Sentences with phrase «numbers word problems»

Adding Two Mixed Numbers Word Problems These fractions word problems worksheets will produce problems involving adding two mixed numbers.
Here is an example to show how Singapore Math works with more complex, larger number word problems.
Sample Activity: Math Read Aloud Task Card: Full House Also included in 4th Grade Math Centers: Word Problems: Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Word Problems: Multiply a Mixed Number by a Whole Number

Not exact matches

Word problems often present dull scenarios like two trains traveling at different speeds or determining the number of apples someone has in their possession.
In this video I'm going to show you a great way to get better keywords out of the Google Adwords Keyword tool if you haven't seen the previous video you'll want to watch that video where I show you how to get better search volume numbers from both google adwords as well as some other sources to get better estimates for the amount of times that keyword is searched each month i'll put a link in the video here so that you can click that video if you haven't seen that yet let's get started now if you want better results from the Google Adwords Keyword planner you have to work a little differently than everyone else so most people come to the Google Adwords Keyword planner and they simply click on this search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category and then they just paste a bunch of keywords into this text box so let's say as an example that these were our starting keywords ok so let's say we have the keywords «fishing tips» «fishing tackle» «fishing for bass» «fishing rod» and «fishing reel» what most people do is that they would simply come here and they would copy this they would paste it into this field and they would hit Search and they would get back their results and that's fine but one little tip that will help you get much better results is only paste in one key word at a time so instead of pasting all these in just paste in the single keyword «fishing tips» and then proceed from there to pull that those results up and you'll get this back if you click right here you can download the ideas you'll notice they're 701 here listed so if we download these ideas will download them to a CSV file comma separated value file you can open that with notepad you can open it with excel open office when you're finished putting all your ideas and individually you will now have a bunch of different common separate value files containing the keywords and the search volume I've already gone ahead and done that just to save time on the video but i want to show you what happens when you use this method versus just pasting in the keywords like most people do so here you'll see this column here represents these two columns here represent if we had pasted in all of the keywords at once and click search at google adwords keyword tool is one that showed you and you'll see we have a total of 706 results we got back when we did that this column this column here represents what happens when we paste one key word at a time and then download the file paste the second keyword download the file and then we just simply grab those terms and copy them and you'll see now we have a total of 1,915 keywords now what I've done with the highlighting here is to show you anything that's not highlighted in this column is a keyword we would not have gotten back had we pasted in all the keywords at once you can see there's lots and lots of keywords here we would not have seen know your competitors and the company's you're competing against they're using probably the simple method just pasting a bunch of keywords sitting search and then looking through those terms to find their terms if you will take the extra few minutes it takes doesn't take long to simply go in and paste one key word at a time you will get back a ton of great keywords that others aren't seeing because they're using this other method and in actuality when I ran the numbers there's a total of 3.8 million searches represented by these keywords here that you would miss if you simply just copied and pasted those five terms and hit search the Google Adwords Keyword planner once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there are so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and Keyword Grouper Pro is completely free there's not even an opt in you just simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns and know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
Let me show you a really simple technique that you can use with the previous technique i showed you about using individual keywords instead of pasting a bunch of keywords and its really a one - click technique to get even more great keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword tool so I've already gone ahead and done a search for «fishing tips» just a single keyword if you didn't see that previous video you want to watch that because that's a really good little tip there i'll put a link in this video so you can click through and see that video number two in this series but once you've done your search will simply go down here to keyword options click this little pencil icon here and you'll see this option to only show ideas closely related to my search terms now everybody knows about this this year but a lot of people don't take the time to actually use it so if you simply just click the toggle their turn it on and then hit save what it's going to do is going to only bring back keyword terms that are closely related to «fishing tips» and here's one more hot tip for you it is specific to singular and plural so for instance if my original see keyword was «fishing tips» and I've selected to only show closely related ideas my results are going to have the word tips plural in them so if I will just take a second and remove that s after i've downloaded the file for «fishing tips» let's do that again «fishing tips» i've downloaded the file all my terms have the word tips in them now come right back up here i remove the s so singular and i search again now i'm going to get back results that have the word tip instead of tips and then because i have only show closely related ideas now just to show you a sample what will happen when you do that you remember this is the file i showed you in the previous video and you'll remember from that video that our competitors because they're just pasting in a bunch of keywords and hitting search they're getting back 706 results for this sample test here so they would get 706 keywords and that's what they would take off with them and start to decide which what pages they want to make for seo or how they want to set the pay - per - click campaign ok we're using these other methods taking a few extra seconds to really understand how the Google Adwords Keyword tool works and with this new method of both using singular and plural but selecting only show closely related ideas we now have for the exact same keywords we have 2867 keywords we got back so we're walking away with 2867 keywords our competitor for the very saying input terms is only getting 706 we're getting four times as many keywords for the Google Adwords Keyword Tool you can take this information and you can use it to really grow your business because there's some really excellent keywords that your competitors are overlooking simply because they don't understand how to use the Google Adwords Keyword tool so this has been helpful for you once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there's so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and keyword grouper pro is completely free there's not even an opt - in you simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro it doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
Problem number one is that, unfortunately it's not just one ingredient with the words «natural flavour».
