Sentences with phrase «other characteristic patterns»

Other characteristic patterns of variants included genes involved in immune system activity and the fat content of breast milk.

Not exact matches

Other patterns emerging in the same field have the characteristics associated with waves.
So far I have argued three points: that persons engage in behavior patterns which can be characterized as purposive, i. e., as exhibiting a structure of aims, values, and methods of attainment; that individuals and institutions are interrelated, with each side influencing and being influenced by the purposes and activities of the other, although with neither being in any way reducible to or explicable solely in terms of the other; and that the institutional pole in this interaction shares with the individual as its opposite those characteristics that define its behavioral patterns as purposive.
The emphasis on wholeness, the interconnectedness of everything with everything else which is so characteristic of Whiteheadian metaphysics, nourished Suchocki in her own feminist aspirations toward integrity, i.e., a self - image which would be peculiarly her own and yet would be in line with the legitimate expectations of others ~ she commented, «we women are weavers, weaving the intelligible pattern of our lives out of the fabric of intensely personal experiences of sharing life with others.
Co., 1978); Thomas C. Campbell and Yoshio Fukuyama, The Fragmented Layman: An Empirical Study of Lay Attitudes (Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press, 1970); James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as an Independent Variable,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 11 (1972): 65 - 75; James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as a Dependent Variable,» Sociological Analysis 33 (1972): 81 - 94; James D. Davidson, «Patterns of Belief at the Denominational and Congregational Levels,» Review of Religious Research 13 (1972): 197 - 205; David R. Gibbs, Samuel A. Miller, and James R. Wood, «Doctrinal Orthodoxy, Salience and the Consequential Dimension,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 12 (1973): 33 - 52; William McKinney, and others, Census Data for Community Mission (New York: Board for Homeland Ministries, United Church of Christ, 1983), part of a denomination - wide study of census data relevant to each congregation in the United Church of Christ; David O. Moberg, `' Theological Position and Institutional Characteristics of Protestant Congregations: An Explanatory Study,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 9 (1970): 53 - 58; Wade Clark Roof, Community and Commitment; Thomas Sweetser, The Catholic Parish: Shifting Membership in a Changing Church (Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1974).
In other instances, the account of characteristic decisions of the past may display traits or patterns that the congregation now sees it must modify or reject.
This is because the subjective aim of such an occasion is so nearly limited to repeating the physical patterns which we can detect; in other words, if we pay attention only to the physical characteristics of these enduring objects, we are not missing anything very significant.
What are the characteristic patterns of Christian television organizations» counseling activities, and how do these relate to other counseling opportunities available to viewers?
Early signs of BD can fall into a relatively characteristic «homotypic» pattern, consisting mainly of symptoms or other features associated with mood disorders; or a «heterotypic» pattern of other symptoms including anxiety and disruptive behavior.
Now researchers reporting in the American Journal of Human Genetics on October 5th have found that our Neanderthal inheritance has contributed to other characteristics, too, including skin tone, hair color, sleep patterns, mood, and even a person's smoking status.
The individual had the characteristic pattern of MCS: minimum motor control, mainly voluntary eye movements, and, infrequently, single words or other vocalizations; he could not even eat by mouth.
It was based on patterns in answers given by other students and characteristics of the colleges.
Our results build on prior research indicating that state same - sex marriage bans were associated with increased rates of psychiatric disorders19 and that health expenditures decreased following implementation of a same - sex marriage policy in Massachusetts.22 Our study contributes evidence on the association between same - sex marriage and mental health based on a robust analysis that controls for differences in state characteristics and for other state - level events that may affect suicide attempts, which are unlikely to systematically vary with the same geographic and temporal pattern as same - sex marriage implementation.
That first quasar and others identified later puzzled astronomers because, when their light was analyzed to find the characteristic «signature» of emission at specific wavelengths shown by particular atoms, the pattern was at first indecipherable.
By detailing certain features of cells and tissues, such as methylation patterns, protein levels and other characteristics, Dr. Volpi said that the new studies will «help paint a clearer picture of how genomic variation leads to particular diseases.»
Your curly hair has various characteristics which make it different than other patterns.
This shows the importance of a feeder pattern through high school over demographics and other neighborhood characteristics in many families» enrollment patterns.
The findings in this study are based on an analysis of demographic, economic, and other characteristics of 109 neighborhoods around each DCPS in - boundary school and their relation to patterns of enrollment at in - boundary schools, out - of - boundary schools, and public charter schools.
People have suggested these patterns might be due to: neighborhood / local area / region of family background; other family background characteristics; high school test scores or high school quality; quality of college attended; choices of majors and occupations; choice of neighborhood or area to live in after college.
