Sentences with phrase «normal mice also»

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Strikingly, the drug - taking mice's blood cholesterol levels also returned to normal.
Human females can live a normal life span with the disease, as can female mice — the latter species also frequently becomes obese.
The scientists are also experimenting with gene therapy, using a harmless virus to deliver a normal copy of the normal CIB2 gene to baby mice that have the mutated version.
We also discovered that when we depleted neutrophils, nerve debris clearance was significantly halted in both normal mice and mice lacking a major population of macrophages.»
For this study the researchers targeted very specific types of GABA receptors to improve social behaviors with clonazepam, but the team also found that by using a different drug, they could target other GABA receptors and actually reduce the ability to socially interact in normal mice — underscoring that future medications would need to target very specific receptors so as not to diminish the drug's impacts.
«The mice also did not seem to gain weight when they got older, like normal mice do.
In general, the mutant mice also had much thicker skin than the normal animals did.
They were also more sensitive to alcohol's effects than the normal mice were; studies have shown that the more sensitive a person is to alcohol, the less likely he or she is to abuse it.
But these plaques were also inside the brains of the normal mice in the joined pairs.
In this study, tungstate treatment in mouse models of colitis shifted gut microbiota to a more normal state in terms of the balance of bacterial species and also reduced gut inflammation, the researchers report.
A new study has determined that mice that spent time running on wheels not only developed twice the normal number of new neurons, but also showed an increased ability to distinguish new objects from familiar objects.
During her postdoctoral work, Bissell noticed that removing mammary cells from a mouse and putting them into a culture dish caused them to lose not only their normal in vivo shapes, but also their ability to secrete milk.
The drug had a potent effect — it prevented FOP extra-skeletal bone formation and also preserved limb motion and normal bone growth in young mice.
The researchers also administered a compound to normal mice that blocked TRPV4, and found that inhibiting TRPV4 also led to smaller reductions in bite force, similar to the effects of the mice engineered without the Trpv4 gene.
The purple GM tomatoes have already been found to prolong the lives of cancer - prone mice and in the latest findings they also more double the normal shelf life of tomatoes from an average of 21 days to 48 days.
Not only did the normal mice develop plaques, but also a pathology similar to «tangles» — twisted protein strands that form inside brain cells, disrupting their function and eventually killing them from the inside - out.
Brown and colleagues also looked at whether mRGCs might also send information to the LGN in mice with normal vision.
Remarkably, giving animals injections of lithium salts — which mimics WNT signaling by inhibiting the molecule GSK3 — or giving animals a more specific GSK inhibitor, the researchers were able to restore normal synapse and spine numbers and also improve some of the most significant psychiatric - like behavioral abnormalities in these mice.
Longo also knew of research by molecular biologist John Kopchick at Ohio University, which showed that mice with a mutation in their growth hormone receptor gene lived 40 percent longer than normal mice — the equivalent of an average American living to age 110.
Notably, they also achieved the same effects on p300 and Tregs in mice by using a drug that inhibits p300 in normal mice.
The octacosanol - administered mice also showed normal sleep, which was previously disturbed due to stress.
Intrigued, Turek joined with endocrinologist Joseph Bass, also at Northwestern, to study the effects of regular and high - fat diets in normal mice and mice with a dysfunctional Clock gene.
DNA sequencing of sperm from the grandfather mice and their pups also revealed epigenetic marks on the gene encoding M71 that weren't seen in normal mice.
The scientists also noticed that Clock mice slept about one to two hours less than normal mice, and when they weren't sleeping, they were eating.
The researchers also found that increases in Rev - erbα caused increases in Cx43 concentrations when normal mice were awake.
The group also didn't investigate how the bacteria affect a normal animal, because the microbes were administered only to autistic mice, he says.
We were able to prove for the first time that REM sleep is indeed critical for normal spatial memory formation in mice,» explains Williams, whose team is also part of the CIUSSS de l'Ouest - de - l'Île - de-Montréal research network.
To see if the effect also works in reverse, the team asked whether mice grown in a germ - free environment would express genes encoding complement components differently than mice grown under normal conditions.
At the same time, the rodents had an even greater response to social defeat stress than normal mice do, suggesting their brains also are more susceptible to a depressive - like state.
Both mice and humans with a silenced FMR1 gene have malformed neurons: Spines on their dendrites are longer, thinner, and more numerous than normal, and they also transmit weaker electric signals.
REG3G - deficient mice also developed more severe alcoholic liver disease than normal mice.
After the mice received the MIF inhibitor, their blood sugar levels returned to normal, indicating that MIF is also pivotal in the progression of the disease.
The mutant mice also turned out to undergo a more surprising change: Unlike normal mice, they could eat a high - fat diet without gaining much weight.
The researchers found that in genetically - modified mice lacking Interferon - 1, who were also fed a high - fat diet, the CD8 + T cells did not produce an inflammatory response, and the mice had near normal blood sugar levels.
The researchers were also able to turn normal - birthweight pups into obese mice by injecting extra leptin 5 to 10 days after birth.
The effectiveness of the drug also decreased when the normal mice were given antibiotics to wipe out their gut bacteria.
The researchers also showed that DENV NS1 caused similar levels of blood vessel leak in normal mice as in mice bred to have inhibited cytokine activity, suggesting that cytokines were not necessary for this effect.
Since E. coli and Salmonella also affect adults, the researchers tested what happened when normal adult mice were given vancomycin, an antibiotic that selectively kills bacteria like Clostridia and Bacteroides.
The marrow also lost its regenerative abilities when transplanted into normal mice.
These mice also didn't recognize objects as well as did those with normal cilia.
As a complement to the immunohistochemically stained tissues, the protein atlas also includes the mouse brain atlas as a sub compartment of the normal tissue atlas.
They also found that mice genetically altered to have reduced AIM2 function, when treated with the chemicals, showed significantly more tumors than normal mice.
Because the placenta also plays an important role in nutrient allocation (as previous studies have shown), the babies of mice fed the obesogenic diet were still born at a normal size.
It was even lower in the early lesions of I10 mice than in those of age - matched virgin mice, suggesting that the molecular network activated in normal epithelia at involution to arrest the cell cycle (Figure 1 — figure supplement 3B) also operates in these premalignant cells.
These mice were able to run twice as far as their «normal» brethren and also tended not to gain weight, even when eating a fat - heavy diet.
Animal studies have shown that creatine not only extends the lifespan of mice with the equivalent of Parkinson's, but also that of normal mice.
But they also discovered other differences between the mice with normal gut flora and those lacking gut bacteria.
The researchers also showed that regular feeding with the Lactobacillus strain caused changes in the expression of receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA in the mouse brain, which is the first time that it has been demonstrated that potential probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry in normal situations.
Tumor - bearing mice fed diets high in MCTs were found to have reduced levels of the enzyme fatty acid synthase and also reduced acetyl CoA, similar to tumor free mice, suggesting cancer cell metabolism was restored back to that of normal cells.94
The control mice are normal mice, eating as much as they will; the pair - fed mice are normal mice eating a normal diet, but only as much as the leucine - deprived mice chose to eat; the leucine deprived mice ate as much as they wanted, but they chose to eat 15 percent less than the control mice, (thus, the pair - fed also ate 15 percent less than control, but it was a diet that contained a normal amount of leucine).
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