Sentences with phrase «other biases exist»

Other biases exist as well, including presumed associations and misconceptions of chance.

Not exact matches

Still, bogus content on Facebook is arguably a symptom of a bigger problem — the «filter bubbles» created by blogs, social media, and other distribution platforms that help people consume only information that appeals to their existing biases and opinions.
In the life of the Church, these two biases often exist in serious tension with each other.
[g] iven the uncritical identification of a community with an entire past, communalism finds it easier to appropriate tradition because it inserts its message into existing, unspoken biases or prejudices, stereotypical images of self and others, and unsubstantiated assumptions of society.
Some professors claim that profits can be earned in the markets while others claim that although biases exist — they are barely enough to make up for the vig.
New York State must repeal existing marijuana laws as many other states have done, otherwise New Yorkers will still be subjected to biased enforcement and needless loss of access to student loans, subsidized housing and other public benefits, and, for non-citizens, the risk of detention and deportation.»
Other scientists say Wu and Zhang's findings may be simply reinforcing existing biases.
While the new method doesn't provide a new tool for drawing congressional district maps, it does provide a rigorous test to detect that existing maps were created in a biased fashion, and researchers may find applications in the many other fields where Markov Chains are used.
«Although this study of clinicians from surgical and other related specialties did not demonstrate any association between implicit race or social class bias and clinical decision making, existing biases might influence the quality of care received by minority patients and those of lower socioeconomic status in real - life clinical encounters.
That way, any gender bias that might exist in one criteria might be balanced out by others.
On the other end of the spectrum — and just as effective — is Jackson, whose hilariously bias news commentaries remind us directly of the Verhoeven version, although no such role existed in that one.
Comparing these results with those obtained by a more reliable strategy will provide an indication of what biases may exist in other studies.
Fortunately, I believe there's plenty of stock selection techniques, or filters, you can employ — some of these are all about focusing on your existing (and / or unconscious) negative investing biases, while others are more about promoting positive biases.
Other ways that the standard or «consensus» calculations bias the climate sensitivity upward also exist and are also not negligible (or at least there is no scientific case that they are negligible), but for now it is sufficient to think about, and try to estimate, the magnitude of the increase in H2O and latent heat flow from surface to upper troposphere.
Or, it could be that others» biases exist, and I'm pointing them out, The fact that I'm biased can not support a conclusion that I am not validly pointing out bias in others.
It could be that my bias leads me to conclude bias in other where it doesn't exist.
Finally, unlike precipitation, for which long and reliable historical records exist in some parts of the world, records for other aspects of weather are too short to detect trends or contain observational biases that render trends meaningless.
Given that the radiation reaches the satellite sensors having travelled through a warming lower atmosphere and cooling stratosphere, that bias exists between the various sensors, issues with orbital decay, and a host of other obstacles, there's a lot of careful and painstaking analysis required, and much that can go wrong.
Our diversity initiatives are designed to: 1) foster mutual professional and personal respect; 2) create an environment in which individual contributions are valued and where biases based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other category do not exist; and 3) attract the best and brightest legal talent from all backgrounds.
Create an environment in which individual contributions are valued and biases based on race, gender, sexual orientation or any other category do not exist.
Like any other group of people, biases exist from those outside the group.
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