Stay tuned by subscribing and please pass the word around if it's useful to you because this is the NUMBER ONE problem with folks going low carb on their own, that is, without medical guidance.
Includes writing numbers in words and as digits, addition and subtraction, problem solving activities, extended addition, a place value game and digit cards to cut out.
More traditional problems can be found at Fibonacci Numbers and Nature, which includes lots of interesting word problems to solve.
Includes: Place Value Expanded form • 30 problems, whole numbers to the hundred thousands place • Direction sheet • Answer sheet • Interactive notebook page Place Value Word Form • 30 problems, whole numbers to the hundred thousands place • Direction sheet • Answer sheet • Interactive notebook page Place Value Match • 75 problems • 15 each of hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands.
These engaging stand - alone worksheets can support a range of skills at the Reception / Key Stage 1 levels: - Pen / pencil control - Associations / pairings / groupings - Problem solving - Numbers and counting from 1 to 10 - Key words - Basic donkey care knowledge - Creativity
The word problems include a variety of rational numbers: fractions, decimals, and integers.
(A variety of math topics, including word problems, number lines, exponents, functions, area, factoring, and more!)
The bane of most students — the word problems — are all about taking something concrete and transforming the situation into abstract symbols and numbers.
They could choose to either take a traditional exam with a number of word problems or post a video of themselves playing music on wine glasses along with a short explanation of the science behind resonance.
Section A Simplifying fractions — HCF / GCF Section B Lowest Common Denominator Section C Shaded sections of shapes Section D Mixed numbers to improper fractions Section E Improper fractions to mixed numbers and simplifying Section F Fraction of a given amount Section G Equivalent fractions Section H Adding with fractions Section I Subtracting with fractions Section J Multiplying with fractions Section K Dividing with fractions Section L Ordering fractions — descending / ascending order Section M Problem solving... «fraction word sums» Section N Additional fractions — mixed bag Section O Additional ordering of fractions — mixed bag Section P Fun fraction worksheets
This secured PDF eBook contains 500 questions for practising the skill of deciphering word problems to find the number.
(1 page) Addition word problems: draw the number of items the person needs and write how many more were needed on the line.
This super resource pack includes 2 sets of Year 1 problem solving and reasoning worksheets (3 levels in each set), 4 x 0 to 99 and 1 to 100 squares (2 on A4 and 2 giant size for display), 0 - 100 number words and a set of 0 - 100 digit cards.
Pages of Download Grade 2 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 15 - Place Value 16 - 20 - Ordinal Numbers 21 - 25 - Smallest / Largest Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermsNumbers 21 - 25 - Smallest / Largest Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Termsnumbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms owords - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermsNumbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Termsnumbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oWords 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofword problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Termproblems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oWords 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Termsnumbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oWords 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermsNumbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and TermProblems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms of Use
Pages of Download: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and TermProblems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms ofWord Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and TermProblems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms ofword problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Termproblems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use
• count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number • count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s • given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less • identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least • read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words • read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction -LRB--) and equals (=) signs • represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 • add and subtract one - digit and two - digit numbers to 20, including 0 • solve one - step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 =??
Students are given opportunities to compare and contrast numbers, add them up, subtract them, identify place values and solve basic word problems.
Write on each card a math problem that emphasizes the skill you wish to practice — for example, addition of two digit numbers, simple word problems, long division, percents, averages, or any other skill.
