Sentences with phrase «ordained christian»

I am an ordained Christian minister and part of my ministry has been getting rid of spirits / ghosts from people's homes
I am an ordained Christian minister and part of my ministry has been getting rid of spirits / ghosts from people's homes or buildings so the occupants will no longer be harassed and even injured by the spirits.
The Diocese of Portsmouth is well served by lay and ordained Christians, among them both men and women priests, bringing compassion, insight and creativity to their work in communities, parishes and chaplaincies.

Not exact matches

Myles Munroe was a Bahamian Christian evangelist, ordained a Pentecostal minister, public speaker, and author who was the founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries International.
A profound Christian revival of local congregations might be too much to hope for as a consequence of coming to grips with inclusive language, if there were not another factor common to most of the churches that have taken inclusive language seriously: they are also the churches most likely to be open to the ministry of ordained women.
After the Episcopal Church ordained its second openly gay bishop in 2010, Matthews began reading more and eventually embraced a theology that suggests gay Christians do not need to be celibate.
Emboldened by this move, Neuhaus likewise feels free to declare that «the great majority of Christians in the world belong to bodies that, in continuity with two millennia of history, believe women can not be ordained to what is traditionally called the presbyterate,» as if the mere pronouncement of such a statement thereby settles the matter for any contemporary or future discussion.
Over 60 years ago when it was still extraordinary for women to work out of the home in this country the mainline was making the theological case for women in ordained ministry against the overwhelming opposition of most Christians throughout history.
It matters not whether we be conservative or liberal, traditionalist or modernist; in whatever category we may be placed, or place ourselves, the fact remains that insofar as we are Christian ministers, ordained by Christ in his Church to be his ministering agents, our preaching can be nothing other than the proclamation of God's Word for the wholeness of men.
Adjunct Professor, School of Theology, Columbus, Georgia, Florida Christian College, Guest Lecturer, 10 Years a Teacher of Evolution, 1 1/2 Years a Theistic Evolutionist, 38 Years a Biblical Scientific Creationist Ordained Minister.
It will be about God and his Church; to be called to serve them in love and humility through ordained ministry is a privilege beyond imagination for a Christian, and I hope and pray that my future service to all God's people will reflect that trust.
They are probably «ordained» by somebody's synod or franchise board and even defended by them - but they are NOT Christian.
Dr. Gilpin, an assistant professor of church history at the Graduate Seminary of Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma, is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Gay marriage is impossible (from a Christian perspective) because nothing ordained by God can be ordained toward a sinful end.
Bill Reichart is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America and is currently serving as the Atlanta area director for the Christian Medical and Dental Associations.
I decided once that I could make up a testing instrument on the basis of asking ordained and lay Christians, «What do you think about evangelizing?»
To the folks who are vehemently denying this person was a Christian, I would urge you to consider this: If a person with a muslim name commits an act of terrorism, he is immediately labelled an «Islamic» terrorist, no questions asked, even though the Quran clearly states that a person who kills an innocent is like he / she has murdered then whole of humanity (the Quran mentions this in reference to murder of ANY innocent person, irrespective of the victims belief): To quote from the Quran: «On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person — unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land — it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity.
I doubt that there is a Christian leader, ordained or lay, who has never provoked anger or irritation in a church situation, and I doubt that there is a single churchgoer who hasn't experienced hurt feelings and discouragement from a congregational incident of some sort.
The canon specifically affirmed the rights of all Christians to marry, whether they be layperson, ordained priests or even bishops.
Here we are in the realm of speculation, of course, but we can say this at least: no preacher who knows his business and who is aware of «the wideness of God's mercy» can dare to talk as if only those who have visibly and expressly professed Christian faith are the concern of a deity whose «nature and name» is Love, Thus the preaching of the ordained minister must necessarily err, if it errs at all, on the side of generosity and charity.
The one side argues that a Christian woman in today's society should be ordained to ministry if she possesses the gifts and has the training.
This book is a discussion of preaching, one of the central responsibilities of the ordained ministry of the Christian Church.
Ordained ministering is in no way separate from the wider ministry of Christian people; it is «distinct» from that wider ministry, in that it functions for as it also represents the service which is proper to all who belong to the Church.
