Sentences with phrase «next culture war»

(The Next Culture War, Sept. 29, 2009, emphasis added).

Not exact matches

Bottum opines that we should prepare ourselves for the next chapter in the culture wars, in which the left here will get into step with its European compatriots, espousing a militant skepticism toward science while maintaining their polemic against the religious right, but this time for its uncritical embrace of scientific progress.
In this chapter, Justin identifies seven things the Church must focus on if we want to create a better world for the next generation and move beyond the culture war mentality that is literally costing some gay Christians their lives:
Of course, the idea of a «War on Christmas» is terminally silly in a culture saturated with Christmas messaging (as I write this, the radio at the coffeeshop I'm in is tuned to a channel that'll play nothing BUT Christmas songs for the next couple of weeks), but what the heck — martial metaphors work quite well when you want to get folks fired up.
With «Infinity War» still in theaters, «Deadpool 2» opening this week and «Han Solo» opening next week, pop culture geeks have a lot to choose from and argue over at the movies these days.
Using Secret Wars as template for the next Avengers film would provide an easy way for Earth heroes to realize that they need to expand and connect with other cultures «out there,» so they can be ready for whatever the next threat is.
Earlier this month, Education Next published «How Civil Rights Enforcement Got Swept into the Culture Wars and What a New Administration Can Do About It,» by Shep Melnick.
Her next novel is the story of a Korean War veteran who returns to small - town Georgia, disappointed in its racist culture and trying to help his emotionally unstable sister while still recovering from the physical and emotional aftereffects of wWar veteran who returns to small - town Georgia, disappointed in its racist culture and trying to help his emotionally unstable sister while still recovering from the physical and emotional aftereffects of warwar.
Earlier this week, Next Generation published a short excerpt from my much longer discussion of Star Wars Gallaxies and user - generated content in Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide.
If that sounds like a cry for revolution or the next Star Wars movie, Perlstein cares little for political art or pop culture, although he does have work by Barbara Kruger and Ed Ruscha, whose text covers the artificial lights of Southern California at night.
With a childhood surrounding a love of comic books, video games and pop culture, Doyle loves to pick out the locations and places made famous by films as epic as Star Wars, Pulp Fiction and Blade Runner — recreating them through bold and colourful illustrations; 10 of which will be on show and available as limited edition prints during a special «collectors preview» of the show next month.
Culture Wars: The Next Generation.
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