Sentences with phrase «of the stability ball abdominal»

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For the person who's stuck behind a desk all week but really wants to move: The Gaiam BalanceBall Chair with pump ($ 99) provides the benefits of sitting on a stability ball — improved posture, activation of core and abdominal muscles, and encouragement to wiggle around and burn calories — but with ergonomic back support, and without you needing to worry that it will roll away if left unattended.
In addition to increasing range of motion for crunches and other abdominal exercises, the stability ball also improves your balance and coordination.
There are a number of exercises that strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles but nothing works better than stability ball workout.
First, abdominal exercises on the ball challenge your balance and can lead to improvements in core stability, and Second, lying on the ball increases the range of motion of crunches and can lead to greater improvements in strength.
Some of the best upper abdominal exercises are stability ball crunches, sit ups, and incline crunches.
Clinical observations involving the use of a stability ball with prenatal clients show a low incidence of back pain in late pregnancy, strong, firm abdominal muscles, and increased core stability.
Exploring the effect of stability on muscle activity of the abdominals, Marshall et al. (2005) compared the push up exercise on a stable surface (floor) to the unstable swiss ball.
Assessing the effect of surface stability, Bressel et al. (2009) explored muscle activity of the abdominals during the barbell back squat in stable (on the floor) and unstable (on a BOSU ball) conditions.
Assessing the effect of surface stability, Willardson et al. (2009) explored the muscle activity of the abdominals when performing the conventional deadlift with a stable base (at 50 % and 75 % of 1RM) and when standing on a BOSU ball (50 % of 1RM).
Alright... now that that's out of the way we can look at some more advanced stability ball abdominal exercises below, and after check out these related pages also.
I've got a stability ball so I can just basically do some balancing base exercises on that, I do a lot of hip hikes and the abdominal work using the stability ball.
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