But without a specifically «ordained» or authorized ministry, composed of persons who have been «duly called, examined, and found qualified» to act for (but not instead of) that wider ministry of all Christian people, there would be lacking a sharp edge, a vivid and vital expression, of the more general mission and ministry.
I hope also that what is said may be helpful to others to whom has been committed this exacting aspect of Christian ordained ministry.
A lot of Christians appeal to Ephesians 5, 1 Timothy 2, and 1 Peter 3, (the «wives submit to your husbands» passages) to suggest that every husband is the God - ordained head of his household and that every wife is to be submissive to his leadership.
But, as we have discussed at length over the past year, for modern - day Christian patriarchalists (sometimes called complementarians), hierarchal gender relationships are God - ordained, so the essence of masculinity is authority, and essence of femininity is submission.
As a graduate in religious studies and ordained minister, the bias toward the universal Christian church is not without cause.
All Christians are ordained by their baptism to see broken and disordered situations and to bring into them «the power of God in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in order to rebuild something.»
Back in 2008 I wrote a post called «A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Polls» to address how surprised I was at the way Conservative Evangelical Christians were embracing the idea of a woman for Vice President while at the same time standing against women being ordained as pastors.
Akira it was your question as to whether or not women should be ordained in the church that prompted me to ask you these questions and no you did not and still have not professed to be Christian.
As «ministry» has become increasingly the task of all Christians, Trotter explores why the church ordains ministers, and how this relates to the unity of all Christians.
Are there instances where ND has worked with churches to move them toward viewing gay sex as accepted by God, or to have partnered gay Christians ordained?
On this final point, although G. Delling says that «According to Acts 13:48 the man who is a Christian is ordained to eternal life,» he explains what the verse menas by writing this:
The church also has a ministry of ordained persons which can trace its historical development back to very early Christian days.
The dualism of separate but equal roles associated with men and women in ministry is perpetuated in denominations where pastors are ordained, but Christian educators are consecrated.
The separation of Christian nurture and teaching from the role of the pastor has greatly diminished the importance of the teaching office of ordained ministry.
I am a scholar / practitioner who is often torn between my academic interest in ritual performance and my responsibilities as a member of the Christian clergy and am myself ordained to perform Christian rites and rituals.
As Christian churches developed in America — and many more kinds of them with the establishment first of religious toleration and then of religious freedom — the ordained minister tended to become more dependent on his relations with his local congregation than was true in Britain or on the Continent.
The Christian educator as a church «professional» who is distinguished from an ordained pastor is a fairly recent phenomenon.
Christians therefore would be forced to live under a government whose actions violate the biblical ordering of social life and threaten the first institution ordained by God.
Scholars agree that the general structural form of what we now call the «ordained ministry» — according to which a particular person is given general oversight of all the activities of a particular Christian community — did not emerge in the church until early in the second century.
Like Bonhoeffer, I am not interested in a Christian faith that makes no demands on my life, that leaves me the same way I was when I came to the foot of the cross, that does nothing more than put a stamp of approval on my imperfection and ordain my self - centered way of life.»
The Christian minister enters into a distinctive relationship to the Church and to the people of a congregation when he is ordained.
If Christians accept that God has ordained our democracy, we then desire to possess a character of civic engagement that reflects this fact, driving us to learn about our society and to consider in prayer the best course for our nation.
I have ventured to quote this in full, because it can be useful for those who are familiar with this charge to read it again, while for others it provides an admirable outline of what Christian ordained ministry both means and establishes.
As a matter of fact, there are also Christian groups in which that is the normal term for an ordained person.
In the Catholic tradition an ordained person is commonly known as a priest; in the Reformed communions he or she is called an elder or presbyter; in all Christian thought he or she has been known as a minister, with duties that are distinctively his or hers through having been «set apart» to act representatively for the wider ministry of all Christian people.
In the history of the Christian Church prophets have appeared from time to time, sometimes of course from the ordained ministry but more frequently without the benefit of such authorization to act on behalf of the community.
However, many bloggers such as yourself, David, Frogist, NL, etc. seem not to have any interest in learning from religion (which makes me wonder why you're here in the first place, no offense) other than to incite the Christian community which, for the most part, overwhelmingly disagrees with ordaining openly gay pastors.
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