Sentences with phrase «not religions»

Also, Buddhism and Hinduism are not religions.
Not all religions, but yes.
Not all religions have a body of sacred scriptures such as that described in the preceding chapter, not even all of those which had reached the stage of writing.
Not all religions are dangerous cults that cause all the harm you claim.
The real issue is not the religions that most Agnostic / Atheist people are seemingly «Bashing».
Actually they say all the three Abrahamic faiths are not Religions of Peace and all three of them had their Bloody History but the difference here is that we are as Muslims had the shortest history of bloodshed since we are only 1400 years old and like yours people of the bible one over 5000 years and the other over 2500 years in bloodshed history...!!
That would depend on what religion you are referring to since not all religions believe the same thing when it comes to life on other worlds or even sentient life on other worlds, and perchance if that sentient life out there is human or even humanoid, it may even verify those beliefs.
And not all religions use the one - man - one - woman Christian rule for administering this sacrament.
We don't live in a nice world and not all religions are happy ones.
Men cause war, not religions.
I personally believe that we encourage the developmental approach, even in our churches, if not all religions.
No, not all religions want control over everyone.
Agree Pablo, not all religions are like that only some.
Not all religions kill if you don't join them only some.
SteveB made some good points below, that disbelieving in god doesn't make you smart, that not all religions are nuts, etc..
Not all religions believe life begins at fertilization, some put it later, otherwise there are also issues of even internal to religions there are debates as to when life begins.
if where not religions people would chose other excuses to create conflicts to grab power.
«not all religions have an aspect of worship associated with them so I'm not sure of your point (i.e. it's not a universal quality of man).»
The problem is that Atheism and secularism are not religions or faith, and therefore do not fall under this ban!
Freedom of Religions is not Religions of Freedom nor can one have it both ways.
Not all religions abide by the 10 Commandments and they are not a set of Commandments that hold any realistic standing.
If you believe in gods but not religions, there is a great place to go and worship or whatever it is you wish to do.
Not all religions have their violent sects.
If Scientology isn't a religion, then it's just a very, very famous small business.
Do the concepts of race, religion and socio - economic status fade away if you focus on the concepts of family, faith (not religion) and community?
They have the leeway, as Michael Dell has emphasized «To show that this is a business, not a religion
President Donald Trump strongly defended his move to impose a travel ban on seven largely Muslim countries, saying that that while America was «a proud nation» of immigrants, his order was strictly about national security and not religion.
His abiding interest is not religion or cultural identity, but money.
Science is not a religion; either you accept science or you don't.
silly troll Atheism is not a religion.
Science is not religion, it is a method of enquiry based upon direct observation which transcends religion (the laws of physics are the same for everyone, no matter how you name God or even whether you believe).
The most unhealthy religion is atheism which decieves its followers into thinking it is not a religion.
There is nothing wrong with emphasizing education, not religion — isn't that what those colleges are supposed to do?
So, Islam isn't a religion, according to the pervert - prophet himself.
It may be faith based but its clearly not a religion.
For that we need science; not religion.
Idolatry IS NOT religion; Idolatry is an aberrant and abhorrent SIN.
Schoolrooms are set up for school, not religion.
it wasn't religion that brought about the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, it was Christianity.
To all of you carrying on so loudly about «seperation of chruch and state» — I agree with you — we should vote the person, not the religion, nor the party.
Is it possible to «vote the person, not the religion» in this case?
Not believing obvious bullshit isn't religion.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
That simple allows people to pontificate it, but hopefully people would see above the curve and realize it was society itself not a religion that makes actions happen.
However Idolatry IS NOT religion but a SIN.
If you can't determine right from wrong (dictated by your culture / society), then you lack empathy, not religion.
The origins of morality in human cultures are not religion.
«We made the point that it's not religion that drives this behavior,» Al - Marayati said.
Jesus was a christian.What you fail to realize is Christianity is a faith not a religion.
GOD is not religion and He did foretell about about increase of knowledge at the end of days and people will be running to and from more increasingly (airplanes / cars / mass transport) etc,..
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