Sentences with phrase «normal mice eat»

The control mice are normal mice, eating as much as they will; the pair - fed mice are normal mice eating a normal diet, but only as much as the leucine - deprived mice chose to eat; the leucine deprived mice ate as much as they wanted, but they chose to eat 15 percent less than the control mice, (thus, the pair - fed also ate 15 percent less than control, but it was a diet that contained a normal amount of leucine).

Not exact matches

When normal and gene - altered mice ate the high - fat diet — along with varying levels of doxycycline to induce GLP1 release — mice expressing GLP1 (left) gained less weight gain while normal mice (right) grew fat.
Researchers led by Emory University pathologist Andrew Gewirtz found that mice genetically deficient in an immune system receptor have altered gut bacteria, eat more than normal mice do, and develop features of metabolic syndrome.
Three groups of middle - aged mice (about a year old) were studied: one group ate a normal diet, in which fewer than 30 percent of calories came from fat, while two others were fed high - calorie diets in which 60 percent of the calories came from fat.
If human body clocks are similar to mouse ones, Sato's study suggests that people suffering from jetlag could adjust their eating patterns to get their internal clocks back to normal more quickly.
One group consisted of normal mice, while the other group was genetically unresponsive to the hormone leptin, which promotes feelings of fullness after eating.
Mice with a disrupted biological clock slept less, ate more, and gained more body fat than normal mice, indicating that, when it comes to understanding the molecular basis of obesity, timing may be Mice with a disrupted biological clock slept less, ate more, and gained more body fat than normal mice, indicating that, when it comes to understanding the molecular basis of obesity, timing may be mice, indicating that, when it comes to understanding the molecular basis of obesity, timing may be key.
The scientists also noticed that Clock mice slept about one to two hours less than normal mice, and when they weren't sleeping, they were eating.
He noted mice studies where the nocturnal critters became obese if they ate during day and night but remained a normal weight if they only ate at night.
In normal mice, these neurons — a subset of nerve cells that release the neurotransmitter gamma - amino butyric acid (GABA), and so are called GABAergic neurons — are most active during waking periods when the mice are eating or grooming, two highly pleasurable activities.
When the researchers altered the animals» eating patterns by feeding normal mice only during the light cycle (a mouse's night), the numbers, types, and activity of the bacteria shifted as well.
Those mice showed the expected signs of anxiety, such as moving around less open spaces and taking longer to start eating in new environments as compared with normal animals.
The mutant mice also turned out to undergo a more surprising change: Unlike normal mice, they could eat a high - fat diet without gaining much weight.
Mice with the PER1 phosphorylation defects ate earlier than other mice — causing them to wake up and snack before their sleep cycle was over — and ate more food throughout their normal waking perMice with the PER1 phosphorylation defects ate earlier than other mice — causing them to wake up and snack before their sleep cycle was over — and ate more food throughout their normal waking permice — causing them to wake up and snack before their sleep cycle was over — and ate more food throughout their normal waking period.
And, consistent with other studies, when these mice ate a high - fat diet, they gained weight faster than their normal counterparts.
Puzzlingly, however, mice that lack ghrelin don't eat less: They have normal appetites, although they burn excess fat.
When the scientists took normal mice and temporarily reduced cholesterol creation in the hypothalamus with a technique known as RNA interference, the animals started eating more and gained significant weight.
Earlier studies had suggested that animals — including fruit flies, dogs and mice — live longer when they ate about 25 percent fewer calories than normal.
Mice that had been eating a ketogenic diet performed at least as well on memory tests at old age as they did at middle age, while mice eating the normal diet showed an expected age - associated declMice that had been eating a ketogenic diet performed at least as well on memory tests at old age as they did at middle age, while mice eating the normal diet showed an expected age - associated declmice eating the normal diet showed an expected age - associated decline.
«We were careful to have all of the mice eating a normal diet during the actual memory testing which suggests the effects of the ketogenic diet were lasting.
But the mice were fed food containing higher - than - normal levels of the heavy isotope so that when the mice ate this food, their bodies absorbed the nitrogen isotopes and used it for several purposes, including to make GFAP molecules.
Under normal conditions, these mice ate a normal amount of food.
These mice were able to run twice as far as their «normal» brethren and also tended not to gain weight, even when eating a fat - heavy diet.
The rats who ate non palatable chow and were on normal «diets» were perfectly fine; the rats who had eaten sweets but were on a normal diet ate about 20 % more; the rats who had been in restricted cycling patterns and refed on sweets ate 80 % more than control mice on normal diets.
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