«It starts at the very basics and gradually becomes more difficult, and the large number of word problems helps students achieve excellence no matter what area you're concentrating on.»
The Addition Word problems resource contains: x2 worksheets, one with more difficult numbers, i.e. decimals mixed with whole numbers x1 sheet contains «steps to success» for column addition (3 to a page to save on photocopying!
OA.A.2 Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
It is autumn / apple themed and asks students to interpret a word problem to subtract 6 digit numbers and round to the nearest hundred thousand.
It is autumn / leaf themed and asks students to interpret a word problem to subtract add 4 - digit numbers and do multi-step addition and subtraction.
OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Worksheets Behaviour tasks, Speaking activities Problem solving Estimating distance and counting task Addition game, Running and balancing game Handwriting activity Wrapped up presents game Christmas number pyramid 3D shape nets for cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid, in Christmas colours for children to make and display Make your own bookmarks templates Winter sports research task Christmas board game with board and cards Shapes task Memory games Christmas words mat 22 bingo boards with Christmas pictures 24 picture word fans 40 Christmas adjectives on word fans 100 large words for display (half A4 each — landscape) Alphabet flashcards on Santa hats 25 A4 cards with sight words on 25 A5 flashcards of Christmas story settings and characters Stocking fillers game --(oranges needed to move and sort) Christmas pairs game — matching cards Christmas words pair matching game Word matching cards of Nativity related words Over 200 Christmas images in high resolution — can be photocopied larger 1 minute timer — Christmas theme, great for timing tword fans 40 Christmas adjectives on word fans 100 large words for display (half A4 each — landscape) Alphabet flashcards on Santa hats 25 A4 cards with sight words on 25 A5 flashcards of Christmas story settings and characters Stocking fillers game --(oranges needed to move and sort) Christmas pairs game — matching cards Christmas words pair matching game Word matching cards of Nativity related words Over 200 Christmas images in high resolution — can be photocopied larger 1 minute timer — Christmas theme, great for timing tword fans 100 large words for display (half A4 each — landscape) Alphabet flashcards on Santa hats 25 A4 cards with sight words on 25 A5 flashcards of Christmas story settings and characters Stocking fillers game --(oranges needed to move and sort) Christmas pairs game — matching cards Christmas words pair matching game Word matching cards of Nativity related words Over 200 Christmas images in high resolution — can be photocopied larger 1 minute timer — Christmas theme, great for timing tWord matching cards of Nativity related words Over 200 Christmas images in high resolution — can be photocopied larger 1 minute timer — Christmas theme, great for timing tasks
A worksheet on finding the highest common factor and the lowest common multiple of given pairs of numbers and solving word problems using the highest common factor and the lowest common multiple.
Aimed at: Reception / KS1 Content: - Teacher Notes (x3)- Assembly Presentation Literacy - St. Valentine Day's Lesson Presentation - Worksheet - Writing activity on St. Valentine's Day - Worksheets on jumbled sentences and words - 2 Word Searches in upper and lower case letters Maths - Work on tally charts, pictograms and block graphs and interpreting data - Counting and matching up - Addition and Subtraction problem - solving - Number and Picture Pattern Sequences Activities include worksheets and cut and stick activities.
You will find word problems that cover the following: Number and place value Number and operations Measure: area and perimeter Data analysis As with all problem solving, the critical thinking skills are rehearesed as the children learn to do multi-step problems.
A pack of 4 Year 2 GDS Maths Problems designed to meet the following statements from the 2017 - 18 TAF: The pupil can reason about addition The pupil can use multiplication facts to make deductions outside known multiplication facts The pupil can solve more complex missing number problems The pupil can solve word problems that involve more than one step The pupil can recognise the relationships between addition and subtraction and can rewrite addition statements as simplified multiplication statements Each problem includes a «hint», solution, and sentence starters to help children to aid their explaProblems designed to meet the following statements from the 2017 - 18 TAF: The pupil can reason about addition The pupil can use multiplication facts to make deductions outside known multiplication facts The pupil can solve more complex missing number problems The pupil can solve word problems that involve more than one step The pupil can recognise the relationships between addition and subtraction and can rewrite addition statements as simplified multiplication statements Each problem includes a «hint», solution, and sentence starters to help children to aid their explaproblems The pupil can solve word problems that involve more than one step The pupil can recognise the relationships between addition and subtraction and can rewrite addition statements as simplified multiplication statements Each problem includes a «hint», solution, and sentence starters to help children to aid their explaproblems that involve more than one step The pupil can recognise the relationships between addition and subtraction and can rewrite addition statements as simplified multiplication statements Each problem includes a «hint», solution, and sentence starters to help children to aid their explanations.
