Sentences with phrase «nurturing children by»

Nurturing children by providing a happy, cheerful and busy environment in which they grow and develop to the best of their capability • Adhering strictly to safety rules and regulations, ensuring that the children are supervised at all times • Developing and implementing activities that help the children understand the world around them, and enhance their motor and mental processes
Being a dad I feel like I am able to connect with other dads and encourage them to follow there paternal instincts to care and nurture their child by babywearing.
The curriculum is holistic, child - centered program that nurtures each child by offering focused, meaningful instruction that is developmentally appropriate.
We can nurture our children by offering them toys and playthings made primarily of natural materials that are lovely to the touch and delightful to the imagination.
Develops and nurtures children by planning and implementing educational programs; keeping children... Holding parent - teacher conferences.

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This on - site childcare center, staffed by trained and certified personnel from the YWCA, will provide a secure, supportive, and nurturing environment for children to learn and play while their parents or guardians attend domestic violence proceedings.
How to Nurture Your Child's Entrepreneurial Spirit The following is a guest post by Lior Levin.
By investigating the patterns of socialization and education experienced by rescuers, they hope to find support for approaches to child - rearing and nurture that will increase the chance of producing rescuerBy investigating the patterns of socialization and education experienced by rescuers, they hope to find support for approaches to child - rearing and nurture that will increase the chance of producing rescuerby rescuers, they hope to find support for approaches to child - rearing and nurture that will increase the chance of producing rescuers.
Ideally, marriage also enhances the life of the child, by providing it with a chrysalis of nurture and love, with a highly individualized form of socialization and education.
At the adoption hearing, the presiding judge honored Patricia by expressing his hope that one day loving couples like Ann Marie and Patricia will enjoy the legal right to share in the adoption of foster children who desperately need stable, nurturing families.
Again, Israel is seen in relation to God as a child, born of Yahweh, nurtured by him, etc..
The Philippine organizers of the Global March mention following: widespread poverty and social inequality resulting in the erosion of the family's capacity to nurture and protect children, the rise of informal economy requiring simple skills and technologies, globalization of capitalism where underdeveloped nations provide the rich with cheap labor, disrupted family patterns due to migration, AIDS, etc. and inadequate basic services from government, including education, due to cut of the state budget of non-profit sectors to follow structural adjustment programme dictated by the IMF and the World Bank.
It is a union that exists to ensure children are nurtured by their own parents who profess a commitment to their welfare for as long as they live.
It takes nurturing the child's faith by living the life and teaching him about Our Lord.
Nurture the child's faith by making sure he receives all the sacraments.
The concept of responsible family planning means that parents will only have children who are wanted and who can be well nurtured by them.
And as Sean Palmer put it so well last week, «as long as the narrative continues which articulates that men lack what it takes to nurture and raise children, as long as some argue that the cultivation of children is the domain of women only, we will continue to produce dads who believe they risk their «man - card» by trying.»
The Christian nurture and education of the children of the village was by no means an institutional task, but rather a parental one.
In short, it means caring about and for the future, by investing something of yourself in nurturing those persons, causes, and values which will live after you and will help in some small way to make the planet a better place for the children of the human family.
We are not suppose to stay celibate, we are to truly love, and care for one another, and procreate, and nurture, and properly raise our children to be righteous, and caring of one another, and this is to be repeated by each generation, this is called «life» There is no shame, no restrictions, only love, only life, it is to be lived, and let live, as said in Deuteronomy 4, do not add, nor deminish the law of life, and we are all responsible for all life, as well as our own.
The role of fathers in the nurture of their children is unique and can not be replaced by other so - called «male role - models» or, indeed, an extra «mother».
Women are impoverished by being culturally scripted to overdevelop their nurturing Parent (and thus to exist for the purpose of taking care of and pleasing «their man» and their children) and to feel powerless because they have not developed their potential Adult competencies.
This nurturing tends to quiet the frightened Child in the person and to free energy (which was going into the Child ego state) for use by the person's coping Adult.
