Sentences with phrase «noisy le»

The 61 - year - old also described the divorce of his mother Jane Portal and father Gavin Welby when he was three - years - old as «unpleasant», saying he lived through a «noisy, disturbed children».
Because, «if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
It is a time pregnant with promise, and a time for noisy tambourines and merry dancing.
Of course, the role of Peter in the Church is essentially one of service, and Cantalamessa quotes Bl John Paul on this: «Peter, you are the floor on which others may walk to arrive there wherein you guide their steps - as a rock endures the noisy hoofing of a herd.»
The «in your face,» noisy proclamations are an attempt to assert the atheist's rights to not be discriminated against via public support of religion, usually Christianity, e.g. stem cell research, gay marriage bans, creationism in science class, etc..
The buyer signed the contract smugly sure The guarded walls he'd bought would keep away The street - game children, noisy in their play; The beggars, hungry, hideous, and poor; The Bible salesmen coming door to door; Annoying relatives, who'd overstay; Do - gooder activists, with things to say....
The temple cultus, with its sacrifices and offerings and the arrangements for providing sacrificial victims, had become such an elaborate, noisy, and odorous affair that to the earnest young prophet from Galilee the spirit of true worship must have seemed to be lost.
When the wanderer comes away from the much - traveled noisy highway into places of quiet, then it seems to him (for stillness is impressive) as if he must examine himself, as if he must speak out what lies hidden in the depths of his soul.
But The Life of Pi also asks to be the latest in the long line of grand tales about India, novels that seek to capture what Martel himself calls «the rich, noisy, functioning madness» of the place, and a great deal of the novel's flaws rest in that ambition.
His book The Introvert Charismatic: The Gift of Introversion in a Noisy Church (Monarch) is out now
It's no secret that we live in a noisy world.
As society grows more noisy and demanding, he said, «commerce with the ancients» produces «a steadying and composing effect.»
For now, here is the bottom line of getting your message out: When it comes to spreading your message and being heard in a noisy world, there are no magic bullets.
It will be as full as Everyman's household with simple loves and noisy imprecations, obsessed with the waywardness of prodigal sons, and as intent upon their repentance.
A noisy and vicious secularist campaign is, time and again, gently swept aside by the by the intelligence and sheer transparent goodness of this extraordinary man.
Despite this, most exhibit a quiet (or occasionally noisy) confidence in the worthwhileness of doing theology, and a concern to try to hold together a mainstream Christian faith with a range of lively conversations across the boundaries of disciplines and religions.
I'm not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die - hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith.
Any claim to nonviolent practice in America that doesn't centralize resisting white control & domination is just noisy status quo rhetoric.
proof, if any were needed, that it isn't just the noisy ones who are gifted.
I'm coming back for the next cartoon... it's getting kind of noisy here!
I'm one of those «noisy atheists» who thinks that this article is ridiculous.
Despite the noisy atheists, two trends in spirituality and science have started to converge.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is busy and noisy, and does not lend itself as well to quiet reflection.
The embrace of mystery has become something of a fad among hip, young Christians, no doubt in response to the noisy type of believer who draws a straight line from his mind to God's and is constantly saying things that make us all look bad.
You are but a galah and a noisy one at that.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego - music.
«My theme is that the rising power of the United States in world affairs, and particularly of the American President, requires, not a more compliant press, but a relentless barrage of facts and criticism, as noisy but also as accurate as artillery fire» (p. vii).
It's called Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
I'm apprehensive that you'll disqualify yourselves on the grounds that you work in a noisy office or live in a dysfunctional family or don't have much interest in that kind of life.
At the same time, it was a real Pentecostal celebration of lively, noisy, cheerful music.
The truth is that for all its noisy propaganda atheistic humanism has nothing positive to offer humanity.
This does not mean a noisy public demonstration.
Like a family with simple loves and noisy arguments, it was obsessed with the waywardness of prodigal sons, and as intent on their repentance (cf Joel 2:12 — 13).
When the church is consumed and possessed by mortgages, capital campaigns, membership numbers, qualifications for membership or deacon or elder, the variety and format of financial reports, redecorating, ordination policies, the proper delineation of committee responsibilities, the aggregation and strengthening and protection of church hierarchical authority, the preference for political associations and prominence instead of being a voice and influence for justice and compassion, seasonal vestment colors, the abandonment and refusal to acknowledge congregations who dare to be excited by their proclaiming and provoking and living and sharing the Good News, the continual choosing and preoccupation with better organization over better outreach, or what styles of worship are to be offered — then it is time for an earth - shaking, stone - rolling, curtain ripping, hurricane - strength, fiery and noisy transformational revolution that will resurrect the Good News in the body and spirit of communities and individuals.
It was noisy; people would wander in and out.
But what had been a cheerful bustle became, after 24 hours of proximity, a noisy swarm.
In the tight housing situation, SRO hotels discriminate against them because they are seen as strange, lice - ridden and noisy.
Without some kind of pastoral practice, I realized, my efforts in theological education were going to become a noisy gong.
It comes from a particular vocal group of naturalists on one side and a much smaller but equally noisy lot of creationists on the other, both of whom have increasingly been declaring their respective philosophical views not merely to be true but to be true in a specifically scientific sense.
We ought to be more courageous, critical, and noisy advocates for our students, more concerned protectors of their reflective future.
The dreamer would have said SOMETHING, like «noisy - wind devil chariot in sky,» or «giant metal bird» or some such.
He has not the task of changing the Good into a thing of the moment, into something that shall be voted upon in a noisy gathering, or something that swiftly gains some disciples who also will the Good up to a certain degree.
Reaction was immediate and noisy.
Here I am: arranging blankets in the church pew for discrete purposes only to have chubby arms yank blankets off and suck with noisy bluster and longing, until everyone in the radius is grinning.
Waiters, bus drivers and complete strangers smiled reassuringly when Hugh Ambrose was being a little noisy and reached out to ruffle his hair or tickle his feet as they passed him in his pushchair.
Paul makes the same point, but even more emphatically, when he tells us it doesn't matter how right we are, how spiritually gifted we are, how intelligent or wise we are, or even how much faith and service we display: if these aren't accompanied by love, they are a noisy gong or clanging cymbal (I Cor 13:1 - 3).
(or the kid is an exceptionally noisy eater.)
They tried reasoning, they tried expostulation; the scene became noisy and confused, then one brother, in confident innocence, challenged, «Look through our stuff.
Hartshorne's is a voice of moderation in the noisy extremes that presently dominate this controversy.
Such events are like fireworks: a lot of noisy flashes, but nothing of substance is left when the show is over.
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