Here are two sets of word problems for lower and higher ability children using decimal numbers from 1dp upwards.
Data involving popular crisp flavours, pupils to answer word problems by adding numbers.
In the case of the above example, as well as discussing the exact wording of problems and numbers to be used, the educators also spent time: anticipating student solutions, responses and questions; thinking about how they were going to organise and use space on their chalkboard (seen in Japan as an important part of organising students» thinking and understanding); and discussing precise lesson timings.
We often conceive of intelligence as how «smart» a person is, demonstrated by their ability to solve problems relating to numbers, words, shapes, objects and so on.
It explores other mathematical concepts such as greater than and less than; inverse operations; word problems and number sequences.
Ask them to either write a number sentence or word problem.
Over 160 National Curriculum KS2 SATs Past Maths Questions Covering: 2D shape 3D shape Angles Area and Perimeter Calculations Capacity Co-ordinates Data Handling Fractions Length Number lines and sequences Number Probability Problem solving - Diagrams or visual problems Finding all possibilities Finding or using rules and patterns Word problems Symmetry and Reflections Time Weight
There are FIVE clues to crack to solve the case: Clue 1 - Area with Rectangles (Multiplying with numbers greater than 12 required in this version) Clue 2 - Area to determine cost (Multiplying double digit by single / double digits required in this version) Clue 3 - Area Missing Side Lengths (larger numbers than the 4th grade version) Clue 4 - Area Word Problems (Multiplying with double digits and single digits) Clue 5 - Area of Complex Figures (two or three rectangles / squares together, larger numbers than the 4th grade version) This 5th grade version is similar to the 4th grade version of this math mystery.
Calculations involving numbers written in standard form and worded problems are included.
Set includes: - 7 cards identifying characteristics of a function - 5 cards finding the discriminant and number of solutions - 4 factoring to determine solutions - 8 vertical motion model word problems - 8 converting from factored to standard form - 8 quadratic formula to solve - 8 completing the square - 8 using special cases (perfect square trinomial and difference of perfect square)- 8 using characteristics of symmetry to determine vertex or another point If there is a specific skill for which you want more questions or a new type, please just let us know and we will be happy to update with whatever your class needs!
The Fraction Workbook contains the following: Section A Simplifying fractions — HCF / GCF Section B Lowest Common Denominator Section C Shaded sections of shapes Section D Mixed numbers to improper fractions Section E Improper fractions to mixed numbers and simplifying Section F Fraction of a given amount Section G Equivalent fractions Section H Adding with fractions Section I Subtracting with fractions Section J Multiplying with fractions Section K Dividing with fractions Section L Ordering fractions — descending / ascending order Section M Problem solving... «fraction word sums» Section N Additional fractions — mixed bag Section O Additional ordering of fractions — mixed bag Section P Fun fraction worksheets
Learning objectives: Students will revise and complete questions from a variety of topics: Algebra Substitution, Fraction and Percentage Conversion, Formula for Circles, Negative numbers, Multiples, Word Problems, General Arithmetic and more.
This 106 page Fraction Workbook contains the following topics: - Section A Simplifying fractions — HCF / GCF Section B Lowest Common Denominator Section C Shaded sections of shapes Section D Mixed numbers to improper fractions Section E Improper fractions to mixed numbers and simplifying Section F Fraction of a given amount Section G Equivalent fractions Section H Adding with fractions Section I Subtracting with fractions Section J Multiplying with fractions Section K Dividing with fractions Section L Ordering fractions — descending / ascending order Section M Problem solving... «fraction word sums» Section N Additional fractions — mixed bag Section O Additional ordering of fractions — mixed bag Section P Fun fraction worksheets Answers to all worksheets This workbook can be utilised in Years 5 - 7 and even for Year 8 revision.
Australian Curriculum Mathematics YEAR 2 ACMNA036 Patterns and Algebra: Solve problems by using number sentences for addition or subtraction Representing a word problem as a number sentence Writing a word problem to represent a number sentence
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