Sentences with phrase «novice rally title»

Before his retirement my smooth collie, Andrei, placed 4th in his class at the AAC BC / Yukon Regional Championships 2 years in a row and 4th in his class at the AAC National Championships, achieved his agility championship, his CARO (RallyO) Versatility MCL, his CKC Novice Rally title, his CKC CD and worked as a St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog.
I am a member of the Upper Iowa Training Club and I have completed two legs of a Novice Rally Title with my Weim Ellie Mae.

Not exact matches

He flew through his championship in just a couple of weekends and has also earned his Rally Novice title, his Canine Good Citizen Certificate & passed his ATTS Temperament Test.
He got his Rally Novice title in three straight trails and got his CGC the day of his last leg on his RN.
July, 2014, Cardinal finished his third legs in both Rally Advanced and Novice B, giving him two more titles, RA and CD.
In the working arena, six of the babies have Rally (one has a RAE) Novice titles, one has earned an RAE title, one has a URO 2 title, 7 have Canine Good Citizen certificates or CGCAs, and 7 have TTs from the American Temperament Testing Society, 1 has earned a carting title and two have BHIs (Basic Herding Instincts Certificates).
Miley is a Canadian Champion and has her Rally Novice Obedience TItle.
Jambi - Joe achieved his AKC Rally Novice Title before he was 2 yrs old!
Not to be outdone are several Poms who have earned Rally Novice titles, Rhett Butler CDX RA (advanced!)
Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Rally Obedience starts at Novice level and progresses to Excellent with the option of continuing for combined titles of Rally Advanced Excellent.
Hanna had obtained her Canadian and United States (AKC) Companion Dog Obedience Title, Canine Good Neighbour Certification, Canine Good Citizen, AKC Junior Courser Title, Canadian and AKC Rally Novice Obedience Title, and her Canadian Rally Advanced Title.
The RN refers to my Rally Novice title.
CH Benmer's Hey Jude BN, RN, JH 2014 Titles: Champion, Beginner Novice, Rally Novice Breeder: Susan Bosshart / Owners: Jane Burrows & Charlotte Conway
A dog earns a Rally Novice (RN) title by passing three times in Rally Novice class.
In May 2009, Patrick Ryan received 2 legs in Rally Novice then in June 2009 at the Dog Show in Gridley, CA, Patrick Ryan received his Rally Novice Title and 2 Legs in Rally Advanced.
Sidney owns a Labrador / Spaniel mix, Opie, who is in formal obedience training, has experience in rally competition, and his Beginner Novice Obedience title.
Jane is a Grand Champion with her Rally Novice, and Herding Tested titles and was an ARBA Top Ten National Champion in 2009.
Get 3 qualifying scores and you have a titled dog, RN (Rally Novice).
The most recognized suffix titles are CD (Companion Dog - Novice Level), CDX (Companion Dog Excellent - Open Level), UD (Utility Dog - Utility Level), UDX (Utility Dog Excellent), RN (Rally Novice), RA (Rally Advanced), RE (Rally Excellent), RAE (Rally Advanced Excellent), NA (Novice Agility), JH (Junior Hunter), and TD (Tracking Dog).
Ginger was a quick learner and she was ready to go to Rally Obedience trials by 2012 when she got her Rally Novice title in three trials, scoring in the high eighties on the first try and in the high nineties with placement as # 2 in the last two.
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