Sentences with phrase «o'keefe slammed down»

«Don't necessarily walk into a bar and slam down the order of whiskey you want and assume they have it,» Wiznitzer advised.
So basically, Obama made it appear as if he was representing the people where he slammed down hard on them.
Just as he slammed down on them in his work in Chicago when he gentrified the city's black neighborhood, making billions of dollars in real estate gains for the Pritzker and Crown families.
SCTY up 15 % on news to $ 24.35 (offer may be approx $ 26 - $ 28) and Tesla SLAMMED down 12 %.
The houseparent had marched me to the school's dining hall, dragged a metal chair across the concrete floor, and slammed it down in front of my schoolmates.
I would much rather spend my days on a sinking ship with those who love me, knowing that no matter what the future holds, I tried my hardest to lift people up and not slam them down.
Just slamming down weight gainer protein powders, though, isn't going to help you gain muscle — you'll probably gain a significant amount of fat.
Tonya slammed down the phone, had a short cry over the impossibility of pulling off the job and then got on the phone again.
Iaquinta walks his way up the fence and gets standing, but Nurmagomedov slams him down hard.
Wenger's new dribble is to get a good player early which will sweeten the hearts of fans, then pretend to be looking for other good signings till the transfer window slams down!
In his other hand, he lifts a helmet high over his head and then slams it down hard onto his foam - covered hand.
At midcourt he dribbled out the clock, slamming down the ball at the buzzer, which set off an explosion of fireworks and a soft, bright storm of confetti in all the colors of the rainbow.
6:30 p.m. Showalter is so torn about whether to take Minnesota catcher Damian Miller or Kansas City Royals reliever Hector Carrasco that he slams down his pen in a rare show of emotion.
For instance, as is well known, the NCAA some time ago declared the gladsome slamming down of footballs in the end zone or of basketballs through the hoop to be illegal.
You come off a high one the wrong way and the boat'll slam down like it was dropped from a 10 - story building.
After the final kickoff to Rod Smart that ended the game, Teddy Bruschi picked me up and slammed me down.
The lid should lock in the up position and not just slam down shut.
Any trunk going in a child's room needs safety latches that prevent the trunk lid from slamming down on little fingers, or locking a hiding child inside.
Try and work on flexion activities such as reaching for her feet and toes, playing with them, placing them in her mouth, rattles on ankles or using her legs to kick at dangling things while on her back (keeping legs in air rather than slamming down to the floor).
If your baby's toys are in a toy box, make sure the top has a spring - loaded support so that it can't slam down on little heads or hands.
«My older brother and best friend was killed... and my mother picked up the phone, and she slammed down the phone and said: He's dead.
They are there, but the platform is so dirty they dare not step on it to campaign to be leaders, because they would be slammed down with some of the nastiest fabrications.
In fact the hostility of Yeoh's portrayal is clear from the beginning when she slams down her passport at Burmese border control.
Brown had just pushed a resident of the building to safety on the third floor when the cab slammed down and trapped the aspiring musician from the Bronx.
before slamming down the phone.
Although both worlds are similar in size and density, our planetary neighbor has temperatures so high they can melt lead, winds that whip around it some 60 times faster than the planet itself rotates and an atmosphere that slams down with more than 90 times the pressure found on Earth's atmosphere.
It took an act of conscious will for me to open that metal clasp.Immediately, I was airborne and then slammed down to the left, against a smallcabinet.
When engineers flip a switch in 2007, a 12,000 - ampere pulse of electrical power will slam down huge coils of electromagnets, creating fields 100,000 times more powerful than Earth's.
Or perhaps you know someone who's gotten insanely ripped by slamming down pizzas and French fries every day?
Lift both ends of the rope up as high as possible and slam them down with power into the ground.
Keep both feet flat on the ground while you move the ends of the rope in an arc above the head, lifting them to your left and slamming them down hard on the floor to your right.
So while you don't have to slam down a shake immediately after training, it wouldn't be in your best interest to wait for 3 hours either.
I taught myself to slam down roots quickly, but it never got easier, and I still hate to move.
«Andy [Murray] is such a physical player that every time he slams down his foot he is basically ripping his body to shreds.
The explosive, full body movement behind slamming them down and picking them up quickly provides both strength and cardio benefits.
Along with many of the physical benefits that come with sledgehammer training, you also feel damn good just swinging and slamming it down.
You have probably seen sweaty muscular men and their firmly - toned female counterparts (think short shorts and knee - high socks) flipping large truck tires, jumping onto boxes, slamming down barbells, and tossing those funny looking kettlebells all over the «box,» which is code for a CrossFit gym.
Inhale and return the handles to the starting position without letting the weights slam down.
While we all know that we need to eat more fruit and vegetables sometimes the thought of slamming down another salad for those essential vitamins and minerals just seems impossible.
At 300 watts, he is burning almost all carbohydrates — destined to bonk after a couple hours, maybe three if he can slam down some gels en route.
Grabbing a bagel or doughnut while slamming down some coffee and rushing to work does NOT constitute a meal.
DO NOT slam yourself down into the bottom position or try to reverse direction quickly.
The reality is that we're a busy bunch of people, and if we're truly serious about maximizing our quality of life, slamming down a quick protein shake so we can get to the office a little earlier might mean we can leave earlier, too, and get home in time for a date with the significant other, a hike at dusk, or an extra couple chapters on that great book we've been meaning to read.
Much better than my version of a chia seed drink: I let the seeds soak over night in a glass of water with just a splash of fruit juice, then I slam it down.
But imagine while at your desk, metal shutters slam down and a speaker system you didn't even knew
Finding themselves locked inside their workplace by a series of iron shutters that slam down over every door and window, the staffers of the Belko Corporation don't instantly turn violent.
So when we the audience, simultaneously with the Bride, are slammed with B.B. actually being alive, an iron curtain or morality also slams down on us.
I don't even watch «The West Wing,» and I kept expecting her to stride in with a white paper on defense spending and slam it down on Mr. LaPaglia's desk.
He must be slamming down the energy drinks, because it just the... read more →
Booooooom, the mighty paw slams down on the top of a cliff as Skull Island's landlord, chief cook and monster - masher rises up to check out, nose to nose, the first humans we see on screen.
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