Sentences with phrase «osteochondrosis occurs»

Osteochondrosis occurs commonly in the shoulders of immature, large, and giant - breed dogs.

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Chancellor's diagnosis was Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OD), meaning affecting a knee, elbow or shoulder joint and occurring between four and seven months old.
Other structural problems caused by inheritance are elbow dysplasia, dwarfism, osteochondrosis (abnormal formation of bone and cartilage), spinal disc diseases, Legg - Perthes disease (a hip malformation occurring mostly in small breeds), and patellar luxation (loose kneecap).
Another common problem that occurs in the elbow of dogs is osteochonritis dissecans (osteochondrosis) in which a flap of cartilage breaks loose within the joint causing pain when it is trapped between joint surfaces.
Osteochondrosis is one of a variety of developmental orthopedic diseases that occur in young, fast - growing dogs, typically large and giant breeds.
This common cause of fore - limb lameness occurs in many large breeds and is caused by several possible defects, including osteochondrosis and an incongruous growth rate between the radius and ulnar of the fore - arm.
OCD — Osteochondrosis Dissecans is a painful cartilage defect that occurs in large breed puppies and commonly involves the shoulder joint, but can also effect the elbows, knees or ankles (hocks).
Elbow Dysplasia — This common cause of fore - limb lameness occurs in many large breeds and is caused by several possible defects, including osteochondrosis and an incongruous growth rate between the radius and ulnar of the fore - arm.
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