Sunday Schools for the nurture of children and youth were extensively employed, especially by the churches which appealed to the older American stock those whose ancestors had come to the Thirteen Colonies before independence.
Walker's womanist reality begins with mothers relating to their children and is characterized by black women (not necessarily bearers of children) nurturing great numbers of black people in the liberation struggle (e.g., Harriet Tubman).
Children are surrounded by warm and nurturing teachers in an aesthetically beautiful environment.
As to children being spoiled by AP... that would mean that children were spoiled and bratty through most of human history since AP (not permissive or helicopter parenting, which is very, very different) is reflective of the methods previously used to nurture infants and young children.
Book Review: The Whole - Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson.
They are very community - minded and the village steps in to help raise children in a nurturing environment, helping them to overcome some of the challenges to attachment parenting that are created by the isolation of the nuclear family in Western cultures.
Tree Planted By the Stream in Duluth, Georgia seeks to provide a nurturing, high quality, safe and fun learning environment that is fit for the child's overall growth and development.
API is a nonprofit that educates and supports parents who believe in nurturing a secure attachment by treating children with love, respect, and kindness.
You can help your child's language skills along by providing a rich and nurturing communication environment.
The Whole - Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
When it comes to comfort, Nurtured by Nature has your child covered.
We hear it from our family members, our schools, our pediatricians, our politicians, parenting books that continue to be published influenced by this old - fashioned thinking despite the mountains of research to the contrary — ideas of how children should be raised, based on personal opinion rather than research - backed fact, subtle revelation of how our society is still scared of giving «too much» nurturing to our children.
No - Drama Discipline, the whole - brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child's developing mind by Dan Siegel, MD and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD
Creative Child Magazine is a national monthly parenting magazine that expands the definition of creativity by providing originality and spontaneity to parents seeking resources to nurture their child's creatiChild Magazine is a national monthly parenting magazine that expands the definition of creativity by providing originality and spontaneity to parents seeking resources to nurture their child's creatichild's creativity.
By the time our grandparents were caring for their babies in the 1950s, psychoanalyst John Bowlby was making great strides in scientific circles with research demonstrating the enormous impact that nurturing — and lack of nurturing — had on child development.
And we can guide children and set limits with them in ways that minimize tantrums simply by creating an emotionally nurturing environment and by our approach to limit - setting.
The Time - In ToolKit helps us lead and guide children by example, nurturing their emotional intelligence.
The best way to nurture it is not by forcing your presence in your child's life but by finding fun ways to spend time together.
Taught by Waldorf teachers specifically trained in Waldorf early childhood education, our programs nurture and protect the young child's sense of wonder and imagination.
Each child's innate capacity for wonder, reverence, and awe is nurtured and strengthened by the preparation for and celebration of the seasonal festivals.
LeadTogether is an online professional network of individuals in positions of leadership in schools and training centers inspired by Waldorf Education — individuals who care about growing, nurturing and guiding children, families and schools, and are open to sharing ideas, successes, questions and resources with their colleagues.
Parents and teachers alike can nurture mastery orientation in students by giving children tasks they care about and tasks that are challenging but attainable for them.
I believe that attachment theory is based more on nurture just because children are guided and directed by their parents for a great percentage of their lives.
Dianne C. Kuchlak, LCSW Attachment Therapy and Family Counseling 47 Marchwood Road, Suite 2H Exton, PA 19341 (610) 280-9555 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Eclectic approach, using Martha Welch - type holding (coaching the parents - no therapist holding); Theraplay - type structured play activities; Family Narrative Therapy; therapist - directed nurturing of the child by the parents; parent education to facilitate understanding of and empathy toward the child's behavior and provide effective parenting tools; and correction of cognitive distortions.
Our mission is to provide a Christian learning environment that recognizes each child as a unique gift, to foster the growth of each child by providing a nurturing and developmentally appropriate classroom, and to realize the learning style and educational needs and strengths of each individual.
In addition, by nurturing respect and empathy, we teach self - discipline and encourage children to be the best that they can be.
Children tend to be nurtured by mothers and challenged by fathers.
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