Sentences with phrase «nursing on demand works»

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DD is 15 months old, and still going strong - I work outside the home, but she nurses on demand when I'm with her.
As he was my only baby, it worked for us to nurse on demand for a period.
The other thing is that (and I say this as someone who has an oversupply and an easy time aside from managing engorgement) is that it is VERY hard work to manage a milk supply especially if one can't nurse on demand during growth spurts.
Breastmilk production works on the premise of supply and demand meaning the more baby «demands» or nurses and takes milk out, the more the body will supply what has been taken out.
They have been able to nurse on demand, but they may have been able to express milk and freeze it for when they return to work.
Jacob nurses on demand throughout the day, but I'm trying to wean him to a bottle because I'm going back to work soon.
The great thing about this mom's confession is that breastmilk works on a supply and demand system, so if she's got enough milk for her baby, and then her husband is nursing from her, he'll support her milk production even more.
She had a shallow latch which meant she didn't get enough milk (and was thus always hungry and always nursing), and since breast milk works on supply and demand, my supply decreased to what she was actually drinking.
Interestingly, the one AP idea Pagán wasn't originally on board with — nursing on demand — ended up working out.
I forgot to mention, to working moms: my sister is a working mom, and pumped at work every 3 -4 hours, and nursed on demand when at home, day and night, and she did nt get a period at all.
Healthy nursing mother can provide enough breast milk to provide for two, three, or perhaps even four children since it works on a supply and demand basis.
Your body works on supply and demand, so nursing or pumping more can actually increase your supply.
We haven't had the opportunity to flesh out a breastfeeding policy as none of our employees have ever been pregnant or nursing, however we would certainly encourage the new mom to bring her baby to work, wear her baby and feed on demand.
They work under the supervision of registered nurses, and the educational training they receive enables them to perform basic nursing duties, while the nurses can concentrate on more complex and demanding parts of their responsibilities.
As a 52 - year - old certified nursing assistant (CNA) at a long - term care facility, she realized that the long, and often inconsistent, hours of hands - on work with patients was too physically demanding and wondered if there was another career path for her.
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