Sentences with phrase «oer materials»

THE Journal applauds Open Up Resources» OER materials, placing our core programs in the context of curriculum's history.
OER materials provide our teachers with the ability to customize content for the specific needs of their classes.
Throughout the course, participants will engage with OER materials, interact with classmates to share learning and insights, and reflect on their learning experience.

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Employing a strategic combination of detailed electronic structure calculations, combinatorial materials synthesis, and both traditional and high - throughout photoelectrochemistry measurements, the JCAP team identified earth - abundant copper and manganese vanadate complex oxides that meet highly demanding requirements for photoanodes: low band gap energy, stability under highly oxidizing conditions, and valence band alignment with respect to OER.
These «5R permissions» of OER allow you to not only access the materials and resources free of charge, but also to make them even better.
It helps create an amazing blended learning experience using content from publishers, school - provided content, Open Educational Resources (OERs) and their own materials.
It's worth noting that many of the larger repositories for OER will include copyright information, and their materials will typically adhere to some established criteria.
I spent a couple days throwing keywords into OER (open education resources are digital materials freely available through open licenses) search engines to assess the quality of secondary and higher education writing curricula.
This isn't Core Knowledge's first toe in the pond of OER [open educational resources], which generally means that materials can be downloaded for free, modified, and shared, though sometimes not for commercial gain.
Open Education Resource Commons (OER)( is a hive of literature, scholarly work, instructional materials and open courses via reputable institutions.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials that are freely available to use, remix, and redistribute.
In the United States, OER can fill key gaps in the market for instructional materials and offer educators innovative ways to engage students and exchange best practices.
Our award - winning OER Professional Learning programs support instructors and curriculum specialists to gain the necessary skills required to find, adapt, and evaluate high quality open materials.
The district is implementing OER content from EngageNY and purchased devices for students with the savings from instructional materials.
Similarly, Leadership Public Schools (LPS) is working with an edtech company, called Gooru, to develop a Navigator platform that houses collections of OER course materials that cover the core content for some of its courses.
Second, it is working with a set of districts around the country to encourage them to adopt OER as course materials.
Happily, our teachers, librarians, and teaching and learning specialists have found a wealth of excellent materials through open educational resources, also known as OER (Marcinek, 2013).
And the perception of OER is still that it's only good for supplemental, one - off materials.
OER appears in schools, as supplemental material mostly, but it isn't even close to breaking the reliance on traditional, proprietary texts.
OER are freely available materials that can be downloaded, edited, and shared to better serve all students.
The answer also varies by OER curriculum: districts may save more on a typical math curriculum if it requires fewer materials, and many openly - licensed ELA curricula call for the purchase of text sets in order to effectively use the curriculum.
The impact of this work stretches from the four pilot districts in the northeast to many educators across the U.S. Whether you are looking for strategies to help you adapt your existing materials, or are searching for high - quality OER units, stay tuned for an exciting and informative blog series to come!
Now, as the implementation dates for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) loom large, many districts are facing the need to buy new instructional materials aligned with the standards, and OER is a hotter topic than ever.
The inventory of these open resources is exploding, and advocates such as the OER Commons and Achieve are providing districts and teachers with tools for determining the degree of standards alignment of these materials.
Unlock a wide variety of new and enriching learning material with built - in support for third - party content and integration with Open Educational Resource (OER) platforms.
Athabasca University has announced it will not renew the Access Copyright license and in doing so says they plan to «make more extensive use of open educational resources (OERs), material such as lectures, texts, lessons and podcasts produced by other universities and made freely available for use.
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