Sentences with phrase «now see»

One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see
It would seem to be preferable to say that: while the crowd clamors and shouts and triumphs and celebrates; while one individual after another hastens to the place of tumult, where it is good to be if one is in search of oblivion and indulgence from that which is eternal; while at the same time the crowd shouts mockingly at God, «Yes, now see whether you can get hold of us»; yet since it is difficult in the rush of the crowd to distinguish the individual, difficult to see the single tree when one is looking at the wood, the sober countenance of eternity quietly waits.
We now see her in a new light, as a strong woman who can identify and be with today's grieving mothers, wives and daughters in the bitter fight for freedom.41
Many responded by saying, «I did not know you thought that way and now I see better why you do.»
The fact that he can now see the ludicrous implications of behavior that was formerly only tragically serious helps to make it less likely that he will repeat it.
We shall now see how Bonhoeffer spoke of the transcendence of God as he expounded in his Christology.
Many people have been taught the theory of evolution as the method by which we got the world as we now see it.
Nevertheless, without the spiritual and moral resources which prayer exists to heighten, the action required for dealing with such issues is likely to go on being as limited and as misdirected by self - interest as we now see it.
I now see that I need to be stretched and challenged in these areas as I can not rely on others.
Thinking about it now I see that the disputes are mainly it's about what Islam say and what Muslims do?
Young people can now see that millions are missing from their own generation.
However, I don't think that the office of pastor as we now see it is found in Scripture or in the first three centuries of Christianity.
Looking back, I can now see that the times I felt most trapped was when I...
Let us now see how this is achieved.
Mike - OK, now I see what you were saying.
I now see that «getting saved» isn't just about avoiding hell in the future, but about being liberated from the ramifications of my sin here and now.
After you described your list of disagreement or doubts with the traditional minor doctrines of Christianity you said; «Now you see why I have to go into church planting.
Probably at times he didn't know what he believed, in some area where, as he wrote, «Now we see in a mirror dimly.»
Oh well, I'm sure he was just working in mysterious ways and we'll all find out later why it happened and say «Oh, now I see.
But now I see this passage in Peter as an expression of an ancient male - dominated culture that has no hold on us today.
We were just teenagers, heedless and selfish, all too normal, You have to be an idiot before you can desist being an idiot, But now I see Mister Wilson, fedora hat surfing his crewcut, Always wearing a suit even when running practice sessions, That pained wince on his face as we deliberately threw wild, And I get a sense of what made him wince: all that graceful Athleticism, all that sweet energy, all that possible creativity, All that wild juice that, bottled, might have made great wine.
On the basis of this account of Altizer's Hegelian idealism, we can now see why he moves as he does on specific points of special importance for theology.
«Now we all see — religion is just synthetic frippery.
Now they see a dramatic shift to North Carolina plates.
You might feel even more liberated with less inclination to back down because you now see that whatever the abuser does, it doesn't matter to you anymore.
And just now I see that the guy on the table is probably not your Jesus, but just some guy.
@Julie: «Hi Julie — even though I thought this was private between the two of us, I now see that my comments (part of them, anyway) are public.
I now see that thinking as the exact opposite of what our Lord is about.
I was blind but now I see.
I used to think he was blameless and righteous, but now I see, I didn't think he was good.
Whereas we once saw Western civilization as an expression of Christian influence, we now see its dominant forms and expressions as distortions and corruptions of that influence, and as operating on assumptions that are not acceptable to Christians.
I now see how wrong I was but have been unable to retrieve the message or even contact you again.
Then what I now see is unedited and I am listed as «undefined».
I now see that both comments (unedited and edited) are attributed to me.
I have since modified my position because I now see, as I did not before, how much importance the Holy See places on implementing canon 812.
I now see why you're here: to save us.
Genesis 1:1... «in the beginning, God...» John 3:16... «For God so loved... «I'm Blind, but now I see...» your personal experience confirms nothing... the patients on the psych unit of my hospital are filled with some amazing claims... just as the Muslim, the Jew, the Buddhist, the Rastafarian make claims of their experience...
And now we see the far left losing all the gains we made.
Now we see all sorts of disgusting things come out dealing with kiidie perverts.And they still do disturbing things.They want to beatify a priest from Yugoslavia who had blessed the Utashe movement a movement in WW2 that was responsible for killing 100,000's of people in very heinous ways.
Now we see what Israel has to go through.
We now see that the fish recently caught is exactly like the 350 million - year - old fossil.
And the question still remains: why would he make it «good» and then let it all be torn down and thrown into the chaos we now see?
Now you see why we don't understand because that's not what Mormon's believe.
Now I see that Washington's National Cathedral (Episcopal) is getting into the act.
Now we see the evolution of religion, the sects of yesterday becoming the religions of today despite all claiming to come from a some kind of divine message.
It was LONG TIME in the making, and now we see the weeds comming up and choking the life out of this country's very existence.
But I now see the falicy of my previous world - view.
@TC Now you see why many of the atheists who post here can be far worse than the religious fundamentalists that they so disdain.
-- a man would see a brilliant light during his lifetime that no one else saw — a man would hear a voice of another man no one else saw — all the other men would hear the same voice — all the other men would not see the brilliant light — Saul would be renamed to Paul and go through with it — Paul would arrive at a place where another man shows up at a specific time — the other man placing his hand on him and telling him he will be healed — Paul can now see, previously blind since the brilliant light event
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