Sentences with phrase «none of our writers speak»

Not exact matches

WSJ writer John Carreyrou reportedly spoke to four former employees, none of whom are named in his story, including one who «accused the company of failing to report test results that raised questions about the precision» of their tests, which could be «a violation of federal rules for laboratories,» the Journal article said.
The soft - spoken Hawaiian had worked as a writer, actress and filmmaker; her 2006 award - winning documentary, Then There Were None, recounted the colonization of Hawaii.
This writer is in the latter camp, but either way it's worth noting that the climax — spoken of in broad, none - too - specific terms — is a quantum leap forward for the brothers Duplass in terms of technical resources and scale of filmmaking — no, they won't be making a sequel to «The Fast and the Furious» anytime soon, but compared to the small - room scale of their earlier works «The Puffy Chair» and «Cyrus,» «Jeff Who Lives at Home» feels like «Avatar.»
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