Sentences with phrase «only rich people»

«It [traditional money] served an archaic system, that only governments can make money and only rich people can use it to make more money,» she told IBT.
That would be a very significant change, and one of the criticisms that the other side leveled at such a system was that only rich people (or at least only rich plaintiff lawyers) could afford to bring suit, given the prospect of having to pay for expensive discovery that current system now gives plaintiffs for free.
When I first started working with ODR in the early 2000s, people would say to me, but only rich people have computers, only rich people have access to the Internet, so aren't you just building a justice system for rich people?
The point is, only rich people have the speech that counts, not the average joe.
Only rich people benefit and mostly poor people are forced to pay.
Only rich people spend here their vacations.
But in most cities, a decent house is now something only rich people can afford.
One common myth: Only rich people get audited.
Someday it will probably be that only rich people will be able to afford real books.
If all you look at are standard metrics such as gross domestic product (GDP) and total income, he says, then in most countries you're seeing only rich people: The poor have so little money that they barely register.
«Only rich people can afford to shop in town.»
If money was that important, then why not elect only rich people?
My perception of buying organic was that only rich people did that and
My perception of buying organic was that only rich people did that and those who couldn't afford had to settle for less expensive (read lower quality) ingredients.
Jim: Alright, well this is exciting, because a lot of people say, you know what, why can only rich people invest in things that could make them richer?
Only rich people can invest and earn these great rewards.
It used to be only rich people had access to great products.
But in most cities, a decent house is now something only rich people can afford.
He earlier this year briefly surpassed Gates to take the top spot as not only the richest person in tech, but in the entire world.
Men are not only the rich persons on earth.
Part four of the criminal justice and courts bill will restrict judicial review to only the richest people in society.

Not exact matches

Once a possibility only for trained astronauts, then for the insanely rich, space travel is getting closer to becoming a reality for everyday people.
There are only so many spots on the list of Canada's Richest People to go around, and with new entrants climbing the ranks, these long - standing stalwarts are off the leaderboards this year:
But it is the only system where ideas once scribbled on a cocktail napkin can become multibillion - dollar enterprises, and make a lot of people rich along the way.
When he hits the mark, Bezos, who started selling books from his garage 22 years ago, becomes the first man to bump Gates from his perch in seven years and is only the sixth man to hold the «richest person» title in the past 30 years, according to Forbes.
Forbes reports that the last time Buffett wasn't the second - richest person in the country, Bezos had only been on the Forbes 400 list for three years.
For the full list of Canada's 100 wealthiest people, pick up the Rich 100 special edition on stands or subscribe now for only $ 20 and receive instant access to the complete Rich 100 feature in PDF format.
Today's Republicans have not only forgotten that — they've decided to take tax benefits away from middle - income people to give them to the rich.
If you are spending thousands of dollars to go to an investment conference, the only person guaranteed to get rich is the one running the conference.
And while 54 % of low - income people and 49 % of middle - income people called the rich - poor gap a «very big» problem, only 36 % of high - income people did so.
Most people view Construction Company as one huge dream that only the money bags or the extremely rich can achieve; setting up a building Construction Company is a capital extensive business quite alright, but you as an individual can start up a small building construction company and grow it to a money empire.
So capping the rate at that level only helps people rich enough to be in higher brackets.
In fact, it's the only method that's proven through the centuries to make people rich...
ICE is only getting into the country club now, but it has been one of the richest people in town for years.
He has written many books, including 6 best sellers: The Only Three Questions that Count (2006), The Ten Roads to Riches (2008), and How to Smell a Rat (2009), Debunkery (2010), Markets Never Forget — But People Do (2011), and Beat the Crowd (2015).
Trying to «restore» household balance sheets by adopting policies that try to reinflate house prices in the hope that people «feel rich» again is not only wishful thinking, it is making housing more expensive for those that are indeed looking to purchase a new house now!
One common misconception about investing is that stocks are for rich people only.
I have people getting on there saying that it is our duty to give generously to our pastors, because only then will God bless us with greater riches!
This is a story of an anonymous rich man and of a poor man whom Jesus bothers to name, the only named person in all of Jesus» parables.
By placing a priority on the Kingdom ways, the entire church will receive the favour, we only stand to benefit and to be blessed from a richer tapestry of leadership, a vision for leadership that includes the whole people of God.
The problem is not only the riches which we pile up, and withheld needy people, but also the vast amount of time and physical energy which we sacrifice for Mammon, the God of Materialism.
These fundamental needs can only be truly fulfilled through a rich and living encounter with the deepest truths about God and the human person
And yet many rich people only pay lip service when needed or they might pay a pittance out of their wealth to «show» they can «donate» more than any poor person.
For if a husband may lord it over his wife, then it is only a matter of establishing additional categories as the human race increases and civilization becomes more complex: chiefs and little people, conquering tribe and conquered tribes, white people and dark people, rich and poor, the «civilized» and the «barbarians.»
In a pair of particularly venomous columns National Journal editor and Washington Post columnist Michael Kelly not only derided antiwar protesters as those «unhappy people who like to yell about the awfulness of «Amerika» or international corporations or rich people or people who drive large cars,» but he also attacked pacifists as «liars,» «frauds» and «hypocrites,» whose views are «objectively pro-terrorist» and «evil.»
The lyrics in a popular Christian hymn from Malawi remind us that our neighbors are not only other people «black and white, rich and poor,» but also «animals and trees, mountains and grass, and all creatures on earth.
Not forgetting 2 of his own family have accused him of verbal & physical abuse again & again / 2 Cor.13: 1 & 1Tim.5: 19 / but Dollar's Prosperity message preys on those prideful, greedy, self centered, sinful people who want to be rich.Do some soul searching and repent if this applies to you; you've been sadduced into thinking God wants you to be rich by a con (CreativeFlowDollarMinistry) The only prosperity he's interested in is his OWN!!!
The only guard against a «parade of horrors» — that is, the corruption, morally speaking, of famine efforts by hidden, alternative and immoral objectives — is for famine relief to be undertaken as a multilateral, globally communal effort involving the U.S., the U.S.S.R., the Peoples» Republic of China, the petroleum - rich countries in the Middle East, and many of the richer western European countries.
Instead of representation in Congress, we get every concern and issue ignored in favor of the very richest most powerful people who violate our representation by bribing Congressmen to abandon their sworn duty and represent only them instead of all Americans.
We only fear the loss of what we have, as ambitious peoples everywhere importunately clamor for a larger share in the riches of the earth.
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