, Christos: nativity and chronological studies by Jerry Vardaman, Edwin M. Yamauchi 1989 ISBN 0 -931464-50-1 pages 113 - 129 [16] The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978 -0-8054-4365-3 page 114 ^ Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshall, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (InterVarsity Press, 1992), page 442 [17] The Historical Jesus in Recent Research edited by James D. G. Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1 -57506-100-7 page 303 [18] Who Is Jesus?
For it has behind it the momentum of all modern historical research in the field of the biblical literature — Old Testament as well as New.
Philosophy, hitherto preoccupied with epistemological and historical research seemed to promise new answers to «weltanschauliche» questions.
In a statement, the church acknowledged different beliefs held about Richard III: «Research by the Richard III Society with others has revealed new historical aspects which have reshaped understanding.
Jesus of Nazareth's resurrection from the dead, surely the presupposition of the New Testament and Christian faith, is inaccessible to historical research.
One can point to the emergence of a variety of critical approaches to religion in general, and to Christianity in particular, which have contributed to the breakdown of certainties: These include historical - critical and other new methods for the study of biblical texts, feminist criticism of Christian history and theology, Marxist analysis of the function of religious communities, black studies pointing to long - obscured realities, sociological and anthropological research in regard to cross-cultural religious life, and examinations of traditional teachings by non-Western scholars.
The final chapter, on the diction of Mark and Paul, substantiates what has been the reader's growing conviction all along, namely that the hypothesis of Pauline influence upon the Gospel of Mark is a perfect mare's nest of absurdities, of which exegesis of the New Testament and historical research into Christian origins had better be completely rid at once.
If a new quest of the historical Jesus is to become a significant aspect of theological scholarship during the coming generation, the role which this research will play in the theological thought of our day must be made equally clear.
Thanks to historical - critical research, today's Christian can look at the New Testament so dispassionately that he or she can acquiesce when it is made the dumping ground for 20th century garbage.
The Christologies of the various forms of the kerygmata known to us from the New Testament and Christian history are not necessarily coherent with one another, still less necessarily consistent with the teaching of the historical Jesus, and historical research may well raise problems for a form of the kerygma, as, for example, research into the eschatology of Jesus raised problems for the older liberalism.
Occurring as it does in the context of a review of one of the most spectacularly successful empirical historical investigations in the whole field of life of Christ research, it is clear evidence of a tendency of the «new hermeneutic» to blur the distinction between statements possible on the basis of academic historical research and statements possible only on the basis of faith.
[22] Nancy Tod, «The Deeds of Roy Nakayama: Chile and Pecans; Research and Teaching,» Southern New Mexico Historical Review, vol.
After several years of research and development, Double Cola decided in 2013 to take the plunge in introducing three new - age product lines, lines that are outside the company's historical soft drink market.
By drawing on historical and international experiences of taxing wealth and providing new analysis of the potential fiscal and distributional impacts of reform, the IPPR research aims to provide a more balanced picture of the scope for reforming wealth taxes in the UK.
She is Professor Emerita at the State University of New York at Oswego and Principal Investigator, Historical New York Research Associates.
The findings are part of new CSIRO and UQ research, which looks at the interaction of historical whaling, food availability and future climate changes to predict whale numbers to 2100.
New physician - investigators receiving National Institutes of Health research project grants: a historical perspective on the «endangered species».
The international research team, including researchers from the University of Exeter, created a new database of historical and archaeological information using data on 414 societies spanning the last 10,000 years.
A new study in Geophysical Research Letters uses historical climate model simulations to demonstrate that there has been an Arctic - wide decrease in sea level pressure since the 1800's.
The new projections are based on leading research into contemporary and historical climate data, but also new scientific reconstructions of the only comparable period in human history: the last Ice Age.
As well as providing fresh insights into historical events, the new research might have implications for how DNA impacts health and disease in different populations.
Based on a substantial corpus of historical texts, from Old English to Present - day English, the dissertation provides new analyses with respect to a number of disputed points in the research on clausal arguments.
The appointments also portend a new push aimed at marrying the institute's historical strength in basic biomedical research with translational medicine designed to turn research leads into novel treatments.
Including the new logbooks, the Old Weather effort has scanned more than 500,000 handwritten pages from historic ship logs, and Old Weather volunteers have so far transcribed almost 3 million historical weather records for use in climate and environmental research.
The study employs ethnogenetic research to determine the historical processes responsible for the formation and embodiment of new group identities during this period.
Richard Buckley from the University of Leicester Archaeological Services and lead archaeologist in the Richard III dig, said: «This cutting edge research has provided a unique opportunity to shed new light on the diet and environment of a major historical figure — Richard III.
She held positions at Yale, Columbia, Harvard, and the New Haven Historical Society before joining the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, where she served as assistant archivist for nine years.
A historical perspective and recent research point to some form of carbohydrate restriction as a likely candidate for a new nutritional approach, and we present a thematic review regarding carbohydrate restriction.
Played out against deeply researched and lovingly crafted historical eras, the early Total War games brought thrilling new gameplay features, graphics that kept pace with hardware developments, and ever - greater realism.
He has researched and completed academic papers on a numbers of films, filmmakers and historical film movements, including French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, Hollywood Cinema, New Korean Cinema, New Iranian Cinema, Documentary Cinema, Silent Cinema, New German Cinema and Post-Revolutionary Cuban Cinema.
WebQuest Sends Students Back in Time Three middle school teachers in Greece, New York, combined technology, research, and creative writing skills in the Back in Time project in which students imagined themselves at historical events.
They should go through the design thinking process, creating their own design campaign for the product from their new viewpoint of the problem, historical research and ideation.
The conference gathered academics and educators from around the world to discuss new ideas in literary and historical research around Shakespeare, as well as new strategies for teaching and learning of Shakespeare with a focus on his relevance as a playwright in secondary schooling.
Visual - arts teacher Kelly Trpic, another Scholars» Academy teacher, retooled a research paper into a new assignment in which students analyze historical materials to interpret artworks in the context in which they were created.
Three middle school teachers in Greece, New York, combined technology, research, and creative writing skills in the Back in Time project in which students imagined themselves at historical events.
They are encouraged that the new standards stress the importance of research and analytical skills and elevate the importance of historical documents in reading comprehension.
Preston's gripping, thoroughly researched re-creation of the 1915 torpedoing of the Lusitania provides new insight into this world - shattering historical event.
Morrell's moving in a new direction with his new novel, Murder as a Fine Art, a meticulously researched historical mystery set in Victorian London.
From an adult perspective the plot's credibility stretches a little too thin on occasions but, putting this minor quibble aside, Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos is an exciting start to a new series that blends well researched historical detail with just a touch of fantasy.
When writing historical fiction, the novelist must become an archaeologist — combining research and imagination to excavate relics of the past, confront ghosts, and make old stories new again.
Dr. Ursula Rack, Arctic and Antarctic Historian at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, talks with Marcie and Whistle about her incredible historical research into the working dogs of Antarctica.
San Salvador's many attractions include the archaeological site where its earliest inhabitants, the Lucayan Indians, lived; five monuments at Landfall Park commemorating Columbus» arrival here, one underwater; the Dixon Hill Lighthouse; Watlings Estate, the ruins of a late 18th - century Loyalist plantation house, and other historical ruins; the New World Museum, with a display of artifacts from the time of the indigenous people and the life of Christopher Columbus; and the Bahamian Field Station, a center for research in archaeology, biology, geology and marine sciences.
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