Sentences with phrase «numerous clinical studies show»

Numerous clinical studies show that these medications can decrease or eliminate behavioral disorders in 70 to 90 percent of patients.
Despite Europe's tight stance on food dyes and the numerous clinical studies showing the increased risk to children who consume them, the FDA — even after commissioning its own studies on food dyes — has been reluctant to address the issue until now.

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Having the continuous support of a doula has been shown in numerous clinical studies to result in shorter labors, reduces the need for Pitocin and c - sections, and reduces the mother's need for pain meds and epidurals.
The Budwig Protocol includes pure essential oils because numerous clinical studies have shown these to be extremely beneficial in your cancer healing journey.
Numerous clinical studies have shown that conditions with high cortisol production are strongly associated with fat accumulation.
Numerous clinical studies such as this one have shown that maca alleviates menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, forgetfulness, fatigue, moodiness, vaginal dryness and mood swings.
Although pathological use of computer or video games is not officially recognized as a clinical disorder, studies have consistently shown that a small group of players spend excessive amounts of time on games and display numerous symptoms of pathological behavior, such as preoccupation, withdrawal, loss of control, and interpersonal or intrapersonal conflicts (e.g., Charlton and Danforth 2007; Gentile 2009; Grüsser et al. 2007).
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