In an attempt to quantify the problem in Germany, researchers at the German Insurers Accident Research (UDV) arm of the German Insurance Association analyzed insurance claims data to determine the prevalence of small overlap front crashes in relation to other crash configurations and identify the characteristics of these crashes and the patterns of injuries that occur in them.
The legend thus combines features characteristic of traditional folk - literature with others derived ultimately from the Bible and the panegyric oratory of the later Roman Empire, as mediated by the pattern works of Christian hagiography, Athanasius» Life of Antony (before 373) and Sulpicius Severus» Life of Martin.
Most of our investments have characteristics that have been associated empirically with above - average investment rates of return over long measurement periods: a low stock price in relation to book value, a low price - to - earnings ratio, a low price - to - cash - flow ratio, an above - average dividend yield, a low price - to - sales ratio compared to other companies in the same industry, a significant pattern of purchases by insiders, a significant decline in share price.
If color is not that important or is outweighed by the dog's other characteristics, a dog with a disqualifying color should not be purchased with the idea of eventually producing more dogs of disqualifying colors or patterns.
Therefore, any dog bred by EQ Bostons that is sold on full registration must only be bred according to this standard and may NOT be bred to dogs with disqualifying characteristics, including but not limited to: splash markings, any other color besides black, brindle and seal, any color not accepted by BTCA even if covered by a brindle pattern, a dog not possessing the required markings, over marked dogs, dogs with blue or any trace of blue in its eyes, any dog with serious conformational faults.
And yet here she ventured in a new direction, abandoning other familiar characteristics: the depth and resistance of materials like concrete; the precision and almost gestalt - like quality of her drawings; gradations of black and gray in patterns, repeated in series, faint to the point of evanescence; industrial architecture as a model.
Shishkin executes her complex compositions by using her characteristic economy of line, coupled with her use of bright blocks of colour and elaborate patterning: her bold palette and use of polka dots, colourful grids and other organic patterns blur the boundaries between individual bodies, the air, and the surrounding objects in her drawings.
So these patterns of coverage / what might get picked up are shaped by internal (story characteristics) as well as external (other things happening) factors.
However, inferring dispersal capability from life history characteristics should be undertaken with caution, given that life history only partially explains the observed patterns of gene flow for other marine species [60], [61].
A region's climate describes the characteristic pattern of weather conditions within a region, including temperature, wind velocity, precipitation, and other features, averaged over a long period of time.
The simulations performed with and without the direct sulphate effect (GS and G, respectively) with the same model are more similar to each other than to the other models, indicating that the individual response characteristics of the various models are dominating the response pattern rather than differences in the forcing.
Several other cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and IOTA are exhibiting similar reversal pattern characteristics.
This pattern of symptom features for the inverted hierarchy, feigning of selective parental incompetence by the supposedly «favored» parent and the allied parent's tacit approval and support for the child's conflict with the other parent, is the characteristic symptom set associated with the child's «triangulation» into the spousal conflict through the formation of a «cross-generational» coalition with one parent against the other parent.
Bill Eddy, who is an attorney, licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and a well - respected author on this subject, identifies High Conflict Personalities as having a «pattern of negative behavior with four primary characteristics: all - or - none thinking; unmanaged emotions; extreme behavior or threats; and a preoccupation with blaming others
Several chart reviews and other retrospective analyses have been used to understand treatment patterns and effects.5, 20,21,28, — , 30 Interpretation of findings is most appropriately confined to noting that some children who receive intervention have displayed improvements during intervention in cognitive, adaptive, and autism - specific impairments, that characteristics of starting treatment and baseline abilities are correlated with improvement in some instances, and heterogeneity in terms of improvement is quite common.
Formal classification with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM - IV) defines the essential characteristics as «a persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age - appropriate social norms are violated.»
This test, or many other personality inventories, can be used to identify your personality characteristics and patterns of how you may interact with others.
An important limitation of this approach is that differences between boys and girls in parenting practices do not necessarily reflect a gender difference, but can also be caused by other underlying differences in family characteristics, such as family - interaction patterns.
This confirms the idea that when affordability is attained across the population through universal health insurance, multiple factors such as parenting, parent's mental health, neighborhood characteristics, parent's background in terms of disadvantage, and other established risk factors continue to play a role in determining patterns of health care for children.
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