Sentences with phrase «operation costs depend»

First of all: Every Vertical Farm is different and Construction and Operation costs depend on city location, availability, technology used, local laws and Policy, energy source, climate, type of building and many other variables.

Not exact matches

And annual operations and management costs can be crippling, as well as highly variable depending on the size of the plant and the systems used to take in water and distribute it to customers.
Start up costs can range from 25,000 to $ 500,000 depending on capital expenditures but I would like to start a small operation that has a cozy feel.
Your costs will depend on factors such as: whether you include the Training Suite in the operation of your Anytime Fitness center, how the business is staffed, your sales and management skills, experience and business acumen; local economic conditions; the local market for your services; competition; the ability to obtain favorable real estate and equipment rates.
Depending on the cost, we believe that we have adequate capital to set up the hot sauce operation, including bottling.We think we have found away to import equipment into the country (by by - passing Port au Prince).
Cost of operation depends largely on whether your LMS subscription is cloud - based or self - hosted:
All types of heat pump, as listed above, can offer a solution for schools and the choice may well depend on factors such as cost, available space, hours of operation, availability of heat source, and layout of the building.
Of course as this is written gas prices are at an all - time low, but this vehicle is 1) about the environment not just saving at the pump, and 2) electric operation is still probably cheaper gas depending on your specific costs for both, and 3) gas prices are not guaranteed to stay low forever.
In an unregulated marketplace, where the same service can cost $ 500 against $ 15,000, for pretty much the same thing, depending on where you shop; where useless services are sold at inflated prices; where one large operation with many imprints, and controversial practices dominate the information stream, how do you know who to trust?
Costs depend but once you've got your dogs, ask your vet for prices for full check ups, and ask also for the cost of common operations and consultations, just in case.
The average cost of insurance for a small business depends on the size of the business and the nature of operations.
A number of factors affect how much business insurance costs, because it depends on the type of business and the types of coverage appropriate for that commercial operation.
Your costs will depend on the specific risks your company faces, company size, and the unique nature of your daily operations.
Insurance costs depend upon insurance requirements, company size and the unique nature of each company's daily operations.
Hydro - Quebec had indicated it may consider hiking the cost for bitcoin miners given a flood of pent - up demand in the region, which would thwart the plans of bitcoin miners who depend on low rates for the massive amounts of electricity it requires to power their operations.
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