Sentences with phrase «other cloned animals»

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I'll even offer observations - humans have manipulated existing organisms dna, created new virus and bacteria, clone animals, and attempt to create new animals - yet simple minded folks still reject the idea that another more intelligent creature might have done the same thing and created life on earth in the same fashion while at the same time acknowledging that there is a strong likelihood of other life existing in this universe - talk about being dumbed down and arrogant.
The increasing use of in - vitro - fertilisation techniques, and the emergence of new possibilities involving human cloning, mixing of human and animal genetic elements, and the use of embryonic stem cells for research, among other things, brought the need for further teaching.
The birth of a cloned human being or the attempt to gestate a genetically engineered baby, the development of an artificial womb (currently in animal testing), or some other such sudden breakthrough — any of these could awaken the sleeping giant and spark an intense policy brouhaha.
Ko is working to adapt a procedure used so far in pigs, cows and other animals to target genes in cloned dogs.
According to the government, Pharming must desist from cloning cows until the company proves that drugs from such animals are better than those made by other methods.
Some cloned mammals, including Dolly, have shorter telomeres than other animals of the same age.
Other researchers have previously cloned animals, including mammals, by transferring nuclei from embryonic cells into such enucleated eggs.
At present, the main argument against human cloning is that occasional difficulties observed in cloning other animals suggest that human clones would sometimes be born with medical abnormalities.
«Our vision is to apply the same approach but rapidly screen non-synthetic, biological or «natural» molecules cloned from human or other genomes, including those of plants, animals and microbes,» he said.
For some, de-extinction means the literal resurrection of long - lost species through whole - genome cloning, while for others it's about conferring the traits of extinct animals on closely related living species to create approximations.
Totipotent cells are the most versatile of all stem cells; a single one can develop into an embryo with a placenta, and hence give rise to a fully formed animal — in other words, a clone.
Animal scientists have had trouble cloning pigs; techniques used in other livestock didn't work as well.
It considers meat and other products form clones to be as safe as that from other farm animals.
Tweaking steps in the cloning protocol could lead to success in other hard - to - clone animals, such as rats and monkeys.
This and other matters must be sorted out and substantial further animal research will need to be completed before cloning can be applied safely to humans.
Particularly valuable animals could be cloned from adult cells without the uncertainties of crossing them with other animals or tinkering with embryos.
Other animal clones followed.
Since then, several other animals have been cloned, though many problems still remain.
With the living evidence of Dolly, and other animals cloned from adult cells, the idea that an adult somatic cell could become a reprogrammed embryonic - like cell regained a spotlight in the scientific community.
The basic process, called nuclear transfer, for making a cloned human embryo is the same as for other animals.
Since then, several other animals have been successfully cloned, though many problems still remain and there are low success rates (Wilmut et al., 1997; Wakayama et al., 1998; Solter, 1998; McKinnell and Di Bernardino, 1999; Gurdon and Byrne, 2003).
«It is perfectly conceivable that someone, at some point, will clone a human being, since the technology to do this in other animals is becoming more commonplace.
Russian scientists of Sakha Republic will attempt to clone woolly mammoths and other extinct animals, using remains that are extracted from the permanently frozen layers of the ground in Subarctic Siberia.
To a small extent the shape of a white marking may be influenced by chance or environment (cloned animals of other species that have white markings will vary slightly even though they are essentially identical twins).
Speaking of future gaming I'm fed up of games having character «instances» in them, every enemy person animal, scenery etc clones of each other.
While most Pokemon are like animals, and the other legendary Pokemon are akin to mythological creatures, Mewtwo was engineered by humans in a laboratory, by means of cloning the «first» Pokemon, the legendary Mew.
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