Sentences with phrase «oren cups his hands»

The size and thickness of our palms is the benchmark for things like meat, and our cupped hands offer the same for legumes, salad and the like.
When he speaks, he cups his hands in front of his body but never closes them, like he's trying to capture his ideas between his palms.
It's one thing to drink wine, but it's another altogether to have it poured freely into a pool, into your cupped hands, and over your head.
«What really annoyed me is that when it first started people would switch off their phones in embarrassment now they are cupping their hands over the receiver and carrying on talking.
We have all watched you boldly take the way of abundance — no matter how the road seemed to wind through broken valleys that turned into the valley of His cupped hands.
I held a loaf of bread in my hands, tearing off a piece for each pair of cupped hands that went by, slowly, as music played.
One was filling an empty Maccabee Beer bottle, scooping up holy water with her cupped hand and deftly pouring it into the bottle.
Cupping hand in face.
Hold the shell in the palm of your hand with one end in the direction of your fingers and gently cup your hand so that you open up the shell by pressing the two pointed ends slightly towards each other.
Place ball seam side down on clean counter and, using your cupped hand, drag in small circles until dough feels taut and round.
Super Special Bread Dough Tip: When the dough is completely kneaded, cup your hands around the sides of the dough and drag it on the counter towards you a couple of times to tighten the dough into a soft ball.
Working with 1 portion at a time, cup your hands around the meat and begin to gently shape it into a round patty, being careful not to pack the meat too tightly.
Cup your hands around the meat and begin to gently shape it into a rounded mound.
Cupping your hand over and using your palm, roll each piece of dough into a ball.
Shape each piece into a ball by cupping your hand over it loosely and rolling it around on the counter.
The man cups a hand to his eyes to better his view, scanning the floor where a group of tall, athletic men hustle about.
He shouts it half a dozen times or more, cupping his hand next to his ear, and the response is ever louder.
When children walk in front of him or ask for his autograph, he caresses their hair with his cupped hand, as though each child were his own.
You cup your hand underneath the breast in a U shape.
You may also notice your little one cupping their hand around toys pushing them into their hand with their thumb.
You might say something like, «I can't let you hurt Ramona,» or «Oh, I don't think I want those teeth any closer,» while you gently but firmly hold his forehead a few inches from your shoulder or cup your hand gently over his mouth.
Sometimes even I can't believe this is the same baby who could curl up into a little ball under my cupped hands.
The parents may even have baby jewelry or a silver cup handed down from relatives.
Cup your hands around your feet; don't pull.
He conceded that Labour has started to make the case for a tougher approach, but said it did so «intermittently and behind a cupped hand».»
You can alter the direction or tone of the call by flexing the tube and cupping your hand around the end.
You don't need to cup your hand tightly or find a sheltered spot to use it.
The team brought back enough bones to fill two cupped hands and several buckets of sands for dating.
The new species was a ghastly looking thing, a webbed, cupped hand reaching up from a slender stalk, as if waiting to trap a passing foot.
To hear a little better, you might cup your hand to your ear.
As Dos Santos leads the way, Oren cups his hands around his mouth, throws back his head, and calls out again to the mapinguari, wherever it may be.
«Cup your hands in your lap.
Place a grater above the bowl and grate the ginger so it falls into your cupped hand (placing it over the bowl catches any ginger pieces that may fall from your hand as you grate).
Applying even pressure with the whole hand, both palms and fingers, massage the oil into the entire body, pouring a little at a time into a cupped hand.
If you rub it into your hands, you can also cup your hands over your nose and inhale deeply a few times.
Extend arms out to 60 degrees, cup hands, and take 100 swift exhalations from your belly out your nostrils like you're blowing out a candle with your nose; let this clear your sinuses and your respiratory system, and most importantly, your busy mind.
A handful of starch is the amount that would fit in your cupped hand (in the case of potatoes, it's typically one potato, and for bread, it's one slice).
Also, cup hands and inhale oil residue for added benefit.
After you've seasoned the meat, divide it into individual portions and, with lightly cupped hands, shape into patties.
I had Ryan hold the cheesecloth square in cupped hands over a clean bowl.
Cup your hands around the knees, straighten the arms fully, and pull on the knees.
Place 1 - 2 drops grapefruit EO into palms, rub hands together, cup hands 6 - 8 inches in front of your nose and inhale deeply.
On your back, roll your hips off the mat and support with cupped hands.
A serving size of healthy carbs for you will be a portion that can fit into your cupped hand.
To limit over-spray, dispense 1 - 3 sprays into a cupped hand and rub into the skin thoroughly.
To release the empty pan, cup your hand and the turn the compact over and tap it into your hand, the pan will pop right out.
Following hugs from Ryan and Academic Dean Bridget Terry Long, Afolabi's father turned to the audience and cupped his hands raising them to the audience in thanks.
[cup hands together as if holding a seed]
He cups my hands into his and shakes them tightly to thank me.
Cookie sobbed and cupped a hand over her eye.
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