Sentences with phrase «other biblical stories»

Other biblical stories put to film include: The Ten Commandments, Ben - Hur, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Robe, and The Prince of Egypt.

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Prominent biblical characters like Abraham, Jacob (the wandering Aramean), Joseph, Ruth, David and many others all have epic migration stories.
And it's unlike any other book I've ever written, for in addition to the memoir, it includes original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay — all aimed at capturing the wonder and beauty of Scripture, while honoring the best in biblical scholarship and acknowledging the challenges of its most difficult passages.
Suzanne Collins» trilogy was the first foray into fiction I enjoyed after a year of research and writing for «A Year of Biblical Womanhood», so I surrendered myself totally to the unfolding stories and, like so many others, lost a lot of sleep as I worked my way through The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Mockingjay.
We know that there is also wisdom to be found, much of it similar to Biblical wisdom, in the sacred texts and stories of other faiths and traditions and we are glad to have those, also, to help us discern the direction of our lives and paths.
I suggest that the whole biblical narrative, including Jesus, as well as all subsequent theology, is one vast story illustrating the simple fact that, in the end, we are all one, connected to each other and to our common Ground of Being.
In considering the Easter story, for instance, Cox describes the biblical accounts of Jesus» bodily resurrection as the confused ramblings of disciples who knew no other way to express their feeling that their rabbi remained somehow present in their lives.
Other stories there were, to be sure, but these were absorbed into and brought into the service of the dominant biblical story (witness Aquinas» «sanctification» of Aristotle).
Look up above and see the other CNN stories... one in three Americans think extreme weather a sign of biblical end times!!
There is a fascinating story here to be told - but one which would take us too far afield from this discussion - about the intricate interplay between the crises of biblical authority and Christian belief on the one hand and the rise of the novel and the growth of art history and literary criticism on the other.
This rejection of God's future, the refusal in other words to let God be God, a refusal to which the biblical stories are a constant reminder, is the fundamental meaning of sin.
Perhaps, though, the biblical character of Jesus, rather than being entirely mythical, was based on one of many Jewish messiah claimants who had followers who euhemerized his life to a greater extent than those of other such claimants, so that in time the stories were so embellished that he became a god in them, but the Tesimonium Flavianum is hardly proof of his existence.
Since we have heard the biblical stories of Jesus and the apostles raising the dead, we can imagine others doing so.
The yearning for completion, for acceptance, for oneness with some «other» expressed in biblical images, Bible stories, in relational theology, and in hymns can reveal the inner connection between the experience of physical longing for union and the search for intimacy with God.
The imagination has no difficulty dealing with the incredible images of the biblical stories, the physical miracles, the healing miracles, the Resurrection, and other powerful episodes.
We can learn skills that will enable us to memorize and recite biblical stories in corporate worship and other gatherings, or at least read them aloud as stories, letters, poems, and other expressions of oral art.
But when the historian correlates all the data, the biblical stories carry no more weight than other materials.
Others may believe that the biblical stories portraying God as an interventive being are at least in some general sense accurate and for this reason reject the process contention that God is not capable of such activity.
There were other issues too: The way the accounts of Israel's monarchy contradicted one another, the way Jesus and Paul quoted Hebrew Scripture in ways that seemed to stretch the original meaning, the fact that women were considered property in Levitical Law, the way both science and archeology challenged the historicity of so many biblical texts, and the fact that it was nearly impossible for me to write a creative retelling of Resurrection Day because each of the gospel writers tell the story so differently, sometimes with contradictory details.
If it proved to be alike in some respects to the Biblical story it proved very different in other respects.
Therefore the other biblical and theological directives that limit violence to just war and self - defense are not contradicted by these biblical stories.
In other words, these biblical stories, which are not self - conscious literary creations but genuine emergents from the experience of a religious community — these stories are attempts to express an understanding of the relation in which God actually stands to human life, and they are true in any really important sense only if that understanding is correct.
And again, through the work of other scholars like Bultmann and Buri, with their frank recognition of the mythological element in the biblical story, we have come to see that the affirmations of Scripture have their abiding significance, not in spite of, but precisely because of their being stated in language which can only be described as highly metaphorical.
In other words he would be in favor of a single payer system based on the Jesus Biblical stories.
Yet the biblical story repeatedly tells of the nation's turn away from God's rule to other gods or to the misguided political judgments of the kings and rulers who did not heed God's true prophets.
If Chalcedon had preceded Nicaea, or if the Church Fathers had turned to the biblical story of Jesus instead of Nicaea and Ephesus for their moorings, they might have been faced with and had to deal with the mystery, ambiguity, indirection, in other words, the parabolic quality of an actual human life and its growth.
We do not, like Bunyan's Pilgrim, see ourselves as reflecting, imitating, taking upon ourselves the biblical or other traditional symbols and stories and making them our own through transference.
But there are also duplicate stories of the flood; of the selection of Saul as king, of the choice of David as his successor, and many other Biblical events.
For the Christian congregation, biblical narrative is different from other mytluc stories.
With Russell Crowe's «Noah» turning the Biblical figure into a certified Hollywood hero, we name 5 other stories that could make for epic movie adaptations.
Others see the biblical creation story as perfectly consistent with the general outlines of scientific theories of evolution.
I have included a number of biblical stories I used when teaching this lesson, however any others can be used too.
A problem could arise with biblical literalists, but one could address that by suggesting that some fictional stories have great value in teaching some lesson or illuminating some aspect of the «human (or other sentient being) condition», and also address actual historical events in the translation of the bible — or one could be more abbrassive and ask «do you believe deaf people can't be saved» (see one of Paul's letters, and the history of the Catholic Church)-- oh, you don't — so when you said you were a literalist, you were speaking figuratively?»
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