Sentences with phrase «ocean whale hunt»

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Tokyo's decades - old and disputed «scientific whaling» program suffered a blow in March when the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in a surprise ruling, ordered a halt to annual hunts in the Southern Ocean.
To study the effects of intense hunting of sperm whales in the Pacific Ocean, Whitehead and his wife, marine biologist Linda Weilgart, collected data on the whales» vocalizations and tail scars, which may indicate how well an animal fends off predators.
And it ended in the oceans in the wake of whale and other mammal hunting in the industrial era of humans.
Japan conducts such «scientific whaling» in the Antarctic's Southern Ocean and North Pacific, while Iceland and Norway filed objections to the overall moratorium, a position that allows them to continue their hunts.
But the country's lethal scientific whaling effort seems poised to resume with the 2015 to 2016 Southern Ocean hunting season anyway.
«Whale sharks are under threat from human impacts of hunting and ship strike and it makes it much easier to plan for conservation if we only have to deal with neighbouring countries in each region rather than localities spread across the entire Indian Ocean
Instead of chasing whales on the sea, the crew of the diesel train Medes hunt moldywarpes — enormous, man - eating, molelike creatures who are only one of the countless menacing species who burrow in the perilous earth beneath a tangled ocean of train tracks.
After a short while, the whales began to finish hunting and swam away into the ocean.
Local whale biologists have gotten a full set of identification photographs for the entire clan and have determined that two orcas did not survive the winter after they left the Salish Sea of Washington state to hunt in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean.
As Game and Level Designer for this game about whales and the ocean I got the chance to do tons of research on humpback whales, their navigation, digestion, and human interference like noise pollution, whale hunting, and more.
Mr. Revkin, please report on the ongoing situation with the whale hunt in the Southern Ocean.
I tweeted earlier today about Japan's whaling fleet, which is setting a course for the Southern Ocean in the annual hunt (this year for close to 1,000 whales) that the country characterizes as scientific research, with any questions about cuts in government support still pending.
An ad hoc group within the International Whaling Commission has offered a proposal that would sanction some commercial whaling for the first time in decades while reducing the amount of whaling taking place through what amount to end runs around a longstanding whaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near AntaWhaling Commission has offered a proposal that would sanction some commercial whaling for the first time in decades while reducing the amount of whaling taking place through what amount to end runs around a longstanding whaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near Antawhaling for the first time in decades while reducing the amount of whaling taking place through what amount to end runs around a longstanding whaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near Antawhaling taking place through what amount to end runs around a longstanding whaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near Antawhaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near Antarctica.
With huge metabolic demands — and large populations before humans started hunting them — great whales are the ocean's ecosystem engineers: they eat many fish and invertebrates, are themselves prey to other predators like killer whales, and distribute nutrients through the water.
As we understand, a Japanese whaling fleet is en route to the Antarctic Ocean to hunt these mammals over the next few months for what Japan has called research purposes.
On his Facebook page, Carl Safina, the author and ocean campaigner, put up a link to the Times article on the sushi find and said: «This is why whale hunting must be crushed once and for all — not expanded.»
At the same time, the media can not afford to deploy boats to chronicle whale hunts, and governments opposed to whale kills in the global commons of the Southern Ocean aren't doing much to track or resist such activities.
Paul Watson, the charismatic and controversial leader of the Sea Shepherd campaign against Japanese whale hunts, has offered a potent rebuttal tonight to allegations that he ordered the scuttling of the Ady Gil, a million - dollar anti-whaling patrol boat damaged after a collision with a Japanese ship in the southern ocean early this year.
With these kinds of pressures threatening the long - term viability of our oceans and their inhabitants, it is irresponsible to add even greater pressure on whales by hunting them to supply the luxury food market.
Because hunting and fishing has negatively impacted the Antarctic Ocean's fragile ecosystem, the International Whaling Commission has designated an area spanning about 31,068,560 square miles (50 million square kilometers) in the ocean as the Southern Ocean Whale SanctOcean's fragile ecosystem, the International Whaling Commission has designated an area spanning about 31,068,560 square miles (50 million square kilometers) in the ocean as the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctocean as the Southern Ocean Whale SanctOcean Whale Sanctuary.
The whaling boats currently hunting in the Southern Ocean will need to refuel and restock supplies soon and the anti-whaling activists will be waiting for them.
The Sea Shepherd has just launched their new vessel, known as «Gojira», to chase after Japanese whale boat harpooners who will be out hunting whales in the Antarctic Ocean.
The Sea Shepherd group has managed to intercept the ship that is supplying the Japanese vessels hunting for whales in the South Ocean.
Japan's unilateral resumption of its so - called «scientific» hunt in the Southern Ocean last year is a slap in the face not just for the International Whaling Commission but also for the rule of law, as the International Court of Justice clearly ruled Japan's previous Antarctic «research» program to be illegal.
But after high - seas clashes between the whalers and activists in the frigid Southern Ocean, the brief detention of activists on a whale hunting ship and diplomatic protests from Japan, Environment Minister Peter Garrett would not promise a repeat.
Just 48 hours after the International Court of Justice called for a halt to Japan's whaling program — declaring it in violation of an International Whaling Commission moratorium — Japan has announced that it will not send a whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean this hunting whaling program — declaring it in violation of an International Whaling Commission moratorium — Japan has announced that it will not send a whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean this hunting Whaling Commission moratorium — Japan has announced that it will not send a whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean this hunting whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean this hunting season.
Every once in a while there's some good news on the endangered species front: A team of scientists from Oregon State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has discovered an undetermined number of North Atlantic right whales, in an area where it was thought they had been hunted nearly extinction over a hundred years ago: The whales were discovered by using a series of underwater hydrophones to record the sound of the whales over hundreds of miles of ocean.
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